June 2015 Minutes

OSURA Board Meeting
June 5, 2015
OSU Foundation Board Room
Present: Dave Chilcote, Dick Clinton, Jack Walstad, Bill Becker, Tom Plant, Gordon
Reistad (presiding), Gerry Olson, Tom Savage, Sue Borden, Betty Miner, Cheryl Lyons,
Shari Brumbach, Barbara Moon (recorder)
President Gordon Reistad called the meeting to order at 10:05 am.
Gordon welcomed the new board members and asked each person on the board to provide
a self-introduction.
The minutes of May 1, 2015 were approved as corrected. The minutes of the May 6
annual meeting were approved as distributed.
Cheryl Lyons gave the treasurer’s report. She said that losses in the endowment fund are
simply due to the way the total endowment funds are managed and our losses are in
proportion to the total losses or gains of the whole fund. Our state account is $5457.90.
The last newsletter was not charged out correctly which made us go over in our state
account. The General Fund is at $17,206.91. The Endowment fund is at $28,964.99 which
is about $1000 less than at this time last year. The Scholarship fund is $7500.
Gordon requested Cheryl do a simplified report similar to the one she shared at the annual
meeting if she is able to do so on a regular basis.
Committee Reports:
Fall Kick Off update: The Fall event will be October 14 at Corvallis Country Club for
dinner and a program. Gerry and Gordon met with Steve Zielke and he has agreed to do
the program, involving some students to perform and interact with us at dinner. 5:30
mixer, dinner at 6:00. Maximum charge recommended no more than $25 per person.
Barbara Moon will contact the Country Club and Gerry Olson will take the lead on the
program. The planning committee needs to meet again to work out the details and Gerry
will convene the group in July.
Communications committee: Cheryl Lyons reported the committee met and discussed
how to handle the newsletter, which will be done as a committee this year, with Terri
Tower assisting on the first one.
The goal is to do the majority of work on the newsletter in August with the goal of getting
it out by mid-September. Michael Beachley will help with editing.
Sue Borden reported that she and Terri Tower met to discuss the “freebies”. They chose 3
items: a pen with a stylus (65 cents each x 300); post-it notes (67cents x 250) and
luggage tag (85 cents each x 250) for a total of $585 plus shipping. Sue Borden moved
and Gerry Olson seconded that these items be purchased. Motion passed.
Gordon reported the member services committee met, and they have several ideas for
next year. Some committee members are leaving, so new people are needed to fill in.
Phyllis Lee continues as chair of the committee.
Shari Brumbach gave the staff report, indicating that we have 180 total members, with
$2500 contributed for scholarships. She distributed the brochures and flyers, and
indicated that more will need to be printed as supplies are nearly depleted. It was
suggested that the flyer and just a membership form may be all that is needed, without the
need for the full brochure which would save expense. She will update the flyer before
new ones are printed and the committee (Sue Borden and Dave Chilcote) should meet
soon to decide on changes to make.
A targeted mailing reminder needs to be sent out in July or August to those who have not
renewed from last year or this year.
A group photo was taken of board members present.
Review of annual meeting: 62 were in attendance and board members indicated it went
well. Too much food was leftover and we should probably adjust the menu to just cookies,
bars, fruit and beverages for next year.
Gordon distributed a copy of the mission statement and OSURA bylaws, along with the
goals and roster for the year. Sue Borden is the new chair of Membership, Cheryl Lyons
is the new Communications chair, and Tony Van Vliet is the new Scholarship chair.
Gordon asked for information about the role of the History Committee and will make a
determination about that later. He is also working on the Program and Events chair. A
new Member Services liaison is needed, as well as a Volunteer liaison to work with Kathy
AROHE Membership: $120 per year dues. Next year there will be a national meeting in
Seattle. Gerry Olson felt that our participation was very valuable in terms of sharing ideas
and resources. Gordon will renew our membership.
At the July 29 retreat we will discuss goals, meeting dates, persons to invite as outside
speakers, etc. The meeting will be from 9:00 am to 12 pm at the OSU Foundation Board
Important Dates: University Day Sept. 21; Oct. 14 Fall All-Member Dinner and Program.
Gordon will set the date for the annual meeting and invite President Ray to speak. May 11
was suggested.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:58 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Moon, Secretary