Calendar for Unit 3 4

Unit 3 & 4 Physics
Mon Oct 6
 Start Unit 3
 HW Read
Chapter 4
Tue Oct 7
 Start Unit 3
 HW Read
Chapter 4
Mon Oct 13
Tue Oct 14
 Acceleration
 Quiz- Speed
 Speed Lab
 HW Science Fair
write-up in
 Quiz – Speed
 Science Fair
report due
 Finish
 Brainpop
Mon Oct 20
Tue Oct 21
 Speed Lab
 Mouse Trap car
 Video on
 Materials and
handouts for
mouse trap
Mon Oct 27
 Speed Lab
 Introduce
Newton’s First
 HW Read
Chapter 5.1
 Newton’s Third
 Brain Pop
 HW Read
Textbook 5.3
 Newton’s Third
 Read 5.3
 Brainpop
Tue Oct 28
Mon Nov 3
 Review
 Science Fair
Paper work due
Tue Nov 4
Wed Oct 8
 Force & Motion
 Speed Graphs
 Start Science
 Speed
Wed Oct 15
Wed Oct 22
 Introduce
Newton’s First
 HW Read
Chapter 5.1
Wed Oct 29
 Review
Newton’s Third
 Problems
 Brainpop
Wed Nov 5
 Review
 TEST on Unit
 Science Fair
Paper work due
Thur Oct 9
Fri Oct 10
 Force & Motion  Acceleration
 Speed Graphs  Speed Lab
 Start Science
 HW Science Fair
write-up in
 Speed
Thur Oct 16
 Science Fair
report due
 Finish
 Brainpop
Thur Oct 23
 Newton’s
Second Law
 HW Read
Chapter 5.2
Thur Oct 30
Fri Oct 17
 Video on
 Materials and
handouts for
mouse trap
 Mouse trap car
Fri Oct 24
 Newton’s
Second Law
 Brain Pop
 HW Textbook
Read 5.2
Fri Oct 31
 Mouse Trap Car  Mouse Trap Car
 Cars perform
 Cars perform
Thur Nov 6
 TEST on Unit 3
Fri Nov 7
Unit 3: Force and Motion Basics
Students will investigate and demonstrate how forces and motion are interrelated.
SCI.8.1A Demonstrate safe practices during laboratory and field investigations as outlined in the Texas Safety
SCI.8.2A Plan and implement comparative and descriptive investigations by making observations, asking welldefined questions, and using appropriate equipment and
SCI.8.2B Design and implement experimental investigations by making observations, asking well-defined
questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and using appropriate equipment and technology.
SCI.8.2C Collect and record data using the International System of Units (SI) and qualitative means such as
labeled drawings, writing, and graphic organizers.
SCI.8.2D Construct tables, using repeated trials and means, to organize data and identify patterns.
SCI.8.2E Analyze data to formulate reasonable explanations, communicate valid conclusions supported by the
data, and predict trends.
SCI.8.3A In all fields of science, analyze, evaluate, and critique scientific explanations by using empirical
evidence, logical reasoning and experimental and observational testing, including examining all sides of
the scientific evidence of those scientific explanations so as to encourage critical thinking by the
SCI.8.3C Identify advantages and limitations of models such as size, scale, properties, and materials.
SCI.8.3D Relate the impact of research on scientific thought and society, including the history of science and
contributions of scientists as related to the content.
SCI.8.4A Use appropriate tools to collect, record, and analyze information as needed to teach the curriculum.
SCI.8.6A Demonstrate and calculate how unbalanced forces change the speed ordirection of an object’s
SCI.8.6B Differentiate between speed, velocity and acceleration.
Unit 4: Laws of Forceand Motion
Students will investigate Newton’s Laws of Motion in everyday life situations.
SCI.8.1A Demonstrate safe practices during laboratory and field investigations as outlined in the Texas Safety
SCI.8.2A Plan and implement comparative and descriptive investigations by making observations, asking welldefined questions, and using appropriate equipment and technology.
SCI.8.2B Design and implement experimental investigations by making observations, asking well-defined
questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and using appropriate equipment and technology.
SCI.8.2C Collect and record data using the International System of Units (SI) and qualitative means such as
labeled drawings, writing, and graphic organizers.
SCI.8.2D Construct tables, using repeated trials and means, to organize data and identify patterns.
SCI.8.2E Analyze data to formulate reasonable explanations, communicate valid conclusions supported by the
data, and predict trends.
SCI.8.3A In all fields of science, analyze, evaluate, and critique scientific explanations by using empirical
evidence, logical reasoning and experimental and observational testing, including examining all sides of
the scientific evidence of those scientific explanations so as to encourage critical thinking by the
SCI.8.3B Use models to represent aspects of the natural world such as human body systems, and plant and
animal cells.
SCI.8.3C Identify advantages and limitations of models such as size, scale, properties, and materials.
SCI.8.3D Relate the impact of research on scientific thought and society, including the history of science and
contributions of scientists as related to the content.
SCI.8.4A Use appropriate tools to collect, record, and analyze information as needed to teach the curriculum.
SCI.8.4B Use preventative safety equipment.
SCI.8.6A Demonstrate and calculate how unbalanced forces change the speed or direction of an object’s
SCI.8.6B Differentiate between speed, velocity and acceleration.
SCI.8.6C Investigate and describe applications of Newton’s law of inertia, law of force and acceleration and law
of action-reaction, such as in vehicle restraints, sportsactivities, amusement park rides, Earth’s tectonic
activities, and rocket launches.