Descriptive Writing Words: Words used to show spatial organization: (Prepositions

Descriptive Writing Words:
Words used to show spatial organization: (Prepositions)
Aboard about above across against along among at behind below beneath beside
between beyond by down for from in into next to of off on over through to
toward under underneath up upon with within without
Words that show time frame:
After, afterwards, at least, at the same time, before, before long, earlier, finally, first,
immediately, next, second, soon, then
Words that show cause and effect:
As a result, because, because of, caused by, for this reason, since, so, therefore, when
Words that show position:
Above, underneath, beside, below, in back of, down, outside, inside, up to, near, far, on
the right, on the left, top, bottom, high, low, in the distance, over, high up