Persuasive Paper 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Take a side Organize your reasons why or why not Make an introduction stating your position and why you want to argue for it Use the words “In my opinion.” Start Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 with First, Second, Third Re-state all your reasons in the conclusion Follow this outline Use transition words such as First, Second, Third, As a result, etc. Introduction: State your position and why you want to argue this Have an “I believe” or “In my opinion” statement in the intro Add some background information and some feeling into the intro Paragraph 2: First reason:____________________________________________ Detail or example_______________________________________ Detail or example_______________________________________ Detail or example_______________________________________ Paragraph 3: Second reason__________________________________________ Detail or example_______________________________________ Detail or example_______________________________________ Detail or example________________________________________ Paragraph 4: Third reason____________________________________________ Detail or example________________________________________ Detail or example________________________________________ Detail or example________________________________________ Paragraph 5: Re-state all reasons in the conclusion