Document 15059202

: L0244 – Psikologi Kepemimpinan
: 2010
Leadership and Change
Pertemuan 25 & 26
• Although leading change is perhaps the most difficult
challenge facing any leader, it may be the best differentiator
of managers from leaders and of mediocre from exceptional
• To successfully lead larger-scale change initiatives, leaders
must attend to the situational and follower factors affecting
their group or organization.
Bina Nusantara University
Leadership and Management: Revisited Again
• Leadership: Being more concerned with doing the right
thing and management is being more concerned with doing
things right.
– Organizational systems are fairly resistant to change.
– Followers prefer to have a predictable path.
• Leadership is key to aligning organizational systems and
follower behavior around a new organizational vision.
– It takes a combination of both leadership and management
skills to successfully implement any change effort.
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Leadership versus Management
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The Rational Approach to
Organizational Change
D = Dissatisfaction
M = Model
P = Process
R = Resistance
C = Amount of change
The D x M x P is a multiplicative function.
The model maintains that organizational change is a very systematic
process and large-scale changes can take months if not years to
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Dissatisfaction (D)
• Followers who are relatively content are not apt to
change; malcontents are much more likely to do
something to change the situation.
• Follower’s emotions are the fuel for organizational
change, and change often requires a considerable
amount of fuel.
• The key for leadership practitioners is to increase
dissatisfaction to the point where followers are inclined
to take action, but not so much that they decide to
leave the organization.
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Model (M)
• Four components include:
Environmental scanning
Setting new goals to support the vision
Identifying needed system changes
• Systems thinking approach
• Siloed thinking
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The Components of Organizational
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Process (P)
• The change initiative becomes tangible and actionable
because it consists of the development and execution of the
change plan.
• Change will only occur when the action steps outlined in the
plan are actually carried out.
• The best way to get followers committed to a change plan is
to have them create it.
• Leaders who address shifts in styles and inappropriate
behaviors in a swift and consistent manner are more likely to
succeed with their change initiatives.
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Resistance (R) – The ExpectationPerformance Gap
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Resistance (R) – Reactions to Change
(SARA Model)
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The Rational Approach to Organization
Change and the Interactional Framework
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Eight Reasons Why Change
Efforts Succeed or Fail
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Charismatic and Transformational Leadership
• Charismatic leaders are passionate, driven individuals who
are able to paint a compelling vision of the future.
• The combination of a compelling vision, heightened
emotional levels, and strong personal attachments often
compels followers to put forth greater effort to meet
organizational or societal challenges.
• Charismatic movements can result in positive or negative
organizational or societal changes.
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Charismatic Leadership: A Historical
• Max Weber maintained that societies could be categorized
into one of three types of authority systems:
– Traditional authority system
– Legal-rational authority system
– Charismatic authority system
• James MacGregor Burns believed that leadership could take
one of two forms:
– Transactional leadership
– Transformational leadership
• Reframing
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Charismatic Leadership: A Historical Review
• All transformational leaders are charismatic, but not all
charismatic leaders are transformational.
• Three newer theories of charismatic or transformational
– Conger and Kanungo Theory.
– House, Shamir, and Arthur Theory.
– Bass’s Theory of Transactional and Transformational
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Factors Pertaining to Charismatic Leadership
and the Interactional Framework
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Common Characteristics of Charismatic
and Transformational Leaders
• Vision:
– Common perceptual framework.
• Rhetorical Skills: Heighten followers’ emotional levels
and inspire them to embrace the vision.
• Image and trust building
• Personalized leadership: These leaders share strong,
personal bonds with followers, even when the leader
occupies a formal organizational role.
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Follower Characteristics
• Charisma is probably more a function of the followers’
reactions to a leader than of the leader’s personal
• Four unique characteristics of the reactions that followers
have toward leaders:
Identification with the leader and the vision.
Heightened emotional levels.
Willing subordination to the leader.
Feelings of empowerment.
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Followers’ Responses to Change
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Situational Characteristics
• Situational factors play an important role in determining
whether a leader is perceived as charismatic.
• Situational factors believed to affect charismatic
– Crises
– Task interdependence and social networks
– Other situational characteristics
• Organizations placing a premium on innovation
• Outscoring and organizational downsizing
• Time
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Concluding Thoughts about the Characteristics
of Charismatic and Transformational Leadership
• Charismatic leadership is most fully understood when we consider
how leader and situational factors affect the attribution process.
• It is unlikely that all the characteristics of charismatic leadership
need to be present before charisma is attributed to a leader.
• Charismatic leadership can happen anywhere.
• It is possible to attribute charisma to an individual based solely on
his or her position or celebrity status.
• Overwhelming evidence supports that charismatic or
transformational leaders are more effective than their
noncharismatic counterparts.
Bina Nusantara University
Bass’s Theory of Transformational and
Transactional Leadership
• Transformational leaders: More successful due to followers’
heightened emotional levels and willingness to work toward.
• Transactional leaders: Believed to motivate followers by setting
goals and promising rewards for desired performance.
– Transformational and transactional leadership consists of two
independent leadership dimensions.
• Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire:
– Assesses extent of transformational or transactional leadership
and extent of followers’ satisfaction with and belief in
effectiveness of their leader.
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Research Results of Transformational and
Transactional Leadership
• Transformational leadership can be observed in all countries,
institutions, and organizational levels, but was more prevalent in
public institutions and at lower organizational levels.
• Transformational leadership is a significantly better predictor of
organizational effectiveness than transactional or laissez-faire
• Laissez-faire leadership was negatively correlated with effectiveness.
• Possible for leaders to systematically develop their transformational
and transactional leadership skills.
• The fact remains that charisma ultimately exists in the eyes of the
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Correlations between Five Factor Model Dimensions
and Charismatic Leadership Characteristics for 125
Corporate CEOs and Presidents
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• Management skills are important to ensure compliance
with existing systems, processes, and procedures.
• Leadership skills are needed when changes need to be
made to existing systems and processes.
• Rational approach: Emphasizes analytic planning and
management skills
• Emotional approach: Emphasizes leadership skills,
leader-follower relationships, and the presence of a
crisis to drive organizational change.
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Hughes., Ginnett., & Curpy. (2009). Leadership: Enhancing
The Lesson of Experience. 6 eds. McGraw-Hill. Boston.
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