Category I Proposals for the March 2013 Faculty Senate Meeting March 14, 2013 Proposal #85405: MOU Extending the BS in Computer Science from OSU-Corvallis to OSU-Cascades Proposal #85547: New Program: PhD in Business Administration Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council March 14, 2013 MOU Extending the BS in Computer Science from OSU-Corvallis to OSU-Cascades Executive Summary: This proposal seeks to create a Computer Science degree program at OSU-Cascades that replicates the OSU-Corvallis CS Applied Option. The Applied Option emphasis will be Web and Mobile development. Rationale: There is a vibrant and growing IT community in the Bend area. This is a natural degree to have there. Web and Mobile are certainly significant growth areas within the IT community. Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council March 14, 2013 Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council March 14, 2013 Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council March 14, 2013 MOU Extending the BS in Computer Science from OSU-Corvallis to OSU-Cascades Impacts to Students: There would be a new way to get a BS CS in Oregon. This is especially significant to those living in the central Oregon area. This might take some pressure off the Corvallis CS enrollment, particularly in acceptance to Pro School. Abiding by an Ecampus guideline, no student will be forced to take an Ecampus course, unless the entire program is an Ecampus program. Budget Impacts: Their plan is to start the program with instructors and, once enrollment has increased, hire tenure-track faculty in Year 3. (See Issues.) Year 1 $53,560 Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council March 14, 2013 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 $196,735 $439,062 $287,228 includes start-up funding MOU Extending the BS in Computer Science from OSU-Corvallis to OSU-Cascades External Letters of Support: • COCC •Formative Ventures • Manzama • Instant Mobile Solutions • Code Benders • Bend Broadband • Brain Squall • RD&E Renewables • Medisiss • Navis Internal Letters of Support: • Computer Science, OSU-Corvallis Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council March 14, 2013 MOU Extending the BS in Computer Science from OSU-Corvallis to OSU-Cascades Issues: 1. Why not start with Tenure-Track faculty? Since OSU-Cascades is on their own budget, they want to start affordably, and hire T-T faculty once there is an enrollment revenue stream. 2. What is in place to create and maintain the quality of the program? OSU-Corvallis will vet all the new hires and conduct their yearly reviews in exactly the same way as they do for OSU-Corvallis CS faculty. OSU-Corvallis will be the tenure home for the T-T faculty. 3. Can a student enrolled in OSU-{Cascades, Corvallis} enroll in a CS course in OSU-{Corvallis, Cascades}? This is still being sorted out. Other upcoming MOUs need to know this too. Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council March 14, 2013 MOU Extending the BS in Computer Science from OSU-Corvallis to OSU-Cascades CC Vote: The Curriculum Council approved this proposal, with one dissenting vote. (11-1) Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council March 14, 2013 New Program: PhD in Business Administration Executive Summary: This proposal seeks to create a PhD in Business Administration. This is designed as a standalone degree, that is, it is not meant to be a follow-on to an MBA. Rationale: There is a nationwide need for Business Administration faculty. A PhD in Business Administration is also indicative of a strong Business program, as evidenced by such a program at so many of our peer and aspirational institutions. Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council March 14, 2013 New Program: PhD in Business Administration Impacts to Students: This not only helps those interested in a PhD, but strengthens the MBA and MB Accountancy programs. Budget Impacts: Large. Most of the budget is a result of hiring 7 new tenure-track faculty, plus Grad Assistants. Year 1 Year 2 $1,894,408 $2,261,175 Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council March 14, 2013 Year 3 $2,359,657 Year 4 $2,361,529 New Program: PhD in Business Administration External Letters of Support: • Jubitz Corporation • NW Natural • American Taxation Association • Academy of Management, Engineering Division • Idaho State University • UO • PSU Internal Letters of Support: • AREC Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council March 14, 2013 New Program: PhD in Business Administration Issues: 1. Budget is large. The Dean has approved it. This program is strategic to the future success of the College of Business. 2. How does required grad student teaching need to coordinate with the graduate student union? Ongoing investigation. Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council March 14, 2013 New Program: PhD in Business Administration CC Vote: The Curriculum Council approved this proposal, with no dissenting votes. (12-0) Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council March 14, 2013