Track 2: Prevention With Positives Project Work Plan January - December 2016 Minnesota Department of Health HIV/STD Prevention Projects Agency name: Project name: (If applicable) PROJECT OVERVIEW IMPORTANT: If your 2016 budget amount was reduced, include details of any and all changes in your project caused by the funding reduction. Interventions: Check all of the following activities for this project: Individual Level Intervention (ILI) # of clients projected Group Level Intervention (GLI) # of clients projected Individual Risk Reduction Counseling (IRRC) # of clients projected Prevention Case Management (PCM) # of clients projected Condom Distribution Sub-Population(s): If you are focusing on any specific client sub-population(s) of people who are HIV Positive, check all that apply: African Immigrant Young High Risk Heterosexuals Latinos African Americans Greater MN Native American Asian/Pacific Islander Adult MSM Young MSM IDU MSM/IDU Other: Other: Other: PREVENTION WITH POSITIVES PROJECT OVERVIEW The project will be implemented as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If no, what changes were made and why did you make the change? ENGAGEMENT & RECRUITMENT How will HIV positive clients and their partners be recruited or referred to your program? NEW MEDIA List any new apps, websites and other new media in which activity will be implemented: CONNECTION TO CARE & REFERRALS How will you ensure that seropositive individuals are engaged in appropriate care, treatment, and/or prevention services? What changes have you made in how you actively refer or link clients to appropriate prevention and/or support services (other than HIV care)? What new agencies/providers are you connecting clients to? (e.g., housing, mental health, chemical dependency treatment, etc.) How will you address retention or re-engagement in care for HIV-positive persons already aware of their HIV status? HIV TESTING (if applicable) (NOTE: Do not fill out this section if you are referring partners to your agency’s Track 1 Testing project. This section only applies if you are directly testing partners of clients as a part of your Track 2 Prevention With Positives project.) Number of tests you plan to conduct (Jan-Dec): INTERVENTIONS Individual Level Intervention #1 (ILI): Individual Level Intervention will be conducted as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If no, what changes were made and why did you make the change? Group Level Intervention #1 (GLI): Group Level Intervention will be conducted as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If no, what changes were made and why did you make the change? Group Level Intervention #2 (GLI): (NOTE: Skip this section if only doing one GLI.): Group Level Intervention will be conducted as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If no, what changes were made and why did you make the change? Individual Risk Reduction Counseling (IRRC): Individual Risk Reduction Counseling will be conducted as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If no, what changes were made and why did you make the change? Prevention Case Management (PCM): Prevention Case Management will be conducted as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If no, what changes were made and why did you make the change? CONDOM DISTRIBUTION Targeted condom distribution will be implemented as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If no, what changes were made and why did you make the changes? PrEP How will you integrate PrEP education and active referrals for partners of HIV positive clients in your work in 2016? What training or capacity building assistance do you need from MDH to accomplish this? STD & HEPATITIS INTEGRATION STD & Hepatitis will be integrated into your project as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If no, what changes were made and why did you make the changes? MONITORING & EVALUATION List one specific project activity that will be evaluated this year. Include the type of data that will be collected to evaluate the activity: INCENTIVES Check this box if you do not use incentives. Incentives will be utilized as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If no, what changes were made and why did you make the changes? VOLUNTEERS Number of volunteers in your program: The role of volunteers is the same as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If no, what changes were made and why did you make the changes? STAFFING Project staff List any staff paid through this project’s budget as of January 2016. Name Title (List title if position is unfilled) FTE on project Authorized to use EvalWeb (Must match FTE in Budget Plan and Narrative) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Describe any additional information that you think is important for MDH to know: Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Required Elements of Track 2 – Prevention With Positives Locating, Engaging and Recruiting Clients; applicants will either: Identify and locate seropositive individuals within the target/client population at risk as well as their sexual and/or needle sharing partners and ensure that they are engaged in appropriate care, treatment, and prevention services. Receive referrals from other agencies and clinics for persons living with HIV/AIDS and their sexual and/or needle sharing partners, and/or; Provide Risk-reduction Activities: Conduct behavioral and clinical risk screening followed by at least one of the following risk reduction interventions for HIV-positive persons and their HIV-discordant sexual and/or needle sharing partners at risk of transmitting or acquiring HIV. Individual Level Interventions: One-on-one sessions carried out one or more times; and/or Group Level Interventions: Sessions designed for multiple individuals, such as meetings, workshops, training, and other types of sessions; and/or, IRRC – Individual Risk Reduction Counseling: A time-limited intervention designed to assess clients’ personal perception of risk; the context in which risk behaviors occur; barriers to reducing risk; and clients’ level of readiness to change risk behaviors. If a client’s needs extend past five sessions, the client should be referred to a mental health specialist or to Prevention Case Management; and/or, PCM – Prevention Case Management: A hybrid of risk-reduction counseling and traditional case management that promotes the adoption and maintenance of HIV risk-reduction behaviors. PCM is a more intensive, longer-term intervention than IRRC that is designed for high-risk clients who often have co-occurring disorders (mental health and/or substance use). Condom Distribution Optional Activities: HIV Testing (follow all required elements of Track 1) or referral to testing