Surveillance to CW Slides (PowerPoint: 144kb/15 slides)

All Providers Meeting
November 6, 2014
Import Limited Surveillance Data into
CAREWare for Clients Who Give Consent
HIV diagnosis date
AIDS diagnosis date
HIV status
All CD4 labs (date, type of test, result)
All viral load labs (date, type of test, result)
Vital status and date of death
Note: HIV/AIDS Surveillance System = eHARS
(enhanced HIV/AIDS Reporting System)
New reporting rule implemented in June 2011
requires labs to report all CD4 and viral load
results to MDH
The number of lab tests entered into eHARS
nearly doubled when comparing 2nd quarter
2011 and 2nd quarter 2012
24% increase in electronic lab reports between
2012 and 2013
CD4 and viral load data will only be viewed by
case managers and clinical staff in provider
domains that serve the client
HIV status and diagnosis dates will be viewed
by all staff in provider domains that serve the
Vital status and date of death will be viewed
by all staff in provider domains that serve the
Community-based case managers won’t have
to spend time calling clinics for lab results –
can focus more on needs of clients
Clinic staff won’t have to spend time calling
case managers back with lab results
Providers will have easy access to diagnosis
Easy availability of CD4 and viral load values
will strengthen case managers’ ability to:
 Coordinate clients’ HIV medical care
 Monitor clients’ health status
 Monitor clients’ quality of care
Case manager access to clinical indicators will
benefit client health by:
 Improved retention in care
 Improved treatment adherence support
Availability of diagnosis dates, CD4 and VL
data will strengthen DHS and HC’s ability to
evaluate the following for clients served by
Ryan White/state funding:
 Linkage to care after diagnosis
 Retention in care
 Community viral load
 Missing data
Matching cases between CAREWare and
surveillance will provide opportunity to
identify cases missing from surveillance
More complete data in surveillance could
impact funding amounts for:
 Ryan White
 Prevention
Try out messages to promote project with clients and
modify if needed
Test ROI process and modify if needed
Test matching process and modify if needed
Test import process and modify if needed
Get feedback on usefulness of surveillance data to
case managers and grantees
Develop recommendations for rolling out project to
all MCM providers
November 2014
Pilot sites begin collecting ROIs from clients
Nov/Dec 2015
MDH does match between eHARS and CAREWare
January 2015
MDH tests importing data on test site
January 2015
First check-in conference call with pilot sites
February 2015
Training with pilot sites on how to interpret and use the data
March 2015
MDH does first import of data into MN CAREWare
April 2015
Second check-in conference call with pilot sites
Late May 2015
MDH does second import of data into MN CAREWare
June 2015
In-person debrief with pilot sites
July 2015
Rollout of project with all MCM sites
MDH, DHS and HC: Finalize ROI
Contract Managers: Notify pilot sites to begin
collecting ROIs
Pilot Sites: Begin collecting ROIs and submitting
to MDH
MDH: Enter ROIs into CAREWare as received
MDH: Do initial match between eHARS and CW