Week 11 Name ____________________ Day 1

Week 11
Name ____________________
Day 1
1. Janet buys two purses at the mall that each
cost $15.25. If Janet gives the cashier $50.00,
how much change should she get back?
2. Identify the pattern in the series of
numbers below:
8, 13, 23, 21, 26, 36, 34
3. Is the number 1,642 prime or composite?
How do you know?
4. Write the area of each figure on the line.
Which shape has a larger area, shape A or B?
34 cm
4 cm
3 cm
45 cm
Day 2
1. Devin has 56 pieces of Halloween candy.
What are the factors of 100?
2. Solve to find the difference:
802,457 – 641,689
3. Shelly wants to display 18 photos on her
website. Draw out all of the possible arrays she
could make.
4. Ryan drew 32 pictures in his sketch book.
He drew four times as many pictures as Ken.
How many pictures did Ken draw?
Day 3
1. Theresa needs 86 cookies for the bake sale.
9 students have agreed to bring in 8 cookies a
piece. Another student has agreed to bring in
the remaining 14 cookies. Write an equation
that represents how many cookies the nine
students will bring in, and how many cookies the
one student will have to bring in to give Theresa
86 cookies.
2. Multiply to find the product:
54 X 98 = _______
3. Pencils come in packages of 10. Erasers come
in packages of 12. Holly wants to buy the
smallest number of pencils and erasers so that
she will have exactly 1 eraser for every pencil.
How many packages of pencils and erasers
should Holly buy?
4. Use the symbols >, <, or = to compare the
numbers below. Which place did you use to
compare the two numbers? ___________
900,399 ______ 900,390
Day 4
1. There are 5 metal picture frames and 3 glass
picture frames on each shelf. How many picture
frames are on 4 shelves?
1. What is the area of the shape below?
24 cm
24 cm
3. What is 2,293 rounded to the nearest tens
4. A baker sent 6 dozen cookies over to the
Smith’s house for a birthday party. How many
cookies will the Smith family have for their