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While you were away…..
…the government and politics world continued! You
are about to be reminded of 8 pieces of news from
the summer. Each question has a numerical
answer. Make a note of this answer and get ready
to add up your figures at the end. The nearest to
the correct answer is the winner!
Press space to start
While you were away…..
…the government and politics world continued! You
are about to be reminded of 8 pieces of news from
the summer. Each question has a numerical
answer. Make a note of this answer and get ready
to add up your figures at the end. The nearest to
the correct answer is the winner!
This summer the focus has been on
the race for the leadership of the
Labour Party in the UK. How many
candidates are running for the
deputy leadership?
As many as 17 people have saught to
become the Republican candidate
for the US Presidential election in
How many of these
candidates are allowed to be
involved in the TV debates of
August and September?
Meanwhile, the Scottish Labour
Party has elected a new leader –
Kezia Dugdale. How many MPs
does the Labour Party currently
have in Scotland?
In July, the Government announced a
major set of welfare reforms. The vote
lead to disagreement within the labour
party over abstaining from a vote on the
issue. To the nearest £ billion how much is
the cut to the welfare budget detailed in
this announcement?
Controversy has erupted over management
of ports in Calais as more migrants aiming
for the UK have arrived. Some have even
walked through the Eurotunnel in an
attempt to reach the UK. How long (to the
nearest mile) is the Eurotunnel?
Tim Farron won the election to
become the leader of the Liberal
Democratic Party in July 2015. How
many leaders (including Farron)
have the Liberal Democrats had
since their creation in 1988?
controversially appointed 22 new
members to the House of Lords.
How many of the 850 members of
the House of Lords are under the
age of 40?
According to a poll of 700 members of the
Conservative party, George Osborne has
emerged as the favourite to take over as
Leader of the party when David Cameron
To the nearest point, what
percentage of the vote did Osborne poll?
Well done!
You have a minute to
work out the total.
Let’s hear your
The answer is
Press space to go
through answers
This summer the focus has been on
the race for the leadership of the
Labour Party in the UK. How many
candidates are running for the
deputy leadership?
As many as 17 people have saught to
become the Republican candidate
for the US Presidential election in
How many of these
candidates are allowed to be
involved in the TV debates of
August and September?
Meanwhile, the Scottish Labour
Party has elected a new leader –
Kezia Dugdale. How many MPs
does the Labour Party currently
have in Scotland?
In July, the Government announced a
major set of welfare reforms. The vote
lead to disagreement within the labour
party over abstaining from a vote on the
issue. To the nearest £ billion how much is
the cut to the welfare budget detailed in
this announcement?
Controversy has erupted over management
of ports in Calais as more migrants aiming
for the UK have arrived. Some have even
walked through the Eurotunnel in an
attempt to reach the UK. How long (to the
nearest mile) is the Eurotunnel?
Tim Farron won the election to
become the leader of the Liberal
Democratic Party in July 2015. How
many leaders (including Farron)
have the Liberal Democrats had
since their creation in 1988?
controversially appointed 22 new
members to the House of Lords.
How many of the 850 members of
the House of Lords are under the
age of 40?
According to a poll of 700 members of the
Conservative party, George Osborne has
emerged as the favourite to take over as
Leader of the party when David Cameron
To the nearest point, what
percentage of the vote did Osborne poll?