Mata kuliah Tahun : O0324 - CRISIS COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS : 2010 PERANAN PUBLIC RELATIONS DALAM KRISIS KOMUNIKASI Pertemuan 3 – 4 By: Dr. Drs. Dominikus Tulasi, MM. CRISIS COMMUNICATION Definition of Crisis: A crisis is significant threat to operations that can have negative consequences if not handled Properly. Crises tend to create three main related threats to 1. Public safety, 2. Financial viability 3. Reputation The severity of a crisis is determined not just by nature and extent of the adverse event/s, but by the extent to which Stakeholders react to the crisis. Bina Nusantara University 3 CRISIS COMMUNICATION-2 • There are two main types of crisis: (1) Organizational Crises, (2) Community Crises • Crises management is a process design to prevent or lessen the damage a crisis can inflict on the organization and its Stakeholders. • Crisis management is about assuring Shareholders that management is in control of the situation and the future of the organization is secure. • Effective crisis management handles the threats sequentially Bina Nusantara University 4 CRISIS COMMUNICATION-3 • The main characteristic of crisis: • • • • • • • • Surprise Insufficient information at the outset Escalating flow of events—intense pressure Loss of control Heightened external scrutiny Siege mentality Panic Short term focus Bina Nusantara University 5 CRISIS COMMUNICATION-4 • Famous international crises: • • • • • • • • • Pakistan earthquake on 8 October 2005, killing 87,000 pl. Hurricane Katrina which struck the south eastern US in August 2005, killing 4,000 people, destroying 160,000 Homes and causing 900,000 people to lose their jobs. Tsunami in Indonesia on Boxing Day, 26 December 2004, Which left 216,000 people dead or missing and one Million homeless in 12 countries. Bali Bombings on 12 October 2002, killing 202 people Terrorists attacks on the WTC, on 11 September 2001, Killing 2,759 including the 10 hijackers Bina Nusantara University 6 CAUSES OF CRISIS • CRISES CAN BE CLASSIFIED INTO SEVEN BROAD TYPES: 1. Economic, eg a major decline in share price 2. Informational, eg loss of proprietary or confidential information. 3. Physical, eg breakdown or damage to vital equipment or resources. 4. Human resources, eg loss of key executives, management decisions/ indecisions, worker sabotage. 5. Reputational, eg employee fraud, management ethics. 6. Psychopathic acts, eg product tampering, terrorism. 7. Natural disasters, eg fire, cyclones. Bina Nusantara University 7 COMMUNITY RISKS ARE INCREASING • The factors that tend to increase the likelihood of a community crisis are increasing over time especially in the public health area: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Increasing population density. Increased settlement in high-risk areas. Increased technological risks Ageing population—older people are more vulnerable Emerging infectious diseases and increased antimicrobial resistance 6) Increase international travel 7) Increased terrorism Bina Nusantara University 8 CRISIS MANAGEMENT • THE STEPS OF CRISIS MANAGEMENT : 1) Deal with the problem causing the crisis. 2) Assist the victims and those directly affected (often they are employees) 3) Communicate with and gain the support of employees (often they are victims) 4) Inform other key stakeholders such as families, relatives, neighbors, friends, relevant Government Minister and local politicians, government regulators, customers, suppliers. 5) Use the news media and other channels of external communication to reach indirect stakeholders, opinion leaders and the wider community. Bina Nusantara University 9 CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLANS The Crisis Plan Should Address the Three main parts of any crisis: 1. Before (pre-crisis planning, generating understanding and preparedness, and allocating roles and responsibilities); 2. During (initial response and maintenance); 3. After (resolution/recovery/evaluation). Bina Nusantara University 10 HOW AUDIENCES PERCEIVE MESSAGES IN A CRISIS: • Audiences to a crisis will immediately form a perception about the content of the organization’s messages in these ways: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Speed of Communication Factual content of the message Trust and credibility Empathy and caring Competence and expertise Honesty and openness Commitment and dedication Bina Nusantara University 11 PREPARE MESSAGES IN ADVANCE: • Should just stating the know facts and incorporate these key messages: 1. The organization is sorry the event happened, 2. existing emergency/safety/environmental procedures are satisfactory 3. Not all the relevant details are to hand at this time. 4. The organization makes no comment on the question 5. Of legal responsibility for the incident 6. Supplement all actions with third-party support where possible. Bina Nusantara University 12 SHAPING STAKEHOLDER COMMUNICATION DURING A CRISI: • Essentially, success in crisis management depends on how quickly and accurately the organization is able To communicate with its stakeholders. • Stakeholders have something at risk, and therefore Something to gain or lose as a result of the organization activity. • By using their influence, stakeholders hold the key To the environment. Bina Nusantara University 13 WAYS TO COMMUNICATE WITH EMPLOYEES DURING A CRISIS: • Meetings, preferably face-to-face or by teleconference or videoconference. • Emails to employees at work or even at home if this Information is available • Letters to employees at home • Q&A documents • Telephone calls including toll-free telephone line, • Mobile and satellite phones, SMS messaging • Employee news letters or special bulletins, • Bulletin-boards, either electronic or actual • Online video presentations. • Intranet • Blogs Bina Nusantara University 14 DEVELOP PARTNERSHIP BEFOREHAND: • A partner can be defined as any organization with a role in aiding the response. Partner relationships should be developed ahead of any crises so there is a solid foundation for well-coordinated work through each crisis. • Typical partners may be the police, fire & ambulance emergency service units, state emergency services, utilities, and health and medical authorities. • In cases where the organization is geographically dispersed, the relationship should be developed at each location of operations, where the contact telephone number and email address documented! Bina Nusantara University 15 BE A WINNER ALWAYS!! THE WINNER WILL NOT GIVE UP! MOTIVATE YOURSELF! MINDMAP YOUR THINKING! BE A LEARNER AND YOU WILL SEE….! GOODLUCK! Bina Nusantara University 16