Elective Course List

Neelsville Middle School
An International Baccalaureate World School
11700 Neelsville Church Road
Germantown • Maryland 20876
Phone: 301-353-8064
2016 – 2017 Elective Descriptions
2016 – 2017 Counselor Assignments
Grade 6 – Ms. Newbill
Grade 7 – Mr. Geary
Grade 8 – Mr. Cadogan
Resource Counselor – Ms. Greene
6th Grade Arts Rotation
This year-long course provides 6th graders with a sampling of four different
electives: Drama, Art, Technology and Awareness of Language and Culture.
Students spend a quarter in each course learning the basics.
• Art 6 – In this 9 week course, students will learn the fundamentals of art by
learning to recognize and apply the Elements of Art and Principles of Design to
create artworks. Students will be exposed to various medium including oil and chalk
pastels, watercolor pencils, and tempura paint.
• Technology – This 9 week course provides students with active learning
experiences related to the productive use of computer-based Windows applications,
infused with Google Chrome applications.
• Appreciation of Drama – This 9 week course is designed to expose the students to
the basic elements of a performance. The students will develop and understand
good audience behaviors, an ability to examine and critique performances with a
focus on plot, conflict, and themes, and instill a desire to appreciate the mediums of
television, film, and live theater performances.
• Awareness of Language – This 9 week course is designed to expose students to
the basic elements of Foreign Language and different world cultures.
Art (Visual Arts)
Beginning Art Studio (7, 8) (semester course)
Students will learn the basic elements and principles of art. Students will develop
painting, drawing, ceramics, and printmaking techniques. Students will also explore
the art of other cultures and learn about contemporary artists. Art fee required - $3.
Basic Art Studio (7/8) (semester course)
Students will expand on their skills and learn more in-depth processes. Students will
engage in silk screening, photography, and more 3D art processes. Students will be
creating works that are on a larger scale. Art fee required - $3.
Intro Computer Art (7/8) (semester course)
Students will learn the fundamentals of digital art and design. Students will be using
Microsoft Paint, Photoshop, and digital sculpting programs. Students will learn basic
photo editing skills and manipulation skills. Students will also create their portfolio
website where they can display all of their artwork. Students will be able to print
their artwork in color on high quality photo paper. Art fee required - $3.
Ceramic Studio (7, 8) (semester course)
Students will learn fundamental techniques of hand building to include pinch, coil,
and slab constructions. Students will make pottery, figurines, wall reliefs, and other
objects while incorporating various ceramic cultures around the world. Students will
also use glazes (paint) to decorate their ceramic pieces. Art fee required - $3.
Perspectives (7, 8) (semester course)
Students will use various edible materials to create works of art. An emphasis will
be given to baking where dough will be sculpted to make bread sculptures such as
baskets of various shapes and sizes. Students will also learn and apply cake
decorating techniques and use various molds to create themed/character cakes,
cupcakes, and cookies. Art fee required -$5.
Specialty Art (7, 8) (semester course)
Students will learn basics in hand sticker and embroidery to make simple hot pads to
more advanced articles of clothing such as aprons, vests, hats, and scarves.
Students will also be making bags and pillows. Students will learn sewing traditions
from around the world to incorporate into their own unique designs. Students will
also be able to make various friendship bracelets and necklaces, as well as wall
hangings using various yarns. Art fee required: $3.
Music (Performing Arts)
All Band/Orchestra classes are year-long and open to all grades. Students are
expected to practice five days per week at home to meet course requirements.
Student will perform in at least two evening performances during the year. Students
are asked to furnish their own instrument through rental or purchase. A limited
number of instruments are available from the school on a first come, first served
Band instruments include flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, alto or tenor
saxophone, bassoon, trumpet, French horn, trombone, baritone, euphonium, tuba,
or percussion (including drums, xylophone, bells and auxiliary percussion.
Concert Band (6, 7, 8) – for students with no prior school band experience or used
to play an instrument and would like to start over, or try a different instrument.
Percussion students will be auditioned and limited to four students per class. All
others will be asked to select a different instrument.
Intermediate Band (6, 7, 8) - for students who played at least one year in
elementary school band or currently play in the NMS Concert Band.
Advanced Band (7, 8) - for incoming 8th graders that played in the NMS Advanced
band last year; or are incoming seventh graders and currently play in the NMS
Intermediate Band.
Orchestra instruments include: violin, viola, cello, or string bass.
Beginning Strings (6, 7, 8) - for students with no prior school orchestra experience
or used to play an instrument and would like to start over, or try a new instrument.
Intermediate Orchestra (6, 7, 8) – for students that played at least one year or that
currently play in the NMS Beginning Strings class.
Advanced Orchestra (7, 8) - for students who currently play in the NMS
Intermediate or Advanced Orchestra.
Chorus Gr 6 & General Chorus (7, 8)
This year-long course provides a variety of singing opportunities for students with
limited formal choral experience. Chorus students will learn to use their vocal
instrument to create a correct and pleasing singing sound. In addition to learning
proper vocal production and technique, students will also learn music reading skills,
sight-singing skills, and performance skills. Chorus also offers opportunities for
students to develop team building and leadership skills. This is a performance-based
class. Participation in concert performances outside of regular class hours is
General Chorus - Advanced
This year long course is for a group of outstanding students who demonstrate a high
level of mastery of choral music at the middle school level and wish to continue at
an accelerated rate. Students will be placed by audition and/or teacher
recommendation. This course places an emphasis on vocal production,
interpretation and performance. Music of a wide variety of styles, cultures and time
periods will be studied and performed. This group may present performances in and
outside the school system, and demonstrates excellence in choral achievement.
There will be some after school rehearsals and evening performances - students will
be expected to participate in after school rehearsals and evening performances.
Theatre (Performing Arts)
Exploring Theatre (7, 8) (semester course)
Exploring Theatre is a one-semester, performance-oriented class in which students
investigate and experience aspects of production, aesthetics, criticism, theatre,
genre, and history within the framework of classroom presentations. Students
develop the fundamental techniques of performance through activities involving
stage movement, pantomime, voice, oral interpretation, theatre games, roleplaying, improvisation, and scene study. Emphasis is placed on the artistic process
and the students’ understanding of this process as an essential component to their
artistic development through continuous investigation.
Experiencing Theatre - Advanced (7, 8) (semester course)
This is a full-year course for the students performing in the school productions. This
is a performance-oriented class.
Technology (Design)
LCL! Series
The LCL! course series is of high interest, allows for ease of differentiation, and
addresses the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learner. The LCL! strand focus is on
increasing literacy in both written and visual texts, authentic use of vocabulary,
improving collaboration skills, building confidence and motivation, and providing
opportunities for higher-level thinking.
Lights, Camera, Literacy! (LCL!) (Design) (6) (full year course)
The course focuses on all three areas of the MCPS Moving Image Education:
integrating, deconstructing, and creating the moving image. Throughout the course,
students reflect on their learning through student-to-student discourse and journal
writing. They work collaboratively to apply the various skills and use technology to
produce an authentic product, a short film.
Lights, Camera, Film Literacy! (LCFL!) (7) (full year course)
This course offers a study of film and film history as the core for teaching more
advanced literacy skills. Students learn the physics and history of motion pictures, as
well as how to apply filmmaking techniques to their own visual communications.
Students read one novel as well as shorter written text selections and screenplays.
Lights, Camera, Media Literacy! (LCML!) (8) (full year course)
This course offers a study of media, its history, and basic related physics concepts as
the core for teaching even more advanced literacy skills. Lights, Camera, Media
Literacy! presents a timeline of media with focus on the history and physics of
communication from the earliest times via storytelling by troubadours and griots to
today’s mass media world. Students develop related multimedia projects within
each of these units. (Completion of “Lights, Camera, Film Literacy!” is required.)
Technology & Design (7, 8) (semester course)
Students explore and develop an understanding of the scope, characteristics, and
core concepts of technology. Students work to understand the attributes of design,
and apply the design cycle through a series of hands-on and computer-based
activities. Students develop skills in the areas of assessing the impact of products
and systems, researching, problem solving, and developing a working attitude of
safety, while working collaboratively with their peers. The units are: Unit 1:
Programming; Unit 2: Design and Design Cycle; Unit 3: 3D Design; Unit 4: Personal
Living with Technology (7, 8) (semester course)
Course Description: Students explore and develop an understanding of the scope
and characteristics of technology and the core concepts of technology. They
recognize the relationships and the connections between technology and other
fields of study while working to understand the attributes of design and apply the
design process through a series of hands on activities. Students develop skills in the
areas of research, problem solving and developing an attitude of safety, while
working collaboratively with others.
Foundations of Computer Science A/B (8) (year- long course)
The course provides an engaging introduction to computing concepts through a
nationally-developed curriculum, offered through a unique partnership with
Code.org. The course focuses on the conceptual ideas of computing so that
students understand why tools and languages are used to solve problems through a
study of human computer interaction, problem solving, web design, programming,
data analysis, and robotics.
Related Activity – Science (7, 8) (semester course)
This elective class encourages creativity by presenting students with a problem or
challenge that has many potential avenues. The problems presented are science,
technology, engineering and/or mathematically based. Students contemplate,
design and/or build, and later explain a solution complies with specifications
outlined in the initial problem. The goal of this STEM-oriented class is to foster a
learning environment in which students are guided to produce original ideas,
objects, and structures. This class builds upon the skills that students are using in
their core science and math class.
Physical Education
Related Studies (7, 8) (semester course)
PE Related Studies is designed to provide each student with the knowledge needed
to understand the importance of strength/fitness training and living an active
healthy lifestyle. Students will understand the importance of setting goals for
personal fitness improvement and achievement as well as explore body mechanics
and the muscular system.