Lakewood Expectations 2015-2016

Lakewood Expectations
What good citizens of
Lakewood Elementary
Caring is watching
others and learning
how your choices
affect them
involves sharing a
goal with someone
and helping them
reach it with your
Responsibility is
fulfilled by taking on
the ownership of your
part in making
something a success
Respect is to listen
to what others say
and to let them
know you consider
what they have to
say is of value
Acceptance involves
welcoming others
including all the ways
they may be different
from us and treating
others as having an
equal share in the world
Trustworthiness is
achieved by doing what
you say you will and
letting someone know if
anything changes that
might keep you from
fulfilling your promise
Basic Lakewood Training
Respect and how to earn it
Safety is the responsibility of all of us
Responsibility means doing what is expected
Trust is the basis of safety and good relationships
Honesty – Telling the truth is a big part of trust
Reliability – The practical trust when make a promise
Honor – Pride in behaving with respect & compassion
Integrity is following what you believe to be right even
when it means saying “no” to your friends
Bus Assignments
Bus Colors rather than numbers
Red, Yellow, Pink, Green, Brown, Grey, Blue,
Orange, Purple
Riding the Bus -
Wait patiently at the bus stop
Get on the bus safely by taking turns
Find a seat quickly and stay in it
Call on the Bus Patrol or Driver for help
Arriving at School
Arriving at school – Kindergarten, First and
Second Graders go to the Gym
Third, Fourth and Fifth Graders go to the
Upstairs Hallway outside their classrooms
Morning Announcements
Fifth Graders lead
us in the Pledge of
After that, they will
tell us who is
celebrating their
birthday today
And tell us what is
for lunch in the
Lakewood’s “Eagle Pledge”
They will also lead us in reciting our pledge
What if there’s a fire?
If the fire alarm goes off, we line up silently and walk
in an orderly line and follow our teacher out of the
building to the Bus Circle area
We take attendance again and make certain that
everyone is out of the building and safe
We practice this several times during the year
Other Emergencies – Shelter
students and
staff stay in
their rooms.
This keeps
Other Emergencies – Lockdown
This is
for urgent
Lunch Choices
To order lunch you must pick from the
“main choice” or the “alternate” selection.
You will make your choice first thing in the
morning and let your teacher know which
one you want.
If you need a special diet tell your teacher.
Did you bring your lunch from home?
[Or did you forget it somewhere?
No matter, we will talk about that too]
“I don’t have a lunch!”
We expect everyone at our school needs
some food to keep healthy! So everyone will
get a lunch.
We may be able to reach your parents to
bring a lunch that was left at home or in a
Or, the cafeteria has extra food for such an
emergency. You may not have many choices.
But, we will see that you get something to
Once you have chosen Lunch
Extra Lunches - Sometimes the cafeteria has a few
extra lunches available. If you are still hungry, you
may ask for another lunch.
Lunch orders – Because everyone makes a lunch
choice in the morning, and that’s what the kitchen
prepares, it is your responsibility to:
REMEMBER what you ordered and
ONLY TAKE what you ordered!
Child-proof Food Containers
If your parent packs your lunch in containers
you cannot open, let your parent know you
may need a different kind of package.
Staff can try to help you open some of them.
It is best if you know you can manage your
own food.
All food and drink must be in plastic
containers or juice packs. Metal cans and
glass containers must stay home
Paying for your lunch
At cash register you will enter your
cafeteria code. Be sure and
memorize this. If you forget it the
manager may be able to look it up.
Say your name out loud and
clearly so the cafeteria manager
can make certain the meal or milk
is charged to your account.
If you are running out of money in
your account, the manager will
warn you to bring money from
home. After that a letter is sent
home to let your parents know
your account is low.
Extra Milk
Extra Milk – If you
order lunch it
includes milk. If you
want more milk you
may go back and
buy more. Those
who brought their
lunch may also go
buy milk to drink
with their lunch.
Lunchroom Expectations
Allergies and food sharing – Some children are allergic to certain
foods and some can react so strongly that they have to go to the
hospital. So we ask you not to share food at any time in school.
Hats off – If you bring a hat or sunglasses to wear at recess, keep
them in your lap or pocket. Hats and sun-glasses are for outside.
To leave the lunchroom – Raise your hand and ask permission to
leave the lunchroom. You must have permission from someone in the
lunchroom, or a permission slip signed by one of your teachers. The
only places you can ask to go are to get a drink, use the bathroom, or
go to the nurse.
Once we start clean-up, drink & bathroom requests are cancelled.
Cleaning up Lunch tables
Cleaning up means to throw away
and trash, dispose of milk and juice
packs in their special containers.
Make certain you pick up your trash,
as well as trash you find on your
table or on the floor around you.
Whether it is “your” trash or not, it
must be put in the trash.
More Lunchroom Expectations
You are to sit anywhere at your class table. There are no
“saved” seats.
If seating gets crowded we limit it to 8 students on each
side of the full length (double) table
Walk whenever you are inside Lakewood School
Running is an activity for recess
Sit at the lunch table and remain seated during lunch.
Raise your hand to ask staff for permission to move
Silence is expected any time an adult gives the “quiet”
sign or asks for quiet
Bathroom & Lunch
Requests to go to the
bathroom are welcome.
However, once everyone
begins to clean up to go
to recess, you must wait
till you get to the next
activity to ask to go.
Lunchroom Temptation
Playing with the bars between
the tables: The lunch tables have a
bar in the middle which makes a
sound that all the staff are familiar
with. We know it because some
children who have played with it
have been hurt. Let it be.
Keep your food with you at all
times – No one needs to touch your
food and you should keep your
hands away from someone else's
What do I do if I spill something? If it is a
small area on the table ask to get paper
towels and clean it up yourself. If it is a
spill on the floor let the staff know we
need more than a paper towel.
What do I do if I spill something all over
my clothes? The school nurse keeps
some clean clothes in different sizes. You
may be able to borrow from her and then
return them clean the next day
Voices and walking in line
Out-door voices are for use out-side
In-door voices are welcome in the lunchroom
How do I walk through the halls in a single-file line?
Face the back of the person in front of you and
follow directly in his or her footsteps. Stop when he
or she stops; go when he or she starts to walk again.
Butting in line – When we take turns and line up
without pushing our way to the front, we are showing
the kind of teamwork and respect that we are proud
of at Lakewood. When someone butts into line they
are insulting all their classmates as if to say: “I am
better than all of you.” You may need extra practice
at showing respect.
Time to clean up
You may be
called by
grade or by
tables to
clean up
Clean off
tables, sit
down, and
listen quietly
for your call
to line up
Empty Milk Bottles
Lunch trays ---------------
Black Food
Announcements at lunch
If there are students who are staying in with their
teachers for recess their names will be called
Special activities or patrol meetings may be announced
If we have indoor recess, all students, including lunchhelpers, will stay seated until their teacher comes to take
them to their classrooms
Once everything is clean, staff will call lunch-helpers to
leave and that is when others who are staying in for
recess can also leave to go to their classrooms
Once you are seated quietly at your table you may be
called to line up to go to inside or outside recess
Three kinds of Recess
Playground – When the weather is nice and
the ground is dry we can have recess on the
Bus Circle – When the playground is wet or
icy, and it is not too cold, and not raining, we
can go outside to the Bus Circle
In-Doors – When it is raining or the
temperature is below freezing, we stay inside
and play games and work in the classrooms
Recess – On the Playground
The area
where you are
to play
which you can
play on and
balls you can
play with
The area of the “Playground”
While we do not have a map of the area of
the playground, at the beginning of the year
we paint a line around where students are
allowed to play
Equipment for play
Primarily this is a variety of balls which
everyone is expected to share
Occasionally we will have Hula Hoops or
foam frisbees
The wall of Lost and Found
Before recess
– A nice clean
area leading
to the
The Wall of Lost and Found
You might discover the weather is not as cold as you expected.
You may want to take off a hat or jacket or maybe gloves. The
most convenient spot seems to be at the wall by the door to the
When you drop them by the wall, - YOU MUST REMEMBER
While someone might pick it up and keep it, someone else
might take it to the area we call “Lost and Found.”
No one at Lakewood is paid to collect your pieces of
clothing and keep them safe. If someone is nice enough to do
that, you may be able to get it back.
Lost and Found
Outside the library
In the office
If something looks
valuable, like a necklace,
eye-glasses, or a watch,
Mrs. Melis will kindly keep it
in the office. She will not
look for the owner. If you
have lost something small
like that, you may ask Mrs.
Melis if she has it.
Avoid These
Places to avoid and warn friends about: Play
equipment tunnels
The top of the
tunnels on the play
equipment are
slippery and you
can fall far to the
ground. It is a good
idea to avoid
climbing on these
The Ball-field
The ball field is
NOT part of the
playground. So
be sure to stay
outside the
batting fence
back-stop area
At special times
we may open the
ball field for
Avoiding the Ramp
Some students get bored and
start digging in the dirt. This is
a problem for two reasons:
First they probably use
STICKS to dig with. Second,
they dig up ROCKS.
We have a nice, safe, area of
climbing bars which have soft
ground in case you fall. Stay
off the bars on the ramp.
Those bars are over hard
concrete. Best of all, avoid the
ramp completely!
Stick and Rock Magnetism
You do not need rocks and sticks to enjoy
 However! It looks like there is a kind of
magnetism that flows between a student’s
hand and nearby rocks and sticks
 It is an important part of your education here
that you learn to choose “not to pick it up”
 Leave all rocks, sticks, pinecones where
you find them
Leave these “magnets” alone
Sticks and Rocks –These
two things are not very
popular with the school
nurse, staff, and parents
who have to come pick their
child up at school to take
them to the emergency
And help your friends by
reminding them to “leave
them on the ground.”
Help save our trees
There are some young
trees and plants around the
playground. Some are
healthier than others.
Please resist the
temptation to pull leaves or
branches off the trees in
the playground. Some
students in previous years
have killed a number of
young trees over by the
What happens at recess:
The staff on the playground are watching out to keep you
safe, and watching the time so you don’t miss time with
your teachers.
Alert Whistle – If you hear a short, loud, blow of a whistle,
look in the direction of the sound and make certain you
are not the one being called.
End of recess (Bell or Whistle) – If you hear a couple of
long blows of a whistle, it is time for your class to line up
and wait for your teachers to come take you back to
class. Once the whistle has blown there are no more
requests to get a drink or go to the bathroom or go to the
nurse. Ask your teacher once you return to class.
I need a drink of water
Requests for trips to the
bathroom and to get a drink of
water: Make certain that a staff
member knows where you are
going. Also let them know after
you return.
Even though this may seem to
take a lot of time, if there were
an emergency, we want to know
where to find you to make sure
you are safe.
When recess is over
You will hear a
long blow on a
whistle to let
you know it is
time to line up
Your teacher
will come Join
you and take
you to your
Going to the Nurse
If you, or one of the
other children on the
playground, appears
hurt, let a staff
member know right
Let the staff member
decide whether the
student needs to go to
the nurse.
Recess- Bus Circle
The Bus Arrival area is
right outside the Cafeteria.
All students are expected
to stay in the bus area
On some days a bus may
have to come in to drop
off students. Teachers will
signal students to move
onto the curb until the bus
has left.
Getting to indoor recess
When lunch is over and we have cleaned up
the tables and floor, your teachers will take
you back to your classrooms for indoor
In this case the “Lunch Helpers” will wait and
go back to their classrooms with the rest of
the class.
In-Door Recess – In the classrooms
When you get back to your classroom
you will be supervised by one of the
lunch staff you would usually see
You may play board-games, cards, read
a book, and draw.
You may get permission to use the
computer to work on your school work or
In-door Recess Options
The area for recess is your class-room.
The staff may allow students to join
others in adjoining classrooms. This
choice will be up to the staff member on
Requests to use the bathroom or to get
a drink of water are handled the same
as on the playground and blacktop.
Noise and In-door recess
Noise is sometimes an issue for indoor recess.
Some class rooms connect with other grades who
are in the middle of instruction or perhaps testing.
Students have to keep noise levels down so we can
have fun without bothering others.
The hallways are not part of the indoor recess area.
However, in special cases, staff may let a small
group of students work quietly on a project in the
hallway. This is a special privilege and students have
to take special care not to disturb others.
Bathroom Use
Use the bathroom properly
Wash and dry your hands afterward
Throw the paper towels away
Leave it clean
If you discover a problem let a staff member
know right away
Returning to class after recess
Your teacher will
come meet your
class at the
playground or bus
They will lead you
back to class
What happens at dismissal?
First your teacher will tell you to gather your things
and get ready to leave
Next you may hear a couple of announcements –
And eventually a call for “All Walkers” to come down
and leave the building.
A little later there will be a call for all students who
are being picked up by car, “Car-Riders,” to go down
to the main hallway. Your teacher will dismiss them.
After the Car-Riders have left, you will wait quietly for
your bus to be announced.
How you will leave on your bus
Kindergarten will be picked up in their
classroom by their bus patrols.
Other grades will wait in their classrooms
until each bus is announced and it is ready
for everyone to go get on. They usually call
three times to make certain everyone hears
and no one misses their bus. The teacher will
dismiss those riding each bus as it is called.
What if I miss my bus?
It doesn’t happen very often. If it happens we call
your family and have them come pick you up at the
school as soon as they can.
Even more rare is the case where a parent is not at
the bus stop to meet a student. In this case the bus
driver will try and call while still at the stop. If this
does not work the driver will keep the student safe
and return to school. While the bus is on the way
back to school, the staff contact the parents to
arrange for them to come to school to pickup the
At the Library
Things to remember
Learning your computer Login
your Lakewood
Username and
What might we ask you?
 Where
are you supposed to be?
 What should you be doing?
You can ask yourself:
Where am I supposed to be?
What should I be doing?
Shutting off Computers
Shutdown, or
Log Off, or
Turning off the screen
School Pictures
A photographer will take a picture of you
A photographer will take a picture of your
Your parents can order copies of the pictures
If you are absent that day there may be a day
they will come back to try and take yours
Your class will go down as a group and you
will each have your picture taken
If someone gets sick in the classroom
The teacher will see that that person goes to
the nurse right away
The teacher will probably take the class out
to the hallway while Building Service people
come clean up.
Try to stay calm and keep from saying
anything which might hurt the sick person’s
Glossary 2
Bus rider of the week
Car rider of the week
Walker of the week
Birthday Pencils
Attendance Folders
Lunch Count
What do Patrols do?
Patrols are fifth graders who have been
selected to guide younger students and show
them how to be safe
They watch for students who know what’s
expected at Lakewood – These children are
picked as “Star-Walker” “Star-Bus-Rider” and
so on.
If they see a problem they will write a report
and tell Mr. Thomson so that person can get
help to learn what is expected.
Ways adults ask for silence
“Show me listening”
“If you can hear me touch your head…”
A whistle
The adults should never have to shout
Traffic in the front hall - Dismissal
Parents will wait for you outside – when you
stop to greet them by the front door you block
others from leaving.
On cold days, if you have forgotten to put on
your coat, you will be asked to step to the
side to put it on before you leave