One Act Play Prewriting

One Act Play Pre-Writing
Basic Plot: In the space provided below, write a brief summary of the plot of your scene. Answer the
question: What is this play about?
Structure: Using the plot structure diagram provided, write in the introduction, rising action, climax,
falling action, and conclusion of YOUR scene. Be more detailed here than you were in the brief
summary you wrote above. You may either write a sentence or a detailed phrase in the boxes
Setting: In the space below, please describe the setting in as much detail as possible including
elements like time of day, place, weather, season, etc. Use strong and vivid adjectives in your
Characters: Using the character web(s) provided, identify each MAJOR character and create a web for
EACH. You will also fill out a character questionnaire for each major character
a. Name & Brief Description: ___________________________________________________________
b. Name & Brief Description: ___________________________________________________________
Basic Prop List: In the space provided below, list the props your characters will need in your scene.
Theme: Below, identify AT LEAST ONE theme, or deeper meaning, that you wish to convey in your
Why? Below, write a paragraph telling me WHY you wanted to write this scene. What inspired you to
write it? Why is it important to you? What do you hope people will take away from it?
Drafting Plan: In the space provided below, outline who will be responsible for which character and
which half of the scene.
Partner 1: _________________________
Partner 2: __________________________
Character: _________________________
Character: __________________________
1st or 2nd Half of Scene: _______________
1st or 2nd Half of Scene: ________________