Track 1: HIV Testing & HIV Testing Outreach Project Work Plan January - December 2016 Minnesota Department of Health HIV/STD Prevention Projects Agency name: Project name (If applicable): PROJECT OVERVIEW Check all of the following activities for this project: HIV Testing & Outreach (You do testing on-site and off-site.) Outreach Only (You do not test. You connect clients to a test site.) Condom Distribution Check the target population(s) you will serve: African Immigrant (HRH) Young (HRH) Latinos (HRH) African Americans (HRH) Greater MN Native American (HRH) Asian/Pacific Islander (HRH) Adult MSM Young MSM List any sub populations within your selected target population that you are planning to focus on: IMPORTANT: If your 2016 budget amount was reduced, include details of any and all changes in your project caused by the funding reduction. Provide the number of tests you plan to conduct in one year: HIV Testing & Outreach Number of Outreach Contacts (Jan-Dec): Number of Tests (Jan-Dec): (On-site and off-site total) Outreach Only (You do not test. You connect clients to a test site.) Number of Outreach Contacts (Jan-Dec): Number of People Connected to Test (Jan-Dec): ENGAGEMENT & RECRUITMENT Complete the table below to describe a typical weekly outreach plan/schedule Outreach location/setting (Include Websites if applicable) Time of Day Days of the week (start to finish) NEW MEDIA List any new apps, websites and other new media in which activity will be implemented: HIV TESTING HIV testing will be implemented as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: If No, what changes were made and why did you make the change? Yes No CONNECTION TO CARE & REFERRALS How will persons testing positive (reactive) be linked to an HIV care clinic in 2016: List clinics or providers you currently have a relationship with where clients will be connected to care: What changes have you made in how you actively refer or link clients to appropriate prevention and/or support services (other than HIV care)? What new agencies/providers are you connecting clients to? (e.g., housing, mental health, chemical dependency treatment, etc.) CONDOM DISTRIBUTION Targeted condom distribution will be implemented as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If no, what changes were made and why did you make the changes? PrEP How will you integrate PrEP education and active referrals in your work in 2016? What training or capacity building assistance do you need from MDH to accomplish this? STD & HEPATITIS INTEGRATION STD & Hepatitis will be integrated into your project as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If no, what changes were made and why did you make the changes? MONITORING & EVALUATION List one specific project activity that will be evaluated this year. Include the type of data that will be collected to evaluate the activity: INCENTIVES Check this box if you do not use incentives. Incentives will be utilized as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If no, what changes were made and why did you make the changes? VOLUNTEERS Number of volunteers in your program: The role of volunteers is the same as described in your 2015 Project Work Plan: Yes No If no, what changes were made and why did you make the changes? STAFFING Project staff List any staff paid through this project’s budget as of January 2016. Name Title (List title if position is unfilled) FTE on project Authorized to use EvalWeb (Must match FTE in Budget Plan and Narrative) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Describe any additional information that you think is important for MDH to know: Required Elements of Track 1 – HIV Testing and Testing Outreach HIV Testing: Data Collection Condom Distribution – Data entered into Evaluation Web Maintain an agency HIV testing protocol Standards of Practice o Obtain client consent (incl Tennessen Warning), assess risk, give prevention information, refer for other services o Educate on the meaning of test results o Provide HIV CTR Link to Care when applicable o Follow local, state and federal regulations and guidelines o Maintain staff testing proficiency Compliance with MN Communicable Disease Rule Compliance with OSHA standards for blood borne pathogens, incl exposure plan Testing Outreach: Develop and use MDH approved Risk Assessment tool Directly connect clients identified at highest risk of infection to HIV Testing Confirm client connection to testing and track positivity rate Condom Distribution