Digital Submissions Candidate Statement Type a candidate statement with a 300 word count maximum saving the file as YOURLASTNAME CS.doc Write a short critical analysis of your visual arts work. You may want to consider the following: Concerns Skills Purpose Sources Techniques Process Influences Media Achievements Context Scale Focus Studio Work Photographing your artwork: Photograph each artwork with good lighting, without key stoning, a thin black border, sharp clarity, and with good contrast and color to your pictures- so they present your work in the best way possible. This constitutes for 60% of your final score on a 0-7 scale. Saving your Images: Save each image individually as YOURLASTNAME 1 title.jpeg, YOURLASTNAME 2 title.jpeg, YOURLASTNAME 3 title.jpeg, YOURLASTNAME 4 title.jpeg etc. – the number following your last name will need to correlate with the sequential number matching within your whole portfolio . In your final portfolio include the following information for each piece: title, media, dimensions in cm, date of creation (mo. /yr.) in a word document saved. Sequence your artwork chronologically. HLA requires 1218pieces (15 of your strongest pieces from junior and senior year are suggested) SLA requires 8-12 pieces. Format your images: Compress your image to 200dpi (printer quality). Resize to Best to fit desktop. Adjust the quality to ensure a size of 1MB or slightly smaller. Audio/Video File Ensure your audio file is saved as YOURLASTNAME.mp3 (See mock questions handout) Any video footage for installations, performance pieces, films etc. YOURLASTNAME.wmv Investigation Workbook Photograph each page with good lighting, without key stoning, with sharp clarity, and with good contrast and color to your pictures- so they present your work in the best way possible. This constitutes for 40% of your final score on a 0-20 scale. Make sure you select the pages that include the best matches to the mark band criteria- all pages should have proper sourcing and page numbers inside of the photographed area. Save all of your IWB in one Word document as YOURLASTNAME IWB.doc HLA requires 25-30 pages SLA requires 15-20 pages. (Suggested: maximum number of pages with only your strongest pages from sophomore/ junior and senior year - heavy on writing, aesthetics- see mark bands before selecting) Exhibition Photos You will need a photo with you and your work as the back drop in the gallery and separate photos of the display on your flat. Save as YOURLASTNAMEEXHIBITION.jpg Final Portfolio Document Copy and paste the following and then fill out the field areas Full Name Candidate Number: Testing level: HLA / SLA / HLB / SLB Copyrighted/Share your images with the IBO. Finally all of the above should be saved in a Word document in the above given sequence and saved as YOURLASTNAMEFIRSTNAMEPORTFOLIO.doc Remember to also include with each piece of your studio artwork: Number of image saved individually (Both should be sequenced chronologically) Title: Media: Size: dimensions in cm: Date of creation (mo. /yr.): Congratulations you’re DONE! DONE! DONE! DONE! DONE! DONE! DONE! DONE! DONE! DONE! DONE!!!