Bizarre- extremely unusual Syn: unusual Ant: ordinary, normal

Bizarre- extremely unusual
Syn: unusual
Ant: ordinary, normal
The woman had a bizarre hairstyle
To act or work
Syn: botch, mess
Ant: manage
To conclude by reasoning; to infer
Syn: determine, understand
Ant: misconstrue
Energetic, forceful
Syn: powerful, active
Ant: mild, calm, lifeless
Unimportant to the matter at hand
Syn: inapplicable
Ant: pertinent, germane
To linger without apparent
Syn: dawdle, amble
Ant: hurry, hasten
Syn: headstrong
Ant: obedient, compliant
To examine in great detail
Syn: Study carefully
Ant: skim, browse
To limit or hinder growth or an unusual or dangerous
Syn: inhibit, Ant: nurture
Picture is an unusual or dangerous feat
On or near the surface
Concerned with the obvious, shallow
Last in a series, conclusive, final
Highest, extreme
Syn: terminal, supreme, greatest
Ant: worst, lowest, slightest
Bland, dull
Syn: uninteresting, unexciting
Ant: zesty
Capable of succeeding, working or living
Syn: feasible, possible
Ant: impossible, hopeless
Unnaturally pale, as from illness or distress
Syn: pallid
Ant: flushed, ruddy
To decrease gradually
Syn: diminish
Ant: wax, grow