Fairy Tale Peer Edit “Grade” your partner using the modified rubric below. REQUIREMENT AUTHOR: EDITOR: EXCELLENT/EXCEPTIONAL ABOVE AVERAGE ACCEPTABLE/AVERAGE UNACCAPTABLE/ 5 4 3 2 1 0 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 8 7 6 5 4 7 6 5 4 3 7 6 5 4 3 5 4 3 2 1 0 PLOT: Started with a classic fairy tale and twisted it in a clear way If it is not a 5/5, give your partner suggestions for improvement: PLOT: Is creative and original, but does not stray too far from the original (stays true to the story’s basic form); story is easy to follow and events are clearly explained PLOT: Contains at least three of the elements of a fairy tale (see assignment sheet for list) If it is not a 12/12, give your partner suggestions for improvement: ORGANIZATION: Well-organized; flows smoothly from idea to idea CRAFT: Includes dialogue to keep the reader’s interest and give the characters voice and personality CRAFT: Uses vivid description, figurative language, and imagery to make the story come to life CRAFT: Polished and free of errors in grammar and mechanics LENGTH: Meets or exceeds length requirement (at least 2 pages) FORMATTING: Formatted story per the instructions on the assignment sheet 5 4 0 3 2 1 0 TURN OVER Take a Closer Look Look at the story on a sentence level. Highlight your favorite phrase or sentence. Write your partner a brief note net to the part you highlighted about what is so AWESOME about this sentence—Was it the vivid description? Interesting word choice? Cool comparison? Let him/her know what you think? Think about the story on a plot level. Bracket off your favorite scene in the story. Write your partner a brief note next to the part you bracketed about what is so COOL about this scene—Was it the perspective from which it is told? The suspense? The character development? The humor? Look at the story on a plot level. Note places/scenes that are not clearly explained or developed. These are places where you are confused or want more information. Write your suggestions or questions on your partner’s actual essay. Think about your partner as a “Character Developer.” Put a star next to a section where your partner could have developed his or her character more deeply by adding dialogue or the thoughts of a character. o Find at least one place where he/she could add more dialogue (Hint: Look for a place where he/she tells you about a conversation instead of including the actual conversation). o If there is a sufficient amount of dialogue, look for where your partner could add dialogue descriptors (body language, tone of voice, actions while speaking, etc.). Write your suggestions on his/her actual essay. Think about your partner’s future illustration. Which scene would you want to see on the front cover? Why? Write your answer and explanation below. What section/part/paragraph should your partner focus his/her revisions on? Explain why? Give suggestions! Give your partner one piece of SPECIFIC advice for improving his or her essay. Write your advice below.