RIT graduate academic plan and checklist for Master of Science degree in Microelectronic Engineering This form is for a student without a BS degree in Microelectronic Engineering Name (printed): ___________________ (signed) _____________________ Date: ______ University ID #: ___________________ Is this an initial plan ______ or a new plan _____? Academic Advisor (printed): ___________________ (signed) _____________________ Date: ______ (See section III for thesis advisor and committee) Section I - course work: This form is to be updated each semester! Degree requirements consist of a total of 33 semester credit hours: 1) Eight – three semester credit courses (24 SCH) 2) Six semester credits of thesis (6 SCH) 3) Three semester credits of Research Methods (3 SCH) Year 1 – Fall Semester Required Courses are in bold MCEE-601 Microelectronic Fabrication MCEE-605 Lithographic Materials and Processes MCEE – 603 Thin Films MCEE – 795 Research Methods Total Credits 3 3 3 1 10 Actual Courses Credits Year 1 – Spring Semester Required Courses are in bold MCEE-732 CMOS Manufacturing MCEE-602 VLSI Process Modeling MCEE – xxx Graduate Elective MCEE – 795 Research Methods Total Credits 3 3 3 1 10 Actual Courses Credits Year 2 – Fall Semester Required Courses are in bold Credits Actual Courses Credits MCEE-704 Physical Modeling of Semi. Dev. 3 MCEE-xxx Graduate Elective 3 MCEE – 790 Thesis 3 MCEE – 795 Research Methods 1 Total 10 All MCEE-MS students should present their thesis proposal before the end of the fall of their second year. Year 2 – Spring Semester Required Courses are in bold MCEE-790 Thesis Credits 3 Actual Courses Credits Total 3 All MCEE-MS students should defend their thesis before the end of the spring of their second year. Version Date: 6-26-15 page 1 of 4 Section II - Approved Graduate Elective Courses (other courses may be considered for approval): Listed by topic areas: Lithography MCEE-615 Nanolithographic Systems (spring) Semiconductor and Device Physics: MCEE-713 Quantum and Solid State Physics EEEE-713 Solid State Physics MCEE-706 SiGe and SOI (spring, alternate years) Photovoltaics and energy: MCEE-720 Photovoltaic Science and Engineering MCEE-740 Solid State Lighting EEEE-546 Power Electronics Manufacturing and yield: MCEE-730 Metrology for Failure Analysis Micro-electro-mechanical Systems: MCEE-770 MEMS Fabrication EEEE-787 MEMS Evaluation EEEE-689 Fundamentals of MEMS Electrical Engineering (includes but is not limited to): EEEE-531 Biomed Sensors & Transducers I EEEE-546 Power Electronics EEEE-602 Random Signals and Noise EEEE-603 Matrix Methods in EE EEEE-610 Analog Electronics EEEE-712 Advanced Field Effect Devices EEEE-730 Advanced Analog IC Design EEEE-766 Multivariable Modeling Computer Engineering: Version Date: 6-26-15 page 2 of 4 Imaging Science: IMGS-616 Fourier Methods for Imaging Microsystems: MCSE-713 Lasers CQAS (includes but is not limited to): CQAS-621 Statistical Quality Control CQAS-670 DOE for Process Improvement CQAS-682 Lean Six Sigma Fundamentals Materials Science: MTSE-601 Materials Science MTSE-617 Material Degradation MTSE-702 Polymer Science MTSE-703 Solid State Science MTSE-704 Theory Meth Mat Sci & Eng MTSE-780 Theory Microsensors & Actuators Packaging: Version Date: 6-26-15 page 3 of 4 Section III - thesis Thesis Advisor Name (printed): _____________________ (signed) _____________________ Date: ______ Thesis committee: Name (printed): _____________________ (signed) _____________________ Date: ______ Name (printed): _____________________ (signed) _____________________ Date: ______ Name (printed): _____________________ (signed) _____________________ Date: ______ Proposal presentation date (before the end of the fall semester of your second year): __________ Signed copy of the proposal presentation is in the student’s file (Yes or No): _____ Thesis defense date is publically announced via email and flyers: Announcement Date _______ Thesis defense date: ________________ Thesis binding fee paid and thesis copies submitted to the library for binding: ______ Verification from the library that thesis has been submitted for ProQuest/UMI for publication: ____ Version Date: 6-26-15 page 4 of 4