Protecting, Maintaining and Improving the Health of Minnesotans MDH Compliance Monitoring Division Evaluation – Thursday November 12, 2009 and Friday November 13, 2009 Please evaluate all of the elements of today’s Staff Meeting. Check only one box per statement. Your comments and suggestions are valuable in making improvements for future Staff Meetings. If you have immediate concerns please see Cindy Germain. Rating Key: 5 = Strongly Agree 4 = Agree 3 = Moderate 2 = Disagree 1 = Strongly Disagree INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL Content was relevant and informative. □5 □4 □3 □2 □1 Speakers demonstrated knowledge of subject matter. □5 □4 □3 □2 □1 Speakers communicated effectively. □5 □4 □3 □2 □1 Material was well organized. □5 □4 □3 □2 □1 Training materials/teaching aids enhanced the presentation. □5 □4 □3 □2 □1 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS PLEASE TURN IN YOUR EVALUATION AS YOU EXIT DAILY THANK YOU!