


Telephone: (914) 273-4501

Mobile: (914) 262 - 0954



Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York

Doctor of Education, 1982 Major: Curriculum and Teaching

Dissertation: A Study of Five Emotionally Handicapped Public High School

Students In a Mainstreaming Program

Honors: Kappa Delta Pi

Teachers College, Columbia University New York, New York

Master of Arts, 1972 Major: Curriculum and Teaching

Emerson College, Boston, Massachusetts

Bachelor of Arts, 1971

Major: English Literature Minor: Education

Honors: Gold Key Honor Society, Dean’s List, Who’s Who Among Students in American

Colleges And Universities, 1971 ; Honors Diploma


New York University,

Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

Department of Teaching and Learning

Clinical Associate Professor, Early Childhood and Special Education 9/2000-




Program Director, Undergraduate Program in Early

Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education

Responsibilities include ongoing program development, research and assessment; teaching courses, student mentoring and advisement, securing and mentoring faculty to teach within the program, review of student course evaluations, supervising student teachers, and performing administrative tasks.

9/00-06 Clinical Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning

Program Director, Undergraduate Program in Early

Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education

Responsibilities include ongoing program development, research and assessment; teaching courses, student mentoring and advisement, securing and mentoring faculty to teach within the program, review of student

Maris H. Krasnow 1


9/08 – 6/09

9/04 – 6/2014









1/02 -Present course evaluations, and administrative tasks. Teach courses and supervise student teachers.

Department, School, University and Community Service:

New York University

Department of Teaching and Learning

Faculty Support and Evaluation Committee

Director, Project MUST (Mentoring Urban Students for Teaching)

Member, Student Academic Life Committee

Chair, SAL: ‘06 – ‘14

Member, Search Committee: Early Child/Child Position

Member, Committee on Continuing Professional Development

Member, TEAC Research and Study Committee

Member, Search Committee: Early Child/Child Position

Member, Curriculum Committee

Member, Committee on Middle School Teacher Education

Member, Teacher Education Task Force

Member, Teacher Education Committee

Planning and Implementation: New York Settlement School


Fall 2012

Fall 2010

Spring 2009

Spring 2006

Spring 2004

9/03 – 9/05

9/01 - Present

6/04 - Present

Kappa Delta Pi

Beta Pi Chapter, New York University

International Honor Society in Education

5/08 – Present: Counselor, Co-Counselor

1/02 – 5/06: President

Astor Fellows Program, Summer 2001

Selected and accompanied NYC public school teachers to attend an educational conference in Greece

Steinhardt School

Nominee, University Distinguished Teaching Award

Nominee, University Distinguished Teaching Award

Recipient, Steinhardt Teaching Excellence Award

Nominee, Steinhardt Teaching Excellence Award

Nominee, Steinhardt Teaching Excellence Award

Junior Connection

Undergraduate Recruitment

Community Service

Westchester Children’s Association, White Plains, NY

Chair, board of Directors, June 2010-2012

President, Board of Directors, June 2006 – June 2010

Continuing Board Member

Maris H. Krasnow 2

Chair, Standing for Children: WCA Centennial Campaign, June

2013 -2018

5/08 – 9/10


Bet Am Shalom Synagogue, White Plains, NY

Co – Chair: Task Force Hebrew School Visioning Committee

University Settlement House and The Door, NY, NY

Educational Consultant

3/10 – 5/10: Proposed Broome Street Charter School:

Application review

1/04 – 3/06: Beacon Campus: Summer Camp Educational


University Settlement House, District 1

1/02- 12/03: Beacon Breakaways Summer Camp

A collaboration among University Settlement House, The New

York City Board of Education, and District 1

9/98-Present: Recruitment: Identify T&L students to tutor in after school and other educational programs

Positions at New York University prior to Clinical Appointment:

1/98 – 8/00 New York University, New York, New York

School of Education, Department of Teaching & Learning

Associate Research Scientist – Responsibilities for this position include teaching courses within the Department, serving as faculty coordinator for the Community College

Transfer Opportunity Program and Urban Teacher Preparation

Program, and working on Special Projects.

9/97 – 6/99 New York Settlement School

A New Visions II Middle School in District 1, designed by a collaboration among University Settlement, Henry

Street Settlement, and New York University

Curriculum Coordinator – Responsibilities included providing ongoing curriculum development and implementation, and on- going design and assessment of student assessment and teacher performance methodologies; serving as a liaison among the NYU partners, University Settlement and Henry Street Settlement; facilitating and implementing professional development for all staff; coordinating and administering program evaluation.

5/94 – 6/99 New York University

School of Education, Department of Teaching & Learning

Maris H. Krasnow 3

Teaching For Success: A New York University – Robin

Hood Foundation Initiative to Improve Head Start


Project Coordinator – Funded by the Robin Hood Foundation, this four year grant was a partnership between New York University and

4 Head Start Centers in NYC to improve Head Start education.

Responsibilities included acting as liaison between the Head Start

Center Directors, Site Facilitators, and NYU Team; supervising the

NYU site facilitators, coordinating and implementing on-site staff development for the Head Start teachers, participating in observation and assessment for purposes of documentation and report writing, and performing administrative office activities.

9/95 – 6/97 Teaching For Success: Transition Program

Project Coordinator – Funded by The New York City Board of Education, the Robin Hood Foundation, and Head Start this program had been implemented to support the development of strong relationships between Head Start and their feeder elementary schools. It is an extension of the above grant. My responsibilities included: helping to develop, integrate and coordinate Head Start and elementary school activities to facilitate children’s smooth transition to elementary school; supervising the on-site facilitators who support and collaborate with the staffs of both settings, and participating in observation and assessment for purposes of documentation and report writing, and performing administrative office activities.

1/94 – 6/94 AT&T Teachers for Tomorrow Program

Documentor – Funded by the AT&T Foundation, this project, a collaboration among the New York City Public Schools, The

United Federation of Teachers, the Professional Development

Laboratory, and the City University of New York was designed to create and implement a supportive student teaching experience for prospective NYC teachers. Responsibilities included data collection and final analysis for documentation of the overall progress of this three year project. Data included on-site classroom observations, formal and informal interviews with the university professors, principals, cooperating teachers and student teachers participating in the Program; and a review of relevant written materials.

1994 – 1997 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, New York, New York

Adjunct Professor

Department of Teaching and Learning

Maris H. Krasnow 4

Faculty Advisor – Future Teachers Club: This organization was founded by the students in the Department of Teaching and

Learning who are preparing to be teachers. Its aim is to develop an ongoing network of colleagueship to support the professional growth and development of its members.

Inquiries into Teaching and Learning: This course is designed to give students in the Department of Teaching and

Learning a rich, foundational experience in education. Students engage in extensive analysis of educational issues through the lenses of autobiography, diversity, collaboration, reflection, and field observation. Students have opportunities to work in seminar groups with faculty and students from across the Department as well as within their own cohort groups.

Integrating Seminars in Teaching and Learning: These seminars are designed to provide integration of theory and methods courses with students’ experiences in the field. Using a team approach, faculty members collaborate to provide workshop sessions that enable students to experience the integration of subject areas. To help students develop a holistic approach to their work as teachers, strands of inquiry into curriculum, diversity, special needs, and educational technology are regularly addressed.

1992 – 1996 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, New York, New York

Adjunct Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning

Supervision of Student Teachers – This course is designed to help Student Teachers develop competent teaching skills based on theory and practical field experience. Student Teachers are observed and supervised using a collaborative, reflective approach.

Seminars are designed to model a collaborative and collegial approach to teaching and learning.

Curriculum in Social Studies in Childhood Education

This course presents an interdisciplinary approach to the teaching of elementary social studies. Students identify and explore major concepts and design strategies and materials to implement those concepts. Emphasis is also placed on methods of assessment, individualizing instruction, cooperative learning, and social science software.

Member of Curriculum Committee, Department of Teaching

And Learning: key participant in the design and implementation of the new course, Inquiries into Teaching and

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Professional Development Seminar I: Early Childhood

And Elementary Curriculum – This course is designed to develop and explore the concept of curriculum theory and its application to early childhood.

Professional Development Seminar IV: Children With

Special Needs – This course is designed to help prospective teachers identify and understand the many characteristics and diversities of special needs children and how to design and modify classroom activities and lessons to best address and fulfill their needs.


Orangeburg, New York

Adjunct Professor, Department of Curriculum and


Methods of Elementary Social Studies

This course is designed to demonstrate how teachers interpret, design, and implement elementary social studies curriculum. An interdisciplinary curriculum model is fostered. Attention is also focused on multicultural studies and other emergent, relevant issues.

1985-1982 MANHATTANVILLE COLLEGE, Purchase, New York

Adjunct Professor, Department of Teacher Education

1991-1992 Intro to Teaching – This is an introductory course for prospective teachers. It is designed to explore the basic foundations of education, dismantle myths, and provide a new vantage point of study from student to teacher.

1990-1992 Methods of Elementary Social Studies and the Arts

This course is designed to demonstrate how teachers interpret, design, and implement social studies curriculum. Cultural enrichment is supported by the integration of the arts across the social studies curriculum.

1987-1991 Supervision of Second Career Interns – This course is designed to support individuals who have left a previous career to pursue teaching. Attention is taken to help identify their skills ad transfer them to the teaching world. Coursework and practical field experience is provided. Interns are observed and

Maris H. Krasnow 6

supervised, using a clinical approach. Collaborative development and instruction of weekly seminars further support and strengthen

Interns’ needs and goals.

1985-1987 Supervision of Student Teachers – This course is designed to help Student Teachers develop competent teaching skills based on theory acquired in coursework and practical field experience. Student teachers are observed and supervised, using a clinical approach. Weekly seminars further support and strengthen Student Teachers’ needs and goals.


Adjunct Assistant Professor, Programs in Educational

Administration and Supervision at Manhattanville

Instructional Supervision – This course is designed for those working with beginning teachers as mentors and supervisors.

Attention focuses on theory and practice of supervision of novice teachers.


Adjunct Professor - Department of Curriculum and


Supervision of Student Teachers – This course provides supervision of practical field experience, using a clinical approach. Supervisors collaborated regularly, reflecting a model of peer support.


New York, New York

Teacher of Special Education, Classes for

Emotionally Handicapped

This program was designed as a partial mainstreaming psycho- educational approach for emotionally handicapped high school students. Teachers, in a team approach, were responsible for mainstreaming and programming students, preparing individual educational plans (I.E.P.’s), and providing appropriate educational materials. Lessons were planned to encourage the maximum development of social and academic skills.



New York, New York

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Teacher of English and Reading Skills

The students in this program were male adolescent residents detained in a New York State Drug Rehabilitation minimum security facility. The job entailed teaching remedial and developmental reading and High School Equivalency English.


New York, New York

Research Assistant

Research reporter and writer analyzing data for the New York

City Board of Education Study evaluating Title 1 grants in public elementary schools and alternative programs.


October 2013 Steinhardt Professional Development Fund, Study grant to develop knowledge base of Reggio Emilia model of early childhood education in Reggio Emilia,


February 2006 – August 2009. Varshinsky Foundation awarded to Project Must –

Mentoring Urban Students for Teaching. Co- Principal Investigators, Dr. Maris H.

Krasnow and Dr. Marilyn Sobelman.

1999. New York University Service Learning Course Development Grant awarded to

Dr. Robert Cohen and Dr. Maris H. Krasnow for the “New York Settlement School

History Partnership.”

1996. New York University Challenge Grant awarded to Dr. Marilyn Sobelman and Dr.

Maris H. Krasnow for “A Beginning Look at Inquiries Into Teaching and Learning:

Exploring Beliefs About Teaching and Learning and Classroom Practice.”


09/20/2014 Interview for DNA Info

: “9 Signs of a Good Pre-K.” Amy Zimmer.

3/4/2013 Interview for DNA Info

: “ Pre-K Guide: Increase Odds of Getting Your

Child a Seat,” Julie Shapiro.

2/18/ 2013 Interview for DNA Info : “Pre-K Admissions Leave Parents Scrambling,”

Julie Shapiro.

10/28/2013 Letter to the Editor, New York Times

“Preparing Teachers for the Classroom”

Maris H. Krasnow 8


Sobelman, M. & Krasnow, M. H. (2006). Inquiring into teaching and learning:

Explorations and discoveries for prospective teachers. Second Edition. Dubuque,

Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.

Sobelman, M. & Krasnow, M. H. (2002). Inquiring into teaching and learning:

Explorations and discoveries for prospective teachers. Dubuque, Iowa:

Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.

Rust, F., Ely, M., Krasnow, M.,

& Miller, L. (2001). “Professional Development of

Change Agents: Swimming With and Against the Currents.” In F. Rust &

H. Freidus, (Eds.), Guiding school change: The role and work of change agents.

New York: Teachers College Press.

Sobelman, M. with Bowman, E., Krasnow, M. H., Lewis, E., Pignatosi, F. &

Schlechter, S. L. (1999). Weaving A Richly Textured Course: The Changing

Tapestry of Inquiries into Teaching and Learning (Monograph). New York City,

New York: New York University, School of Education, Department of Teaching and Learning.


Invited Presentation with Susan Hershman and Rebecca Light :

“Why Reggio?

How the

Approach Aligns with Child Development Research and is Essential in the Current

Climate of Standards and Testing.”

Dialogue of Two Cities: NYC and Reggio Emilia –

Exploring Quality Early Childhood Education for All Children, presented by New York

City Encounters with Reggio Emilia in collaboration with The Wonder of Learning

Exhibit in NYC 2015. November 15, 2014.

Discussant with Jody Greenbaum: Screening of Once Upon a Time: When Childcare for

All Wasn’t Just a Fairytale,” from the PBS Broadcast Series, The Raising of America.

Presented at Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry NY. Sponsored by Westchester Children’s

Association, July 30, 2014.

“SEITs in the Early Childhood Classroom: Creating an Effective Relationship.”

Presented at the 92 Y Wonderplay Early Childhood Learning Conference,

November 18, 2011.

“Linking the IEP to the Daily Life of the Early Childhood Classroom,” with Dr. Barbara

Schwartz, New York University. Presentation at the New York State Council for

Exceptional Children, Saratoga Springs, NY, October 8-9, 2010.

“Prospective Teachers Becoming Researchers: The Road to Researcher,” with Dr.

Marilyn Sobelman, New York University; Dr. Erica-Lee Lewis, Adjunct Instructor, New

Maris H. Krasnow 9

York University; Kristin M. Ram, Student and Preservice Teacher, New York University.

Presentation at National Council of Teachers of English, San Antonio, Texas,

November 22, 2008.

“Prospective Teachers Becoming Researchers,” with Dr. Marilyn Sobelman, New York

University. Presentation at the Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens,

Greece, May 26, 2008.

“The Importance of Pre-School Education,” Invited guest on

Healthy Kids, a weekly

Sirius satellite radio program on Martha Stewart Living Radio. November 16, 2006.

“The Future of Education is in Your Hands,” Keynote Address

Invited presentation for Beta Pi Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, an International Honor

Society in Education. Spring Initiation Ceremony and Luncheon. New York University,

Steinhardt School of Education, Department of Teaching and Learning. April 30, 2006.

“Reading, Writing and Experiencing Autobiography in an Introductory Teacher

Education Course,” with Dr. Marilyn Sobelman, New York University.

Presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, January 4-7, 2005.

Proceedings on CD ROM published by the conference.

“Early Childhood in the United States: A Brief Overview”

Invited presentation with Dr. Barbara Schwartz, New York University, for a delegation of educators from the Republic of China, visiting educational settings in the

United States. Dr. Frank Tang, host

New York University, Steinhardt School of Education, April 27, 2004

“Taking Stock of the Block: New Dimensions in Preparing Early Childhood and

Special Education Teachers to Work in Urban Settings”

Presentation, Kappa Delta Pi National Convocation, St. Louis, MO, November 15, 2003

“Mapping Dimensions in Inclusive Urban Early Childhood Special Education Personnel

Preparation” with Dr. Barbara Schwartz, New York University and Dr. Elizabeth

Delaney, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL

Presentation, Division of Early Childhood Conference, Council for Exceptional

Children, Washington, D.C., October 13, 2003

“Integrating Environmental Education and Early Childhood Teacher Education”

Presentation, Teacher Environment Education Program Conference

New York University, Steinhardt School of Education, April 4, 2003

“The Challenge to Integrate Theory and Practice.” Invited Address and Panel

Discussion. Kappa Delta Pi, February 12, 2002, New York University, Steinhardt School of Education.

Maris H. Krasnow 10

“After the Tragedy: The Challenge of Cross Cultural Communication in a Complicated

World. ” A Forum led by Maris H. Krasnow and Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth, November

2, 2001 as part of a series presented by the Department of Teaching and Learning,

Steinhardt School of Education, New York University.

Krasnow, M. H. (2000). The Labors of Sisyphus: A Case Study of School Reform. A roundtable presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research

Association, New Orleans, April 2000.

Krasnow, M. H. (1999). Wrestling with School Reform: Lessons from the Field.

A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research

Association, Montreal, April 1999.

Krasnow, M. H. (1999). Photography as Portfolio. A presentation at the Annual

Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, April 1999.

A New Vision: Collaborating, Designing, and Creating a New School. A Presentation at the Faculty Resource Network, New York University, June 8-12, 1998.

Rust, F., Ely, M. and Krasnow, M. H., Miller, L. (1998). Professional Development of

Change Agents: Swimming With and Against the Currents. A paper presented at the

Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.,

April 1998.

Krasnow, M. (1997). Learning to Listen, Talk and Trust: Constructing Collaborations.

A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research

Association, Chicago, Ill., March 24-29, 1997.

From Head Start to Public School: Transformations, Transition, and Lessons About

Change. A symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational

Research Association, Chicago, Ill., March 24-29, 1997.

“Teaching for Success”: A Collaboration in Head Start Education. A Site Visit

Presentation to La Peninsula Head Start for participants attending the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, N.Y. April 8-12, 1996.

Helm, C., Krasnow, M. H., & Cardwell, N. (1994). AT&T Teachers for Tomorrow

Program. Documentation Report on the New York City Project: Third Year Overview and Final Report. Prepared for AT&T and the Project Advisory Committee.

Professional Development Laboratory/New York University, Board of Education City of

New York, United Federation of Teachers, November 1994

“PDL 1994: From Reflection to Renewal - The Changing Role of the Teacher”

Krasnow, M. (1993). Waiting for Thursday: New Teachers Discover Teaching.

A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research

Association , Atlanta, GA., April 12-16, 1993. ERIC #ED360290

Maris H. Krasnow 11

Waterbury Public Schools, Waterbury Connecticut

The Integrated School Day, June 1993

Byram Hills Central Schools, Armonk, New York

Classroom Management Skills for New Teachers Oct. 1992

BOCES, Southern Westchester: Instructional Services Division

Elmsford, New York

Making the Classroom Work: A Program of Support and Instruction for New Teachers, 1991-1992

Greenwich School District, Glenville, Connecticut

Developing Interdisciplinary Curriculum, May 1992

Katonah-Lewisboro School District, Katonah, New York

Authentic Assessment in the Elementary Grades, 1991-1992

Freidus, H. & Krasnow, M.H. (1991). Second Career Teachers: Themes and Variations,

A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research

Association, Chicago, Ill., April 2-7, 1991.

Superintendent’s Conference Day, B.E P.T. Consortium Nov. 1991

Kidswatch: Enhancing Observational Skills for Teachers

Lower Westchester Schools: Professional Conference Day

Strategies for Developing Mathematical Thinking in the

Whole Language Classroom Fall, 1991


School Administrator/Supervisor (SAS) Provisional Certification

New York City Appointment: Teacher of Emotionally Handicapped

New York City Junior High School English

New York State Permanent Certificate, English (7-12)


American Educational Research Association (AERA)

Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)

New York State Association of Teacher Educators (NYSATE)

Kappa Delta Pi

North American Reggio Emilia Association (NAREA)

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE)

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)

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Council for Exceptional Children, Division for Early Childhood (DEC)

Zero to Three

Prospect Center

Southern Poverty Law Center and Teaching Tolerance

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