Eliminating Health Disparities Initiative Community Grants Program Application Review Office of Minority and Multicultural Health March 2, 2012 2010 – Social Determinants of Health Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) are for applicants that are ready to “move upstream” and collaboratively develop or implement an initiative to address social determinants of health in their communities. The SDOH are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age. Examples of SDOH include: employment, education, early child care, housing, racism, healthy physical environments, and access to resources. The proposed activities to address the social determinant problem(s) will lead to policy, systems, or environmental change. The proposal is likely to lead to a reduction in health disparities. 2012 – Community Primary Prevention Community Primary Prevention (CPP) encourages and enables healthy behavior and safe and healthy environments with a focus on prevention of the risk factors that lead to disease.* * http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/docs/MDHCommunityBenefitReport.pdf 2012 – Community Primary Prevention CPP includes processes and initiatives that enable people to increase control over, and to improve their health. CPP includes policy, system and environmental change strategies that encourage healthy lifestyles and foster healthy and safe environments. The purpose of CPP is to create the conditions in a community that will support health and slow or reverse the growth in prevalence of disease and injury by preventing the onset of disease and injury. Policy, system and environment changes take place when community members are engaged, and all stakeholders share the decision making power through true collaboration. 2012 – Community Primary Prevention The CPP grant will be awarded to proposals with innovative ideas, concepts and approaches in creating partnerships and collaboration among entities that have the potential to impact the conditions that eliminate or reduce disparities in the EHDI PHAs between populations of color and American Indians and the White population. Building Community Capacity for Prevention: A Plan to Implement Statewide Strategies through Hospitals and Health Plans Community Benefit Investments 2012 – Community Primary Prevention In preparing your CPP application, you may want to consult: “Building Community Capacity for Prevention: A Plan to Implement Statewide Strategies through Hospitals and Health Plans Community Benefit Investments” http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/docs/MDHCommunityBenefitReport.pdf “Promoting Health Equity: A Resource to Help Communities Address Social Determinants of Health,” which offers strategies for community-based organizations seeking to affect community health through communitybased participatory approaches and nontraditional partnerships. http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dach/chhep/pdf/SDOHworkbook.pdf EHDI Community Grants Program RFP FAQ Eligible Racial/ Ethnic Groups African Americans/African American Indians Asians Latinos/Hispanics Priority Health Areas FAQ Breast and cervical cancer Diabetes Heart disease and stroke HIV/AIDS and STDs Immunizations for adults and children Infant Mortality Teen Pregnancy Unintentional injuries and violence Community Primary Prevention (CPP) Eligible Applicants FAQ Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to, faith-based organizations, social service organizations, community nonprofit organizations, community health boards, tribal governments, and community clinics. Available Funding-1 Year FAQ -$2,787,500-Teen pregnancy implementation/TANF -$4,027,808- All other PHAs/CPP implementation Grant Amounts FAQ Implementation Grants $100,000-$180,000 per year 38-68 grants Important Dates Due Dates Intent to Apply Form March 12, 2012 (physically received – not postmarked) Applications due April 12, 2012, 4:00 pm (physically received – not postmarked) Notice to applicants May 22, 2012 Work begins July 1, 2012 INTENT TO APPLY FORM REQUIRED Due Date: March 12, 2012 (physically received – not postmarked) Letter of Intent will be accepted by: Fax – 651-201-4986 Email: ommh@health.state.mn.us Mail (address): 625 Robert St. N, St. Paul, MN, 55164-0975 Q:\EHDI Program\2012 RFP\RFP Documents\documents for website\forms\forms in word\intent to Apply form 2012.docx If you are applying for… Priority Health Area Implementation Grants – Identify and address one or more of the 8 Priority Health Areas – Identify racial/ethnic population(s) – Utilize evidence-based or promising practices Priority Health Areas FAQ Disparities Chart-Appendix C African American/ African American Indian Asian American Hispanic/ Latino Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening X X X X Diabetes X X X X Heart Disease and Stroke X X HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases X X X X Immunizations for Adults and Children X X X X Infant Mortality X X Teen Pregnancy X X X X Unintentional Injury and Violence X X X X Priority Health Area Menu of Activities (Appendix D-K) Objective B. Reduce the risk factors that can lead to heart disease and stroke Required Strategy B.1. Assist people with high blood pressure or high cholesterol, or who use tobacco, to reduce their risk HDS Activity B.1.1. Encouraged HDS Activity B.1.4. Establish policies and procedures that will screen high-risk people for high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol in worksites and other community settings and link them to resources for treatment. ♦♦♦♦♦♦ Implement mechanisms that will connect people with existing effective tobacco cessation programs, including quitlines, quitting websites, and face-to-face counseling. ♦♦♦♦♦♦ Addresses more than one PHA. See: Infant Mortality Activities B.3.6. and C.2.3. ♦♦♦♦♦♦ Indicates an activity that will lead to a policy, systems, or environmental change If you are applying for… FAQ Community Primary Prevention Implementation Grants – Impact the conditions that eliminate or reduce disparities – Identify the racial and ethnic populations – Utilize partnerships and/or collaborations “Promoting Health Equity-A Resource to Help Community Address Social Determinants of Health” http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dach/chhep/pdf/SDOHworkbook.pdf Required Application Forms - Appendix N FAQ Application Cover Sheet Background Information Form Budget Form Budget Narrative Instructions Community Involvement, Collaboration, and Partnership Form Financial Capacity and Review Form Focus Area Description – Priority Health Area Applications Intent to Apply Form Other Funding Sources Form Project Narrative – Priority Health Areas Application Instructions Project Narrative – Social Determinants Health Area Application Instructions Staffing Narrative Instructions Work plan Template FAQ http://www.health.state.mn.us/ommh/funding/rfp120227/index .html Bolded forms are needed for all applications Application Checklists (pg. 24) E. Community Primary Prevention Implementation Applications CCP implementation applications must include the documents listed below in the order specified. This list can be used as a checklist to be sure you have included all the required documents in the required order. Application Cover Sheet (with an original signature on the unbound copy) Background Information Form Project Narrative – Community Primary Prevention Area Applications Work plan Form Community Involvement, Collaboration, and Partnership Form Budget Form Budget Narrative Staffing Narrative Other Funding Sources Form Financial Capacity and Review Form Application Form Instructions •Each form or request for information will be preceded by instructions •Pay attention to the instructions for each form •Note special instructions for TANF and Evaluation TANF EVALUATION Types of Applications that Must Include This Document Priority health area applications Community Primary Prevention implementation application Application Cover Sheet Q:\EHDI Program\2012 RFP\RFP Documents\documents for website\forms\forms in word\Application Cover Sheet form.docx Project Narrative InstructionsPHA Q:\EHDI Program\2012 RFP\RFP Documents\documents for website\forms\instructions in word\Project Narrative for Priority Health Area instructions 2012.docx Application Instructions (pg. 22) FAQ •Develop your application collaboratively with community partners •Include all required information and materials •Do not include extra materials •Use the checklists (pg. 24) to ensure completeness Application Instructions (pg. 22) Use Word Processing Software Note Page Limits Printed on one-side only Font Size 12 pt Pay attention to document instructions for spacing, fonts and margins Intent to Apply Form DUE: March 12, 2012 Intent to Apply Form Email: health.ommh@state.mn.us Subject Line: Intent to Apply Form Or Fax: 651-201-4986 Or Mail: OMMH Minnesota Department of Health PO Box 64975 St. Paul, MN 55164-0975 2012 EHDI RFP Financial and Budget Area: Be able to understand financial and budget forms, before writing your application. Nyagatare Valens Grants Specialist Nyagatare.valens@state.mn.us 651 201 5817 GOALS Act in a fiscally-responsible manner, including following standard accounting procedures, charging the EHDI grant only for approved activities, spending grant funds responsibly, having accounting systems in place to track EHDI-funded activities separately from other sources, and meeting auditing requirements. Financial and Budget Scoring Points-Total 15 points The budget materials are complete, correct, and consistent with the proposed activities. (6 points) The proposed costs, staffing and technical resources needed are reasonable. (6 points) A description of the 10% match is included in the budget. These funds can be in-kind contributions or other available Agency funds. (3 points) Financial and Budget Forms: – Budget Form – Budget Narrative Form – Other Funding Sources Form – Financial Capacity and Review Form ..\RFP Documents\documents for website\forms\forms in word\Budget Form 2012.docx ..\RFP Documents\documents for website\forms\PDF files\Budget Narrative instructions 2012.pdf Q:\EHDI Program\2012 RFP\RFP Documents\documents for website\forms\forms in word\Other Funding Sources Form 2012.docx Q:\EHDI Program\2012 RFP\RFP Documents\documents for website\forms\forms in word\Financial Capacity and Review Form 2012.docx Financial and Budget Technical Assistance After Award We will work one-on-one with you to revise and finalize your budget and workplan, and will respond promptly to your requests for prior approval of your expenditures and activities. Financial and Budget Technical Assistance After Award We will verify your expenditure documentation at least once during the grant period; you will not know in advance which invoice we are going to verify. You may be required to refund any expenditures that you are unable to document. Financial and Budget Technical Assistance After Award We will provide two meetings each year for technical assistance, planning, evaluation, and other essential programmatic issues. Application Review Process 1. Community Review 2. Equitable Distribution Priority Health Area Statewide Population Availability & Flexibility of Funds 3. Financial Capacity and Review 4. Commissioner / ELT 5. May 22, 2012 Questions FAQs Can an agency be a lead in more than one application? No, however, your organization may be included as a partner in more than one application. Can a lead agency apply for more than one of the two types of grants. No, a lead agency can only propose one type of grant. Why is the funding for only 1 year? We are in the second year of the biennium. The new biennium will begin July 2013. FAQS Will applicants receive technical assistance from the MDH during the RFP process? Yes. Questions regarding this RFP may be submitted by phone or email to Jose Gonzalez to receive an official response. The contact people listed on page 2 of the RFP can respond to questions specific to their content areas. Frequently-asked questions (FAQs) will be posted on our web site at www.health.state.mn.us/ommh. FAQS Can you apply for more than $180,000 if you are addressing several priority health areas? No. The chart on page 1 and 2 in the RFP shows that $180,000 is the maximum you can apply for. Can an agency formally partner with another agency that is also applying (for a different project) in the same or another disease area? A lead agency can only propose one of the two types of grants: Priority health area implementation grant or Community primary prevention grant. However, your organization may be included as a partner in more than one application and you may choose to serve the same population or a different population. Application Submission Due Date Thursday, April 12, 2012 4:00 pm Submit 1 unbound signed original and 7 bound copies Freeman Map http://www.health.state.mn.us/about/freeman.html