PowerPoint presented

Launching the MYP
Personal Project
Goals for today
 Outline the process and timeline for completing a
Personal Project
 Identify student actions to be completed over the
next three weeks
To Review:
• The
Personal Project is a long-term,
independent project that students undertake
in their 10th grade year.
• Projects
are focused around a topic of your
interest and take a wide variety of forms.
• Students
complete projects independent of
their classes, under the guidance of a project
• This
project is required of all 10 th graders in
the MYP.
• It
appears on your transcript as a course
called “MYP Research Seminar”
Last Year
Introduction to the Project
and Initial Topic Choice
Materials from last year
are available on the school
Extra copies are available
in room 200.
You are not required to
stick with the project topic
that you chose last year.
You will need to remind
your supervisor that your
topic has changed during
your first meeting.
Beginning of October – Proposal and identifying a
goal or outcome
End of October – Background research and refining
your goal / outcome (first Supervisory Meeting 10/21)
November – Creating your criteria for success and
working towards achieving your goal
December – Continue refined research and action
towards achieving your goal.
January – Complete your final goal / outcome and share
with your supervisor.
February – Complete your project reflection and exhibit
your project outcome or goal.
March – Evening exhibition for parents and families.
Project scoring and submission of projects to IB
April – In-school exhibition and celebration for students.
Next Steps in the Process
• During
the beginning of October, you will
be writing your formal proposal.
 Proposals are entered into a form on
the school website.
 You must be logged in with your
Google account in order to see this
• First
meetings with your supervisor will
happen on October 21 during an extended
lunch period.
Supervisor’s Role in the Process
• Your
supervisor is there to be a resource
for you throughout the process.
• You
will have monthly meetings to review
actions and future plans.
• Meetings
have three parts:
 Pre-meeting reflection - for all except the
first meeting, located in your student
 Meeting and review of process journal
 Post-meeting reflection
• If
you miss a meeting, you need to contact
your supervisor to reschedule.
Student’s Role in the Process
• Take
• Do
responsibility for your own project.
something small every day.
• Record
• If
everything you do.
you fall behind, don’t hide. Ask for help.
• Pursue
your interests, but keep focused on
one goal. Know that you won’t probably
have time to look into everything that
interests you, but that you need to make
consistent progress.
Structure for supervisory meetings
• In
4th Period – Receive student folder and
Handbook, as well as a copy of your proposal
and pass to the gym, main office or guidance
• At
11:00 - There will be an announcement
dismissing you to the gym, main office or
guidance office for your meeting.
• In
the gym, you’ll find your way to the table
with your number on it.
• You
will wait for your supervisor to arrive. If
your supervisor is not in school on that day,
you will need to reschedule your meeting with
him or her.
Structure for supervisory meetings
• Your
supervisor will meet with you, sign off on
your folder and you’ll be dismissed to lunch.
• You
may not leave the gym until you have met
with your supervisor.
• Supervisors
will be coming to the gym from
their 4th period classes.
• It
will take them 7-10 minutes to get there.
• Supervisory
meetings begin when your
supervisor gets there and end at 11:30.
• During
your first meeting, you will discuss
your proposal and plans for getting started on
the project.
Supervisory Meetings
Remember to:
 Come prepared with your
 Complete your pre-meeting
reflection before you arrive. Not
required for the first meeting.
 TAKE NOTES either while you
talk with your supervisor or
immediately afterward.
 Follow-up with your supervisor if
you need additional time to
discuss your project.
 Contact your supervisor if you
miss a meeting.
 Complete your post-meeting
What Next?
Start thinking about what you’re interested in pursuing.
If you don’t know what you want to do, start thinking
now and talk to some current 11th graders about what
they did.
Remember the projects you saw at the exhibition? What
was interesting or inspiring to you?
Talk to your parents and friends about your interests
and what you want to pursue.
Get ready to write your proposal!
See Ms. Clarkson if you have questions – room 200.
Parent meeting October 6th – 6:30 -7:30 PM
Get Excited!
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