Socratic Seminar Prepwork

Socratic Seminar Prepwork
Due 10/22 (A Day), 10/23 (B Day)
1. For Chapter Three, construct two Level 2 questions. Include page numbers next to your
Example: In Chapter Three, why does Scout beat up Walter Cunningham? (30).
2. For Chapter Four, construct two Level 2 questions. Include page numbers next to your
3. For Chapter Five, construct two Level 2 questions. Include page numbers next to your questions.
4. For Chapter Six, construct two Level 2 questions. Include page numbers next to your questions.
5. Construct three Level 1 questions (based on Chapters 1-6). Include page numbers next to your
Example: Why does Scout say that Walter Cunningham ‘made [her] start off on the wrong foot?’
6. Construct three Level 3 questions (based on Chapters 1-6).
Example: Why is To Kill a Mockingbird required reading in classrooms across the country?
Choose (3) level two or level three questions to answer in complete sentences (minimum of
four sentences per question). Each response must include cited textual evidence (with page
numbers) to substantiate your opinion.