Document 15066099


Mata Kuliah : O0354 - Public Relations Writing

Tahun : 2010


Pertemuan 07 & 08

The Writing Process

Stage One: Credibility

• Aristotle and ethos

• The importance of values

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The Writing Process

Stage Two: Research

• What is my purpose in writing?

• Who is my targeted public?

• What are the values and interests of my targeted public in this situation?

• What message should I send?

• What information supports my message?

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The Writing Process

Stage Three: Organization

• Organization draws readers’ attention to the message and the supporting information.

• Writers should use an outline—whether formal or informal.

• News stories often use the inverted pyramid organization.

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Where are facts found?

• Strategic plans

• company accounts –sales orders/purchase orders

• organisation charts

• procedure manuals

• quality documentation

• job descriptions

• Schedules

• training manuals

• sales and marketing literature

• etc.

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Existing Systems Documentation

• Forms

• Files/Databases

• Records

• Company Stationery

• Reports

• Memos

• etc.

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External to the company

• Essentially background research

– but useful for not looking a complete …..

• Internet

• Journals

• User groups

• Consultants

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• Newsgroups

– Bias towards the negative

• Web pages

– Bias towards the positive

• Email

– Who?

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• Journals

• User Groups

• Consultants


Process Modelling?

• How data is recorded

– What process there are or required ?

• What it is used for

– and perhaps what it could be used for ?

• Who uses it

– and who wants to

– and why ?

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• Interviews

– Structured v Unstructured

– Requires Planning -

• Who

• What about

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• Flexible (unstructured or semi approach)

• Discovery of data

• Ideal for gaining ideas

• Face to face

• User involvement

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• Time consuming

• Bias

• Interpretation


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• Questionnaires

– Questions -

• open ended

• closed

• mix

– Design in the key

• Poor questionnaire, poor results

• No bias questions

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• Useful for large volumes

• Geographic split

• Directed

• User involvement

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• Difficult to design

• Return rate

• And if you’ve missed something

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• Used in all fact finding exercises

• Used in any type of fact finding Soil

• Water in a swimming pool

– A small sample is taken to represent the whole

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• Advantages

– More control owing to smaller numbers.

– Less time

• Disadvantages

– How is the sample chosen?

– Is it really representative?

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• Covert or Overt?

• Planned or unplanned?

• Must be properly documented

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• Advantages -

– Participation

– concentration

– not easy but can sometimes see the obvious

• Disadvantages-

– Detrimental effect

– disturbing normal working practices,

– time consuming

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Pitch Letter & Confirmation Letter

Pitch Letter

• A pitch letter is made to convince a producer (or editor) to interview your client on the air (or in print)

Confirmation Letter

• A confirmation letter is made to help "script" the interview to deliver your message

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Tricks of the Trade

Think of a pitch letter as your foot in the door -- and then think of the confirmation letter as your real pitch

1. write the confirmation letter

2. write the pitch letter

3. mail the pitch letter

4. telephone and make the pitch by phone

5. mail the confirmation letter (30 minutes later)

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