OSURA Board Meeting Minutes October 5, 2012

OSURA Board Meeting Minutes
October 5, 2012
Present: Roy Arnold, David Chilcote, Carroll DeKock, Carol Kronstad, Jim Krueger, (presiding), Cheryl
Lyons, Tom McClintock, Gerry Olson (recorder), Helen Polensek, Gordon Reistad, Mary Ann Roberts, Tom
Savage, Shelly Signs, Terri Tower, Tony Van Vliet
Absent: Sue Borden,
Approval of Minutes – Terri Tower moved that the September 7th meeting minutes be approved as
distributed. Tony Van Vliet seconded the motion and it carried.
Treasurer’s Report -- Carroll DeKock received no report for the OSU Foundation Account, From our State
Funds account, we have spent $1,769 about one half for the newsletter. The newsletter costs about $3.00 per
copy to mail to members. Using e-mail distribution only was discussed, but there is a concern about those
who do not have access to a computer. Shelly Signs noted that OSURA’s Newsletter is funded by our State
support, and it makes a positive impact, so we should think of it as a good thing and continue to publish. We
also need paper copies for sharing with our partner organizations.
Old Business
(1) Horstman event planning update --Terri Tower shared a draft of a poster for the event, and asked for
help to post it around campus and around town. It will also be posted on OSU Today and sent via e-mail to
our List Serve. Roberta Hall has asked if Judith Horstman could be a guest on her radio program on
Thursday, November 1st which airs across the state. This is good publicity. Listing in the Entertainer was
suggested, as well as the Barometer. There will be costs for these. The Board agreed that the committee can
proceed with publicity as needed. Committee members may host Horstman for dinner on Wed. evening. Let
Terri know if you want to be included in a meal with her, once those meals are set.
(2) Communication with OSU Foundation --Jim Krueger met with Kellie Parker, Senior Associate
Director for Annual Giving, and visited the call center at the Foundation. He informed her about OSURA’s
mission, and our reticence in seeking funds for a broader Foundation funds appeal. They agreed that a
general article featuring an OSURA donor in OSURA’s spring newsletter would be positive. The Foundation
is instigating an annual Faculty/Staff giving program, thus the interest in making contacts.
Committee Reports
Program --Helen Polensek noted that the Committee has met and set November 15th for an OSU tour of
wine, cheese, & beer areas plus the pilot plant. This will be led by Jeff Clawson, Brewmaster and Manager.
Beaver Classic cheese will be available by then, and cheese tasting could be included. Carol Kronstad is
arranging this event, and she reported that parking will be available in the Motor Pool lot. February 24th will
be the Theater Event, a Sunday Matinee for Chekov’s “Three Sisters.” The Gymnastics event will be Friday,
Feb 22nd. The Basketball Event will be either February 1st or March 1st. Kurt McCann is planning a tour in
Spring, and has a number of ideas. A visit to the new Animal Sciences Building may also be scheduled in
Winter or Spring. George Keller proposed a program of research being done at the Halle Ford Center or
hearing about genomics/bioinformatics research. It was suggested that OSURA members play golf with
Japanese golfers staying at INTO, including a “conversant component.” (Referred to the Golf Committee)
Golf -- Carol Kronstad reported that 38 golfers and 30 diners attended the Fall Golf event. Food was
excellent, and cost the same as last year. Because food prices were unknown by the committee, rates were
raised, and the event made money. Suggestions from the evaluations were to get information out earlier in
order to form golfing teams, and perhaps to name the tournament in memory of Glenn Klein. Board
members thought it was appropriate to give an award in his name, perhaps the Glenn Klein Winning Team
award. Thank you notes to sponsoring vendors will be forthcoming from Golf Committee.
Membership Dave Chilcote reported that the Alumni Board will be contacted by Susan Poole for potential
cooperative activities. Jim thanked Tony Van Vliet, Terri Tower and Tom McClintock who worked with him
at the OSURA booth at the Staff Benefits Fair in the MU on October 4th. Dave Chilcote took OSURA
Brochures to a departmental retiree group meeting, and suggested others do the same. Carol Kronstad
suggested we try to contact non-members who have been retired 3-4 years. In the past, Kathy Heath sent a
letter to those who had not renewed, and this letter may be updated and tried again, also including dates of
upcoming events. Two hundred fifty members have renewed to date.
Jim Krueger asked that we think about using our money to sponsor a University reception event for
members, perhaps an evening reception with the president. Typical costs have been estimated at $20-$30 per
attendee, but perhaps something less formal could be planned. This type of event has been sponsored by the
University in the past, but has become cost prohibitive.
Communications/Newsletter No report
Member Services -- Gordon Reistad noted that the committee will meet on October 11th. They have been
talking to Malinda Manore about a nutrition-related program, probably on March 5th or 7th. Betty Miner is
working with the committee in preparation for the Horstman event. Terri Tower reiterated her interest in a
program on the 40-40-20 Oregon state educational goal and asked how OSURA could help to facilitate this
program. Rudy Crew was identified as the appropriate speaker, and perhaps a panel could be added for a
spring program.
Volunteer --Terri Tower reported for Sue Borden. Volunteers are still needed for the Flu Clinic, and
volunteers can get a free shot after their volunteer time. Career Fair volunteer slots are also still open.
Staff report --Shelly Signs shared a packet mailed to OSURA relating to PERS. It included a letter from a
concerned PERS recipient. This will be dealt with by Jim Krueger, and perhaps forwarded to OPRI. Shelly
reported that Kelly DiCristina has been an excellent new member of University Events. Board members
enjoyed a visit from Kate and baby girl, Liana Vail Sanders. Kate will be back on Nov. 19th.
University Day – Dave Chilcote reported that they ran out of handouts at the Booth set up for University
Day. It was recommended that those needing items to hand out should check the boxes at University Events.
New Business
(1) Approval of By-Law revision. Formal notice of intent-to-amend By-Laws was emailed to board
members on September 28.Jim Krueger moved that Article V, Section 1. Standing Committees be amended
to include: I. The History Committee gathers and maintains records of OSURA activities for the purpose of
preserving OSURA history. Tony Van Vliet seconded the motion and it carried. Jim will create a small
group to review the By-Laws for other changes.
(2) Dues allocation for scholarships – Carroll DeKock and Tom Savage discussed the household
membership, now at $30, to consider how to allocate dues funds to scholarships. They recommended making
no change in the current process. This would allow $10 to go for scholarships from member dues, regardless
of membership category. They noted that we have never used this income as the basis for how much to
allocate to scholarships. By February or March OSURA needs to determine how much will be allocated to
scholarships this year, and how much, if any, is to be added to the endowment. Terri Tower pointed out that
we could be more exacting by transferring the dues amount directly to our Foundation Expenditure Account.
OSURA needs to find out if Foundation Accountants will allow this and if there a fee.
(3) Selecting invited guest for Nov. 2nd Board meeting – Jim Krueger reviewed a list of past guests to the
OSURA Board Meeting and noted that Scott Greenwood, Alumni Director and potential invitee, has resigned
from OSU. Suggestions for upcoming meetings included: the new head of Human Resources; Karen Hooker,
Director of the Center for Healthy Aging; Beth Ray, OSU’s First Lady; and Jock Mills, Government
Relations Director. Steve Clark, VP on University Relations and Marketing, was suggested for the January
meeting. Jim will work from this list to schedule future speakers for the OSURA Board. One additional
suggestion was to have a representative from an insurance company that is supporting action toward
wellness, such as allowing coverage of exercise program costs. ODS and Kaiser were suggested companies
(4) Interest group start-up -- Jim Krueger has not heard back from anyone about starting an interest group,
nor has University Events. The best thing may be for the Board to get a topic identified, and find several
members to take leadership. A travel exchange might be started, noting resources and people to contact with
specific travel information. Roy Arnold and Cheryl Lyons agreed to explore ways to get this going.
Terri Tower moved we adjourn, Cheryl Lyons second the motion. It carried @ 11:45 AM.
Board meetings: Fridays, 10:00 A.M. 11/2, 12/7, 1/4, 2/1, 3/1, 4/5, 5/3, 5/8 (Annual)