Grant Submission Cover Sheet [DOCX 62.00KB]


School of Engineering and Informatics

Grant Submission Cover Sheet

Please attach this form to your submission as listed below. Every grant proposal should be submitted to the Research and Enterprise Coordinator

(Luke Scott, L .Sco tt@su sse x.a c.u k ) at least 3 working days before the submission deadline

Principal applicant (and institution if not at Sussex)

Project title

Grant funding body and initiative/call

Document Checklist

Grant Application Proforma

University Declaration Form

The Costing Summary (provided by the RDO)

Funding Body Application Form and/or Case for Support

Pre-Submission Review

Fill either section A or B if the proposal has been exempted from internal pre-review.


I confirm that this proposal was reviewed by met in person provided comments


This grant proposal has been awarded exemption from the pre-submission review process.

Reason for exemption

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Research Governance

Further guidance on Research Governance Procedures can be found by visiting:

If your grant proposal required ethical approval from the appropriate Research

Governance Committee please state details:

Approval Procedure and Timeline

The expected timescale for grant construction and approval is as follows:



“critical friends”, meet and discuss the outline of the proposal with one of them

Submit the grant application proforma

If required before submission, initiate review with the Research Governance Committee.

If required, ask the HoD/ HoS for a letter of support.

Initiate pre-submission review of the near-final draft with at least one “critical friend”

Submit the completed grant application with its supporting documents to the Research and

Enterprise Coordinator.

Submit the proposal to the funder.

Timescale Guideline

6 weeks before deadline.

6 weeks before deadline.

(Applications may be refused if insufficient notice is given).

3 weeks before deadline.

3 weeks before deadline.

2 weeks before deadline.

3 working days before deadline.

For proposals where RDO needs to confirm submission, 1 day before deadline unless otherwise agreed.

Post-Decision Follow up

Please inform the Research and Enterprise Coordinator (REC) and Research

Development Officer (RDO) as soon as you receive notification that your grant has been approved or has been unsuccessful.

Contacts and Further Information

School Research Grant Pages:

RDO (Research Development Officer) is Richard Taylor –

REC (Research and Enterprise Coordinator) is Luke Scott –

DoRKE (Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange) is Thomas Nowotny –

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