Determination of the Flavin Containing Monooxygenase (Fmo)


Determination of the

Flavin Containing Monooxygenase (Fmo)

Distribution in Mouse Lung and Liver

Pachida C. Lo

Dr. David Williams’ Laboratory

Oregon State University, Environmental & Molecular Toxicology Department

Linus Pauling Institute

Flavin Monooxygenases (FMOs)

Gene family that oxygenates a wide range of xenobiotics containing nitrogen and sulfur nucleophilic heteroatoms

In animals Fmo1, Fmo2 and Fmo3 are the main drug metabolizing enzymes

Requires NADPH and O


Localized in the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

Broad substrate specificity

Exhibits sex, developmental, and tissue specific expression

FMO metabolism may result in detoxification or bioactivation depending on the substrate/product


Structures of FMO Substrates





FMO2 is highly expressed in mammalian lung.

Polymorphisms of FMO2 expression exist in humans.

The human FMO2*1 allele

Full-length, functional FMO2 protein

27% of African Americans

5% of Hispanic populations

The human FMO2*2 allele

Truncated and non-functional FMO2 protein

Caucasians and Asians examined

Environmental Injustice

 Higher incidence of lung diseases in minority populations expressing the FMO2*1 allele 1

 Higher Exposure to xenobiotics

• Socioeconomic

• Occupational Settings

1 Gadgeel and Kalemlcerian, 2003; Lenair, 1999, Moss and Mannino, 2002

Development of a

Null-mouse Model

Study the role of human pulmonary FMO2 in xenobiotic metabolism and toxicity

Wild-type mouse

• Contains the FMO2*1 allele

• Models 27% of African-Americans and

5% of Hispanic/Latino

Null mouse

• Does not contain the FMO2*1 allele

• Models the majority of the population

What is a Null-Mouse


 Genetically engineered to carry one or more genes that has been made non-functional.

 Used to learn about a gene that has an unknown or incompletely known function.

 Used in drug development to assess the potential for a human enzyme as a target for therapy.

Hypothesis #1:

As in human lung, FMO2 is the predominate isoform expressed in mouse.

Other Researchers Publish

Contradictory Findings

Table 1.

Comparison of FMO Isoform Transcripts in Mouse Lung







Lung Fmo1> Fmo2>Fmo3 Fmo2>Fmo3>Fmo1

Liver Fmo3>Fmo1>Fmo2 Fmo3>Fmo1>Fmo2

Possible Causes for Discrepancy

Variable Shephard Laboratory



Mouse Strain 129/SV and C57BL/6J C57BL/6J/129F1

Age 8 weeks 12 weeks

Diet Harlan Teklad TRM AIN93G

 Diet is known to modulate FMO levels

 Plant alkaloids found in chow diet can act as a substrate or inhibitor


AIN93G is a synthetic diet

• Williams Laboratory

• Pure ingredients: casein, soy protein, starch, sucrose

• Highly reproducible

Harklan Tekland is a chow-based diet

• Shephard Laboratory

• Crude ingredients: wheat, barley

• Not highly reproducible

• Contains plant alkaloids

Hypothesis #2: The AIN93-G and Harlan

Teklad (NIH-31) diets modulate expression of

FMO in lung.

Fed 5 weeks

Test of Dietary Influence on the Level of Fmo Expression

4 female mice

AIN-93 G diet

4 female mice

NIH-31 diet

4 male mice

AIN-93 G diet

4 male mice

NIH-31 diet

8 weeks Harvest Lung and Liver Tissues

Isolate and Quantify RNA

Make cDNA

Quantify FMO1, FMO2, FMO3 and Actin via qPCR

Why Test Fmo1, Fmo2 Fmo3 and Actin?

 Overlapping substrate specificities

 More than one isoform present in the tissue could complicate interpretation of the results from the knock-out mouse model

 Actin is the housekeeping gene.


Isolation and quantification of RNA

 Trizol Extraction

 Qiagen RNeasy Clean-up

 cDNA First Strand Synthesis

 Gene specific primers (FMOs), oligo dT (actin)

 Superscript III reverse transcriptase

 Quantification of FMO1, FMO2, FMO3 and Actin

 DYNAMO polymerase SYBR Green qPCR Kit

 double stranded DNA binding dye

 Fluorescence enhanced upon binding dsDNA


Future Work

 Isolate microsomes containing FMO from tissues for protein verifcation of RT-PCR results

 Western blot using isoform-specific antibodies to detect individual FMOs

 Further purification for mass spectrometry determination of FMO profile

 Isoform-specific enzyme assays


 Williams Laboratory

 Tanguay Laboratory

 Center for Gene Research Biotechnology

 Linus Pauling Institute

 Laboratory Animal Research Center

 Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

• Dr. Kevin Ahern

 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences T-35 Grant

• Dr. Rosita Rodriguez Proteau

• Kay Kent

 Undergraduate Research Innovation Scholarship Creativity





Hmm… back to


Comparing Random & Specific Primers

Graph 1.

Fmo2 Standard Curve with Random Primers

Graph 2.

Fmo2 Standard Curve with Mice Samples

Figure 1.

Melting Curves for Mice Samples using Fmo2 Specific Primers


Accurate measure of RNA concentration

1 uL sample is required

Data output

• 260/280 OD values

• 230/280 OD values

Real-Time Polymerase Chain


Figure 2.

Mice Samples using Fmo2 Primers on RT-PCR 96-Well Plate

Graph 2.

Melting Curves for Mice Samples using Fmo2 Primers

Graph 6.

Fmo2 Standard Curve with Mice Samples


Used to check for RNA integrity and purity

Data output

 28s/16s ribosomal RNA ratios

RNA Integrity Number (RIN)

RNA concentrations (ng/uL)

18S fragment

28S fragment

Electropherogram Result Tables

Extraction Methods

1. Trizol Method (used for lungs)

2. RNeasy Mini Kit Method

Steps To Take:

 Homogenize Tissue Sample

 Phase Separation

 RNA Precipitation

 RNA wash

 Redissolve RNA

Indicates more copies of gene

How it works; cyber green; inter-colating DNA (

Used to quantify protein

Reverse Transcription

Test of Dietary Influence on the level of Fmo expression

 8 male and 8 female mice (129/SV strain) 3 week weanlings

 Fed AIN93-G or Harland Tekland diet for 5 weeks

 Collect liver and lung tissue at 8 weeks of age

 Isolate and quantify the RNA.

 Reverse transcribe a portion of the RNA and make cDNA

(complementary DNA).

 Use RT-PCR to quantify mouse FMO1, FMO2, FMO3, and a housekeeping gene.

Preliminary Results

 Males on the AIN93-G or NIH-31 diet show greater increase in mass compared to females

 The two diets (per gender) do not appear to uniquely influence body weight

The Overall Reaction of FMO

This ability of FMO to oxidize a variety of xenobiotics is crucial to bioactivation and detoxification processes in mammals.







4 1







)+NADP +





How to Make a Knock-out Mouse Model

Environmental Injustice:

Low Income & Communities of Color suffer the greatest risks and impacts of pesticide use

1. Migrant and seasonal farmworkers are primarily ethnic minorities who are excluded from federal laws that protect other workers.

2. Farmworkers live and work under substandard conditions that place them at increased risk of pesticide-related illness.

3. Possible biological/genetic factors that increase risk of related illness.
