Minnesota WIC 2014 Photo Request Mom’s Milk: Made Just for Me The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) WIC Program is seeking photos to promote breastfeeding exclusivity and confidence in mothers about their ability to feed their baby. We plan to create a photo gallery that could be used for WIC outreach, promotion, training materials and in many other ways. We’re looking for images that include diverse populations of mothers & babies, multiple people, generations, ethnicities, places, etc. Besides the picture, tell us how and why you fed your baby only breastmilk. How did this make you feel? Photo Entry Form Name of photographer Address of the photographer Phone number Email address Affiliated WIC Agency & Contact Name Name(s) of subjects in photo Date, year taken Location Quote, comment or description with photo – tell us the story about the picture (more space on back) My signature indicates that I have read and agreed to the waiver & release information on page 2 of this entry form. Name (print):_ __ Date: _ _ Signature: ________________________________________ How to Submit Photos 1. Submit as many photos as you would like in digital formats such as TIFF (.tif or .tiff) or JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg). Complete and upload one entry form for each photo to the site at: https://apps.health.state.mn.us/mdh_upload/. In the upload form, use Health.WICPhotos@state.mn.us as the email address to whom to send the photo and form. Repeat upload for each photo and entry form. Do NOT send photos directly to the email address. Please submit entries by June 16, 2014. See attached Instructions to Upload WIC Photo Contest Entry Form and Photos for further assistance. 2. We recommend using a real camera instead of a phone. Settings of superfine or fine will increase the quality and likelihood that it can be used. The larger the file size, the better. 3. After uploading your entry, please print, sign electronically and upload the entry form with the photo. Or, print, sign and mail the form for each photo to: MDH – WIC Program, Photo Entry, P.O. Box 64882, St. Paul, MN 55164. See backside (page 2) for additional space for your comments, rules and waiver & release information. ********************************************************************************************************** For more information, please email linda.dech@state.mn.us or mary.b.johnson@state.mn.us More space to share your story, quote or comment about your photo: Rules & Regulations 1. This call for photos is open to all WIC participants, WIC staff and any others interested except for the manufacturers or retail distributors of breastmilk substitutes, related equipment such as feeding bottles and teats, commercial foods for breastfeeding mothers, and commercial complementary foods, including employees and associates of such companies. 2. Submitting a photo will not impact eligibility for WIC benefits or WIC services. 3. Any costs incurred related to the photo shall be borne by the person submitting the photo. 4. Submit photos in digital format. A release form should list all of the photos submitted or one form per photo. You will not receive acknowledgement of receipt. 4. All submissions are non-returnable and shall remain the sole property of MDH MN WIC; MN WIC reserves all rights to reproduce, publicize or to exhibit the submissions in any form of media or medium whether locally or internationally without any prior notification or payment made to participants. 5. All entries must be of participants’ original works. Usage of third party/parties creative works is prohibited. 6. Minor photo touch-up is allowed i.e. adjustment of brightness of color, softening or sharpening of the image. 7. The following techniques will not be accepted: digital super imposition, composite photographs, photo montage, trick photographs, digital imaging and image manipulations. 8. Photos should be submitted by June 16, 2014 to: https://apps.health.state.mn.us/mdh_upload/ Use Health.WICPhotos@state.mn.us as the email address to submit entry form and photo. Waiver and Release In conjunction with my photo entry, I hereby declare the following: 1. That I am the lawful author/copyright owner/authorized party of this images/works submitted. 2. That I give Minnesota Department of Health and its partners the absolute rights and permission to the copyrights to use or reuse, to publish or republish and to produce the image/works that I have submitted. The permission includes, but is not limited to, printed materials, web sites and social media. 3. That I have sought relevant permission, and authority for the models/persons/individuals involved and venue and image of props used in my submitted works. 4. By entering, I agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Minnesota Department of Health, its respective subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees, attorneys, agents and representatives, from any and all third party liability for any injuries, loss, claim, action, demand or damage of any kind arising from or in connection with the competition (collectively, “Losses”), including without limitation any third party claim for copyright infringement or a violation of an individual’s right to privacy and/or publicity right. 5. That I have met all the rules and regulations stated for this photo request. 6. Minnesota Department of Health will not authorize third parties’ use of submitted images/works for commercial use. Minnesota Department of Health will use its best efforts to prevent unauthorized use of the images/works. Minnesota Department of Health cannot guarantee the prevention of unauthorized use of such images/works, including commercial use and I release Minnesota Department of Health from any claims of or liability for unauthorized use of the images/works.