History of the OSU Faculty Women's Network After an inquiry from Lizbeth Gray, Counseling Education regarding how faculty women could support each other, a letter was sent by Jo Anne Trow and Mimi Orzech to faculty women to try to get "experienced" faculty in touch with new faculty. Seven meetings (4 at lunch time and three from 4-6pm) are set up to start informal conversation about the needs of faculty women at OSU. A "Faculty Women's Network" Steering Committee was appointed from the faculty members who indicated an interest in continuing conversations of a variety of topics. Original steering committee members included Mariette Brouwers, Francie Faulkenberry, Beth (Rietveld) Strohmeyer, Liz Gray, and Lynne Hallgren. Winter, 1987 Sexual Harassment: Significant Issues for Women Faculty. Stephanie Sanford Negotiation and Bargaining Skills. Caroline Kerl The Campus Climate Revisited: Chilly for Women Faculty. Francie Faulkenberry Spring, 1987 Campus Climate Revisited II: Discussion on practical responses to difficult professional situations, sexist language and disregard for input. Facilitated by Carol Sisson, OSU/WOSC Dept. of Counseling & Guidance Fall, 1987 Steering Committee: Karyle Butcher, Mariette Brouwers, Francie Faulkenberry, Lizbeth Gray, and Beth (Rietveld) Strohmeyer Fall Reception at Beth (Rietveld) Strohmeyer's house Faculty Women's Network Resource Handbook (distributed 9/87) Dues: $5 Resources for Women on Campus - What Are They? (PCOSW, Association of Women in Science, Faculty Women's Network, Women in Development, the Women's Center, and Faculty Women for Equity share info and answer questions) Follow-up Session to Resources for Women on Campus Publish or Perish? How to Get Research Money and University Awards: Panel Discussion Follow-Up Session to How to Get Money Winter, 1988 Child care -- The Dilemma of Being a Mom and a Professional: Mariette Brouwers, Liz Gray and Beth (Rietveld) Strohmeyer Writing for Journals: Tips on How to Publish: Lisa Ede, Sandra Spanier, and Mary Powelson Spring, 1988 Salary Negotiation. Stephanie Sanford and Carol Kominsky will lead discussion on how to negotiate salaries. Anita Grunder, Geology, winner of 1987 Women's Faculty Development Award summarized her research. Spring Reception at the home of Francie Faulkenberry. Fall, 1988 Steering Committee: Mariette Brouwers, Karyle Butcher, Francie Faulkenberry, Susan Hanna, Mina McDaniel, Beth (Rietveld) Strohmeyer Fall reception at the home of Beth (Rietveld) Strohmeyer Faculty Women's Writing Group meets on Wednesdays at the Waldo Hall Reading Lab. Making Presentations: Hints for Effective Presenting with Confidence and Style. Marcia Shaw, Management Consultant Winter, 1989 Faculty Women's Network Development Grant went to Dr. Shiao-ling Yu, Foreign Languages & Literature. Women's Economic Security. Mary D. Littwin, financial planning consultant. Nutrition and Fitness. Jim Leklem, Foods and Nutrition and Kathy Kerr, Health and PE. Spring, 1989 The Campus Climate Revisited: How Can Women Navigate Those Chilly Waters? Jo Anne Trow, Sally Malueg. Spring Reception at Mimi Orzech's home. Fall, 1989 Steering Committee: Mariette Brouwers, Karyle Butcher, Francie Faulkenberry, Susan Hanna, Mina McDaniel, Ilsa Kaattari, Evie (Engel) Liss, and Beth (Rietveld) Strohmeyer Fall reception at home of Graham and Sandra Spanier Newsletter featured faculty women who won awards and published books. Publishing in a Supportive Environment: Faculty Women's Writing Group. Lisa Ede and three members of the writing group discuss how the group format led to increased publications. Just Say No....to More Work. Linda Bryson, counselor/consultant talks about setting limits on what we do. Winter, 1990 Financial Directions for the 90's. Mary Littwin, Certified Financial Planning Consultant shares ideas on creating an environment of security both now and in the future. The Inside Scoop. How women juggle work, family and other obligations. An informal discussion of ideas and resources to make our lives easier (sick child care, housecleaning, housesitting, lawn care, catering, etc.) Spring, 1990 Faculty Women's Network: Goals, Programs, Philosophy and Finances. The Steering Committee plans for the future of the FWN. Liz Gray, 1989 recipient of the FWN Grant, talks about her experiences at the First International Counseling Conference in Hong Kong. Spring reception at the Hansen Country Inn Dues go up from $5 to $10. Survey conducted on program topics, time of programs, receptions, etc. (We evaluated to see if we were still provided a useful function to university women). Most popular topics: managing stress, promotion & tenure, and publishing. Major reasons for not attending: day and time conflicts with teaching schedule and too busy. Fall, 1990 Steering Committee: Mariette Brouwers, Karyle Butcher, Susan Hanna, Cath Kendrick, Evie (Engel) Liss, Mina McDaniel, Kathy Moore, Nancy Rosenberger, Beth (Rietveld) Strohmeyer Fall reception at the home of Graham and Sandra Spanier. Our mission: to reach new and returning faculty women to reduce isolation, and to provide an informal mentoring system. Are We Still Victims of Sex Discrimination? Kathy Moore lead a discussion on subtle forms of discrimination and strategies to decrease the occurrence. Winter, 1991 FWN solicits input on the impending budget cuts and how this may disproportionately affect women faculty, staff. FWN Tenure Support Group begins with Liz Gray as facilitator. State Commission for Women seeks testimony at OSU from faculty women. Kay Garcia, foreign languages and literature receives FWN grant. Advancing Your Career Series (co-sponsored with FWN, Women's Center, DOS, Academic Affairs): Advancing Through Teaching, Research & Service Advancing Through Administration Promotion and Tenure Setting Priorities and Following Through Spring, 1991 Female Faculty and Male Students. Mary Jane Collier facilitates discussion on communicating with male students and colleagues. Is There a Glass Ceiling in Academia? Starr McMullen and Nancy Vanderpool talk about the unwritten rules. Risk Taking and Higher Education. Dr. Nancy Wilgenbusch, President of Marylhurst College speaks at the Construction & Engineering Auditorium at the Stewart Center. Spring Reception at the Hansen Inn. Fall, 1991 Steering Committee: Mariette Brouwers (chair), Karyle Butcher, Susan Hanna, Cath Kendrick, Evie (Engel) Liss, Mina McDaniel, Kathy Moore, Nancy Rosenberger, Beth (Rietveld) Strohmeyer Fall reception at Lizbeth Gray's house. Program Ideas for the Future. Meeting to determine what faculty women would like to know more about. Winter, 1992 How Measure 5 Cuts Affected Women Faculty. Stephanie Sanford analyzes the impact of Measure 5. Status of Women in Oregon: A Progress (?) Report. Janet Lee leads discussion on this report. Spring, 1992 Promotion and Tenure Discussion. Kathy Heath facilitator. Spring Reception at Madison Inn. Martha Wehrle receives FWN Faculty Development Grant. Last FWN newsletter printed, spring, 1992. Fall, 1992 Steering Committee: Starr McMullen (chair), Mariette Brouwers, Leslie Burns, Cath Kendrick, Janet Lee, Evie (Engel) Liss, Kathy Moore, Beth (Rietveld) Strohmeyer Fall Reception at the home of Mina McDaniel and Mina Carson Women Administrators: Their Stories and Struggles. Jo Anne Trow and Mimi Orzech Winter, 1993 About Divorce. Alice Mills Morrow and Pat Moran share info about the divorce process. Fall, 1994 Spring, 1993 Women's Health Issues. Dr. Mary Jane Gray Spring Reception at the Hanson Country Inn. Fall, 1993 Steering Committee: Starr McMullen (chair), Mariette Brouwers, Leslie Burns, Cath Kendrick, Janet Lee, Evie (Engel) Liss, Kathy Moore, Beth (Rietveld) Strohmeyer Fall Reception at the home of Machteld Mok. When Students Harass: An Open Discussion of Experiences and Strategies. Stephanie Sanford. Winter, 1994 The Impact of a Child's Gender on Family Interaction. Research presented by Becky Warner Spring, 1994 Achieving Parity for Women at Oregon State University. Panel of members of PCOSW discuss a recent report and where we go from here. Spring Reception at the Hanson Country Inn catered by Kay Dawson. Fall, 1994 Steering Committee: Leslie Davis Burns (chair), Janet Lee, Starr McMullen, Barbara (Bond) Yoder, Mary Flahive, Kathy Moore, Beth (Rietveld) Strohmeyer Fall Reception at the home of Cheryl Jordan catered by Kay Dawson. Science, Theory, Women and Racial Minorities: The Symbiotic/Humanistic Connection. Barbara Paige Winter, 1995 New Promotion and Tenure Guidelines: Implications for Women Faculty. Leslie Burns, Kathy Heath and Lyla Hoaglum Spring, 1995 The Road to Leadership: A Personal Quest. Dr. Vivian Bull, President of Linfield College, talks about moving from a traditionally male field (banking, economics) into higher education administration. Refreshments served. Spring Reception at the Courtyard Inn catered by Valley Catering. Fall, 1995 Steering Committee: Leslie Davis Burns, Mary Flahive, Janet Lee, Chris Hafner-Eaton, Sandra Potter, Charlotte Headrick, Barb Gartner, Chris Sproul, Beth (Rietveld) Strohmeyer (chair) Fall Reception at the home of Barbara Gartner catered by Kay Dawson. Grant Writing Tips from Several Perspectives. Cheryl Glenn, Clara Pratt and Susan Stafford. Reception for new Women's Basketball Coaches at the home of Mary Alice Stander Winter, 1996 The Art of Mentoring: Personal Experiences and Thoughts. Kay Shaffer and Jane Lubchenco. Spring, 1996 Issues of Non-Tenure Track Faculty Women. Marion McNamara, Teresa Sawyer, Beth (Rietveld) Strohmeyer discuss issues that affect non-tenure track women, including disparate treatment, job security, representation in faculty governance, faculty development opportunities and how we can initiate change. Spring Reception at Ann Brodie's house catered by Kay Dawson. Fall, 1996 Steering Committee: Barbara Gartner, Teresa Sawyer, Susan Poole (chair), Chris Sproul, Carol Caughey, Beth (Rietveld) Strohmeyer Fall Reception at the home of Barbara Balz catered by Valley Catering. Professional Faculty (formerly Management Service) are invited to join FWN Winter, 1997 Finding Your Voice and Getting Others to Listen. Marcia Shaw, Intentional Management. Obtaining Workplace Respect: Comments, Suggestions and Experiences (Issues for Faculty Research Assistants). Teresa Sawyer Promotion and Tenure Support for New Faculty. Leslie Burns, Becky Warner, Sandra Woods and Carol Caughey Women in Administration. Joy Hughes and Kinsey Green Spring, 1997 Spring Reception at Susan Poole's house catered by OSU Classic Catering. Summer, 1997 Faculty Women's Network Brown Bag Series on Climate for Women at OSU. Wednesdays through the month of August led by Leslie Burns (held at the Women’s Center). Fall, 1997 Steering Committee: Susan Poole (chair), Evie (Engel) Liss, Barb Gartner, Carol Caughey, Chris Sproul, Ann Morey, Ann Marie VanDerZanden, Debbie (McCubbin) Bird, Mary Alice Stander, Jill Parker, Beth (Rietveld) Strohmeyer Fall Reception at Les and Paul Risser's house, catered by Valley Catering. The Climate at OSU For Women Students of Color: Five Students Speak About Their Experiences. Charlee Body, Smriti Aryal, Sriyanthi Gunewardena, Lisette Rivas, Lameka Johnson Work begins on mission & vision statement, history, brochure for new faculty women. We have agendas for the first time at Steering Committee meetings. Winter, 1998 FWN Sponsors Reception for Sarah Weddington - February 20, 1998 at the Women’s Center. Program on Conversation for Better Health: Exercise and Osteoporosis: Christine Snow will talk about her research- March 4, 1998 Spring, 1998 FWN Co-Sponsors Reception for Dr. Sally Ride with AWIS and Honor's College- April 8, 1998, MU 105 Program on Negotiation Skill Development. A panel including a faculty member, mediator and an attorney who have negotiated successfully to give tips (Shelley Dubkin-Lee, Jill Parker, Jeanne Smith). April, 1998. Spring Reception at Tyee Winery catered by Spice Islands Catering, May 29, 1998. Summer, 1998 Faculty Women’s Network Steering Committee planning retreat at the home of Susan Poole, August 25, 1998, catering by Valley Catering. Fall, 1998 Steering Committee Members: Susan Poole (chair), Debbie Bird, Carol Caughey, Evie (Engel) Liss, Jill Parker, Beth (Rietveld) Strohmeyer, Chris Sproul, Mary Alice Stander, Anne Marie VanDerZanden. Fall Reception at the home of Terri Lomax, Botany and Plant Pathology. Catered by Spice Islands Catering. FWN Open Forum on the Merit Review Process. Liz Gray, Stephanie Sanford and Beth Rietveld Strohmeyer led the discussion and took notes to present to Andy Hashimoto as merit review procedures were being developed. Winter, 1999 1994 OSU Parity Report: Where Are We Now? Stephanie Sanford and Beth Rietveld Strohmeyer led a discussion on how OSU is doing five years after the parity report recommendations. The Merit Review Process: An Open Forum Review. Liz Gray led a discussion on how the merit process worked this year and what feedback should be shared with the administration. Spring, 1999 Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Detection. Presenters include: Laura Brumfield, Community Health Program Manager/Benton County health; Dr. Bruce Fry, Radiologist/Oncologist, Samaritan Regional Cancer Center; Bette Lenehan, Corvallis Family Medicine; Janet Raffensperger, OSU Student Health; and Vickie Look, Chair of Benton County Breast and Cervical Cancer Coalition. Women and HIV. Presenters include: Marty Perigan, Benton County Health; Susan Peterson, Peace Corps; Margo Dennison, Valley Aids Information Network; Gayle Seymour, Personal Story; Blanche Collins, OSU Public Health; Susan Shaw, Women Studies; and Collette Houeto, M.D., West Africa. Faculty Women’s Network logo developed by student in Design Studio, supervised by Andrea Marks. Spring reception at the home of Lizbeth Gray, catered by Liz Gray. Summer, 1999 FWN Steering Committee planning retreat at the home of Mary Anne Stander. Fall, 1999 Steering Committee Members: Mary Alice Stander (chair), Susan Poole, Debbie (McCubbin) Bird, Carol Caughey, Evie (Engel) Liss, Jill Parker, Beth Rietveld, Anne Marie VanDerZanden, Barb Gartner, Penny Hardesty, Polly Jeneva, Jackie Balzer Fall Reception at the home of Leslie Burns. Ethics in Higher Education. Kathleen D. Moore, Chair, Philosophy Department (planned for November, postponed until March 1, 2000) Winter, 2000 Ideas into Action—Grant Writing Success Stories. Jennifer Cornell, English; Mary Powelson, Botany & Plant Pathology; and Barb Gartner, Forest Resources. Spring, 2000 Seeking a Cure for our Health Benefits - Pam Broadus, OSU Employee Benefits Manager Spring reception at the OSU Center for the Humanities catered by Valley Catering. Fall, 2000 Steering Committee Members: Susan Poole (chair), Carol Caughey, Jill Parker, Beth Rietveld, Polly Jeneva, Ann Robinson, Jill Schuster, Dale Pehrsson The Fall Reception was held at the home of Beth Rietveld, catered by Valley Catering. Winter, 2001 Dr. Sally Gregory Kohlstedt, University of Minnesota, Reception and Q& A prior to her talk on “Re-Imaging Women in Science: The Historical Interplay of Self-Image, Projected Selves and Image Norms.” February 12, 2:303:30 at the Women’s Center. Women’s Work is Never Done, Susan McGee Bailey, Executive Director, Wellesley Centers for Women, March 9 12-1:15pm at the Women’s Center Spring, 2001 The Spring reception at the home of Kim Thompson, OSU Foundation. Judy Bowker, Gender and Communication, Speech Communications, April 19, 12-1:00pm Fall, 2001 Steering Committee Members: Susan Poole (chair), Carol Caughey, Jill Parker, Beth Rietveld, Jill Schuster, Ann Robinson, Janine Trempy, Dale Pehrsson, Jessica White, Polly Jeneva, Prudence Miles Fall Term Reception was held at the home of Jill Schuster and catered by Valley Catering. Terrorism, War and Teachable Moments: Fall Term Program presented by Susan Shaw, DPD & Women Studies, November 7, 12-1. Winter, 2002 Winter Term Reception, February 8 at the Center for the Humanities, 4:30-6:30pm Finding Professional & Personal Harmony & Joy, Dale Pehrsson (Counseling Ed) and Parcella (Layman) Provence (Memorial Union), February 27, 2002 12-1pm Hawthorne Suite, Milam Hall. Spring, 2002 Between the Pedestal & the Glass Ceiling: OSU Women in Leadership, Leslie Burns (Professor & former Director of Undergraduate Academic Affairs), Rebecca Johnson (Associate Dean, College of Forestry and Chair OSU 2007), Orcilia Zuniga Forbes (VP University Advancement)—absent April 24, 2002, 12:15-1:30pm MU 206 Spring Term Reception at the home of Polly Jeneva, Liberal Arts, 1670 NW Arthur Circle, May 31, 2002 4:306:30pm Summer, 2002 Summer Planning Retreat held at the home of Beth Rietveld on Thursday, August 15 at 4:30pm. Fall, 2002 FWN Steering Committee members: Ann Robinson; Beth Rietveld; Carol Caughey; Dale Pehrsson; Janine Trempy; Jessica White; Jill Parker; Jill Schuster; Polly Jeneva; Prudence Miles; Susan Poole (chair), Deborah Johnson Fall Term Reception at the home of Les and Paul Risser, 4:30-6:30pm, Thursday, October 3, 2002. Catered by OSU Catering. New FWN logo and brochure are developed by Vindy, a graphic arts student. Faculty Women’s Network Mugs are purchased and will be free for new faculty women and members who are willing to buy them for $5. A Discussion about Legal and Financial Issues for Women Faculty, Alice Mills Morrow, Emeritus Faculty, Extension Family and Community Development, Tuesday, November 26, 2002 12-1pm, Hawthorne Suite, Milam Winter, 2003 A Quarter-Century of Mentoring Women, Jane Lubchenco, Professor of Marine Biology and Zoology, Wednesday, February 26, 11:30-1:00pm, MU Powell Leadership Center (reception from 11:30-12noon preceding program) Spring, 2003 Dealing with Elder Parents: A Panel Discussion about Real Life. Please join us for an informal panel discussion led by Anita Helle, Susan Poole and Dee Martin. Wednesday, May 21, 2003 from 12noon to 1pm in the Hawthorne Suite, Milam Hall. Reception at the home of Karen and Tim White, Thursday, June 5, 5-6:30pm. Summer, 2003 Planning retreat at Polly Jeneva’s house. August, 2003. Fall, 2003 Steering Committee members included: Ann Robinson; Beth Rietveld; Carol Caughey; Dale Pehrsson (chair); Ellen Momsen; Janet Lee; Janine Trempy; Jill Parker; Jill Schuster; Michelle Inderbitzen; Prudence Miles; Susan Poole; Jessica White Fall Reception at the home of Jessica White, new School of Education, October 3, 2003 from 4:30-6:30pm. Dues increase to $20 Survey of Faculty women conducted by University Marketing Winter, 2004 Meet Beth Ray: Let’s Talk about OSU, Wednesday, January 28, 2004, 12noon-1:00pm at the Women’s Center, facilitated by Dale Pehrsson and Beth Rietveld. The Ins and Outs of Getting Promoted, Friday, February 6, 2004, Leslie Burns (Design & Human Environment) Facilitator, Anne Gillies, Carol Mallory-Smith (Crop & Soil Science), Barb Taylor (Zoology), Becky Warner (Sociology). MU 206, 12noon-2pm. Spring, 2004 Spring Term Reception at the home of Beth & Ed Ray, 5:00-6:30pm, catered by OSU Catering. Summer, 2004 Steering Committee planning retreat at the home of Janet Lee, August 24, 2004. Fall, 2004 Steering Committee Members include: Ann Robinson; Beth Rietveld (interim chair); Carol Caughey; Dale Pehrsson; Ellen Momsen; Janet Lee; Janine Trempy; Jill Parker; Jill Schuster; Katharine Hunter-Zaworski; Mary Caughey; Michelle Inderbitzen; Peggy Lowry; Prudence Miles; Susan Poole, Katie Collins Fall Reception at the home of Susan Poole, Thursday, September 30 from 5:00-7:00pm. New FWN website unveiled with design help from University Publications. Web content and maintenance by Beth Rietveld. Winter, 2005 The Secrecy Surrounding Sexual Harassment: The Good, The Bad and the Really Ugly: Kathy Moore, Prudence Miles and Beth Rietveld held in Library, Tuesday, February 15, 2005 in the Valley Library Willamette Rooms Sexual Harassment Continued: Beth Rietveld, Janet Lee, Dale Pehrsson and Angelo Gomez facilitated a robust student discussion on sexual Harassment March 3, 2005 at the Women’s Center and it was very well attended by women and men students Spring, 2005 Dangerous Liaisons? A Facilitated Conversation for Faculty Women about Sexual Harassment and Consensual Relationships at OSU, Monday, May 16th, Joyce Powell Leadership Center: Journey Room, Memorial Union, 12:00 - 1:30 PM Spring Reception at the home of Sheila and Mike Goodwin, OSU Foundation, 2785 SW Titleist Circle, May 26, 2005, 5:00-7:00pm Summer, 2005 Summer planning retreat at the home of Beth Rietveld, September 1, 2005 catered by New Morning Bakery. Fall, 2005 Steering Committee Members include: Beth Wasylow (co-chair), Ellen Momsen (co-chair), Carol Caughey, Janet Lee, Jill Parker, Kate Hunter-Zaworski, Michelle Inderbitzen, Diane Naumann, Beth Rietveld October 14, 2005 - Fall Term Reception for all Faculty Women at the home of Becky Johnson, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, 4:30pm - 6:30pm (6495 NW Sisters Place, Corvallis) November 8, 2005 - 12:00noon - 1:00pm location MU 206 (Asian Pacific Room)-- Recognizing and Assisting Students with Mental Health Concerns Jackie Balzer, Dean of Student Life & Ellen Taylor, Director, University Counseling & Psychological Services Winter, 2006 Thursday, February 9, 2006: The Faculty Women's Network and the President's Commission on the Status of Women are invited to enjoy OSU Women's Basketball vs. Arizona State for only $2 per ticket and we will meet before the game for pizza and beverages in the Reser Stadium Founders Loge. Head Coach, LaVonda Wagner will join us promptly at 5:30pm and one of the assistant coaches will join us later to talk about the game with Arizona State. Pizza dinner and Women's Basketball Game; Time: 5:00 p.m. dinner, 7:00 game against Arizona State; Cost: $6.00 for dinner , $2.00 for the game (per person); Who: Family, friends, kids, neighbors, coworkers!! Friday, March 3rd, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Where: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Conference Room, Rm. 212, Memorial Union: Members of the President's Commission on the Status of Women at OSU will facilitate a discussion concerning the topic of parity. The following two questions will be posed to the guests to begin the discussion. "If we were focused on enhancing the station of women at OSU - what would that look like within our systems and women's everyday lives?" " Has anything changed at OSU since the 2005 Parity Report was submitted to President Ray?" Please bring your brown bag lunch and revel in the opportunity for this critical discussion concerning the advancement of women at Oregon State University. Spring, 2006 Friday, June 9, 2006 from 4:30-6:30pm: Faculty Women's Network Spring Reception at the home of Leslie Burns, Chair, Design and Human Environment. 2953 NW Taylor Ave, Corvallis. Please join us for wine, punch, hors d'oeurvres and conversation. All faculty women are welcome. No RSVP is necessary. Thursday, May 18, 2006: The Faculty Women's Network and the College of Engineering invite you to attend a brown bag lunch (12:00-1:00) presentation with Dr. Valerie Young, author of the Imposter Syndrome in room 102 Owen Hall. It's a great chance to commune with colleagues whom you normally rarely have a chance to see, and discuss issues that may affect us and our students. (co-sponsored with College of Engineering) Fall, 2006 Steering Committee members include: Carol Caughey, Ellen Momsen (co-chair), Beth Wasylow (co-chair), Kate Hunter-Zaworski, Janet Lee, Theresa Filtz, Jill Parker, Michelle Inderbitzen, Beth Rietveld Fall Term Reception at Hanson Country Inn, October 13, 2006 catered by Valley Catering Advancing Your Career--What We Learned from the NW Women's Leadership Forum, Liz Gray, Health and Human Sceinces and Beth Rietveld, Women's Center Date: Monday, November 13, 2006 Time: 12:00noon - 1:15pm In the Memorial Union Leadership Center: Journey Room Winter, 2007 Wednesday, January 24, 2007 at 12 noon-1:20pm in the MU Leadership Center Journey Room. Our speaker will be Dr. Bernice R. Sandler, a Senior Scholar at the Women’s Research and Education Institute in Washington, DC, where she consults with institutions and others about achieving equity for women and an Adjunct Associate Professor at Drexel University College of Medicine. She formerly wrote a quarterly newsletter, About Women on Campus. She has given over 2500 presentations, has written more than 100 articles and is well-known for her expertise in women’s educational equity in general as well as in sexual harassment, the chilly classroom climate, and her knowledge of policies, programs and strategies concerning women on campus. She also serves as an expert witness in discrimination and sexual harassment cases. OSU Students Get Career Makeovers. Business Suit Donations Needed. For the second consecutive year OSU Career Services will host Career Makeover: Wardrobe Edition. This program allows OSU students the opportunity to purchase gently used business suits for $15. The suits, both men’s and women’s, are donated by members of the public and clothing retailers. Career Services is partnering with the OSU Fashion Organization and OSU Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) on this event. Spring, 2007 The Unique Experiences of Women in Science: A conversation and reception with OSU Graduate Pamela Matson, Chester Naramore Dean of the School of Earth Sciences and Richard and Rhoda Goldman Professor of Environmental Studies at Stanford University Wednesday, May 2, 2007, Women’s Center, 3:005:00pm The spring term reception was held at the women’s Center on June 6, 2007 from 4:30-6:30pm Fall, 2007 The Fall FWN reception was held at the home of Ilene Kleinsorge, Dean of the College of Business on October 19 from 4:30-6:30pm Women in Science discussion led by Michelle Bothwell, Chemical Engineering, Chrissa Kouissi, Pharmacy and Jo Tynon, Forestry was held on November 16, 2007 at Sahalie Wine Cellars from 4:00-5:30pm. Spring, 2008 The Spring FWN reception was held at the home of Donna Champeau, Director of Women’s Advancement and Gender Equity. Fall, 2008 The fall term reception was held at the home of Ellen Momsen, Director of the Women and Minorities in Engineering Program, on October 3, from 4:30-6:30. Valley Catering provided the food.