Document 15066121


Mata Kuliah : O0354 - Public Relations Writing

Tahun : 2010


Pertemuan 05 - 06

Role of PR – Editorial Concerns

• Advising and counseling

• Early warning system on emerging issues related to organizations

• Support for other management functions (publicity, promotion, and media relations)

• Gate keeping between organization and public

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Role of PR – Editorial Concerns

• Strategizing and planning

• Editing PR materials (news releases, newsletters, shareholder reports)

• Media relations

• Research

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News Angle


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Letter to the Editor

• Surat Pembaca

Surat Pembaca (letter to the editor) mirip siaran pers, terutama dalam hal teknis penulisan dan pengiriman. Yang membedakan adalah dalam hal isi dan tujuannya. Isi dan tujuan surat pembaca biasanya merupakan tanggapan, sanggahan, klarifikasi, atau penggunaan Hak Jawab dan

Hak Koreksi atas informasi yang dinilai salah dan merugikan. Surat pembaca berupa tanggapan, biasanya diawali dengan mengutip berita atau surat pembaca yang sebelumnya sudah dimuat, sehingga pembaca dapat mengetahui latar belakang masalah yang diklarifikasi.

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Media Alert

• A media alert will trumpet an upcoming event (press conference, grand opening, groundbreaking, significant speech, photo op, etc.). Naturally, you would never distribute a media alert at a press conference -- the media is already there with you!

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Media Alert

• You prepare a media alert to notify assignment editors of a press conference, or any other event that you believe will generate news for the media to cover. It is always one page, brief but compelling, and sufficiently informative to arouse interest, usually (but not necessarily) without giving away the story. It should make clear that there are visual opportunities for TV cameras and print photographers.

• New PR students often make the mistake of writing a press release that announces an upcoming press conference, instead of "reporting" on the press conference.

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Media Alert Format



Mayor Jimmy Cline, together with Dr. Arnold Bevins, Commissioner of Economic

Development and Bernard J. Haskins, Chief Architect and CEO of the architectural firm of Ogilvy, Wollman and Hubben

The mayor's economic development team will make a major announcement development of land formerly owned by the county at Two Day Road and I-69, just within the city limits.

The announcement will be made on site, on the north end of the parcel. Those using I-

69 exit 405 (approaching from north or south) will see the colorful green and white tent on the left (south) side of the ramp past the toll booth. Those approaching from town on Two Day Road will see the tent on their left. Parking will be clearly marked. Note: no electric power is available on site.

Monday, March 6, at 11:00 p.m. A luncheon buffet will be served from 11:00 to 11:30.

The press conference will begin at 11:30 promptly. The mayor and other participants will be available for live TV and radio interviews beginning at about noon.

Mayor Jimmy Cline was reelected on a platform of development. His "Blueprint for

Progress" included plans for expansion of light industry and retail commerce from the

Orizon River to the interstate. This press conference will be the first in a series of important announcements concerning progress in this effort.

Press office: Jennifer Burton, Press Secretary, or Hugh Stevens, Depty. Press



Press Release

• A press release is written in the style of news coverage, as the story you would like to see written after your media event has taken place. Its lead is, essentially, the sound bite you'd like to hear on the afternoon drive-time radio... and on the TV news tonight.

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Press Release

– If you could have your wish, the press release is the story that would be featured on the front page of tomorrow's newspaper, with a big fat photo. It is always written from the point of view that the announcement has already taken place, or that the news event is now ongoing.

• Mayor Cline today announced a new initiative …

• The Cline administration is taking legal action to …

– A press release is always wrong if it says something like, "Mayor

Jimmy Cline will appear at a press conference today where he will announce...”

– Remember, the press release is what you distribute at the press conference -- the reporters are already there in the room with you.

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Press Release Format

• Letterhead

• Heading (Topic)

• Sub-heading (highlight the most important message)

• Date & place where the press release is issued

• Text (1st & 2nd para to include the key messages)

• Boilerplate (brief introduction of the company)

• Additional information

• Contact for enquiries

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Press release

Press Release Format


(with company logo)




& Place



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Press Release Format

Text boilerplate


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Quotations are the exact words of an author, copied directly from a source, word for word. Quotations must be cited!

Use quotations when:

• You want to add the power of an author’s words to support your argument

• You want to disagree with an author’s argument

• You want to highlight particularly eloquent or powerful phrases or passages

• You are comparing and contrasting specific points of view

• You want to note the important research that precedes your own

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Paraphrasing means rephrasing the words of an author, putting his/her thoughts in your own words. When you paraphrase, you rework the source’s ideas, words, phrases, and sentence structures with your own. Like quotations, paraphrased material must be followed with intext documentation and cited on your Works-Cited page.

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Paraphrase when:

• You plan to use information on your note cards and wish to avoid plagiarizing

• You want to avoid overusing quotations

• You want to use your own voice to present information

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• Summarizing involves putting the main idea(s) of one or several writers into your own words, including only the main point(s). Summaries are significantly shorter than the original and take a broad overview of the source material. Again, it is necessary to attribute summarized ideas to their original sources.

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Summarize when:


• You want to establish background or offer an overview of a topic

• You want to describe knowledge (from several sources) about a topic

• You want to determine the main ideas of a single source

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