april newsletter

4 Grade Flyer
April 2016
In April students will explore the
major differences between the
structure of poems, plays, and prose.
After exploring with each structure
separately, students will compare all
three text structures and describe the
differences between them. Towards
the end of the month students will
determine theme, compare and
contrast similar events, and explain
the meaning of similes, metaphors,
idioms, adages, and proverbs. They
will also determine the theme of a
novel, summarize portions of text,
discuss point of view, and determine
meanings of words and phrases.
Students will soon be introduced to
angles as geometric shapes, and they
will determine angle measurement.
They will be responsible for the
following terms and concepts
involving lines, points, and angles:
point, endpoint, vertex, line, line
segment, parallel, perpendicular, ray,
angle, degree, intersecting, acute
angle, right angle, obtuse angle, and
straight angle. Students will also
classify 2-dimensional shapes by their
lines and angles. After this short unit
on geometry students will begin a
study of decimals and fraction
The month will begin by focusing
on the Earth’s changing surface over
time through the identification and
comparison of observable properties
of matter. Students will apply these
properties specifically to rocks. This
will combine our studies of Physical
Sciences and Earth Space Sciences
and lead students to the
understanding that rocks are made of
a combination of materials. Towards
the end of the month students will
explore a variety of minerals to
identify and describe these materials.
During the month students will
examine literary mood and analyze the
components of poetry to draft poems
that reflect real or imagined life
experiences. After this study on
poems students will use research to
answer the science or social studies
inquiry questions they developed
earlier in the month. Towards the end
of the month students will draft
paragraphs that develop ideas from
across categories of information.
They will focus on using words and
phrases that incorporate domain
specific vocabulary.
This month begins with a focus on
the structure of government in
Maryland. Students will explore the
Maryland State Constitution to
discover its democratic values and
principles. They will examine the
Office of the Governor, the structure
and function of the Maryland General
Assembly, and the importance of the
Maryland Court of Appeals. This
study will lead to an exploration of
civic participation on shaping
government policy in and around
On Tuesday, May 31st the fourth
grade classes are going to Annapolis.
Three Centuries Tours
will guide us around the State House,
historic neighborhoods, and
the Naval Academy’s Chapel.
Permission slips will be sent home
towards the end of the month.
Have a wonderful April!
The Fourth Grade Team