Track 4: Prevention for Youth at Risk of HIV Project Work Plan January - December 2016 Minnesota Department of Health HIV/STD Prevention Projects Agency name: Project name: (If applicable) IMPORTANT: If your 2016 budget amount was reduced, include details of any and all changes in your project caused by the funding reduction. PROJECT OVERVIEW List any new apps, websites and other new media in which activity will be implemented: What changes are you making to the ways you utilize these new apps, websites and other new media for 2016: Yes No If No, what changes were made and why did you make the change? Staff will stay informed and updated on resources, local events and information appropriate to sexual health issues as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If No, what changes were made and why did you make the change? ENGAGEMENT & RECRUITMENT What new techniques will you use to reach as many youth as possible in Minnesota at high risk for HIV, STDs, hepatitis and/or unintended pregnancy through this project: How will you reach as diverse a range of youth (races, genders and sexual orientations) as possible through this project? CONDOMS Youth will be directed to resources for condom availability (free or purchase) as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If No, what changes were made and why did you make the change? STD & HEPATITIS INTEGRATION STD & Hepatitis information, resources and opportunities (local or national), including testing and screening, will be integrated into your project as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If No, what changes were made and why did you make the changes? INCENTIVES Check this box if you do not use incentives. Incentives will be utilized and distributed as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If No, what changes were made and why did you make the changes? VOLUNTEERS Number of volunteers in your program: The role of volunteers is the same as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If No, what changes were made and why did you make the changes? STAFFING Project staff List any staff paid through this project’s budget as of January 2016. Name Title FTE on project (List title if position is unfilled) (Must match FTE in Budget Plan and Narrative) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Describe any additional information that you think is important for MDH to know: Required Activities for Track 4 – Prevention for Youth at Risk of HIV New Media: We define "new media" as interactive forms of communication that use the Internet and mobile technology, including podcasts, RSS feeds, social networks, text messaging, blogs, wikis, virtual worlds and more. Required Activities Use existing social media applications (including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, reddit, Skype, YouTube, RSS, etc.) through internet and mobile technology. Through these social media applications and websites the target population will be informed, educated, supported and connected with resources. Social media applications will be used for promotion and cross promotion of information resources, testing resources and opportunities, sexual health-related events, syringe services, sexual violence, dating violence, and other issues that affect the sexual health and wellbeing of youth at high risk for HIV, STDs, hepatitis and/or unintended pregnancy. Staff will keep informed and updated on resources, local events and information appropriate to sexual health issues as well as emerging new media and technologies that become popular with the target population during the duration of the contract period. Reach as many youth in Minnesota at high risk for HIV, STDs, hepatitis and/or unintended pregnancy as possible through new media. Reach as diverse a range of youth (races, genders and sexual orientations) as possible. Condom Distribution: Have a method to address access to condoms and/or condom distribution.