Evaluation Tool: Youth Camps Program STANDARD 1: Regulatory Foundation Ordinances Source Materials STANDARD 2: Trained February 11, 2011 Version Evaluation Criteria Comments Rating (0-2) O a. Has the Board passed ordinances referring to statutes and rules, as listed in the SCOPE of the Delegation Agreement? b. Have ordinances been revised as needed to be consistent with current statutes and rules? c. If applicable ordinances were changed since the previous program evaluation, were they sent to MDH for review prior to their passage? d. Do ordinances describe enforcement tools and procedures, and grant authority for enforcement? e. Do ordinances reference plan review requirements if adult programs are provided (e.g. – Dual license)? f. (MDH only) Has MDH reviewed and responded in writing to its delegated partners regarding proposed ordinances or language changes to existing ordinances, within 30 days of receipt of those changes? Y Y Y Y Y a. Current, signed and dated ordinances b. Delegation Agreement application Evaluation Criteria ORANGE: Essential Program Elements defined in statute and/or rule and in the Delegation Agreement Comments YELLOW: Required Program Elements required by the Delegation Agreement 1 Rating (0-2) WHITE: Value-Added Program Elements - not required by law or the Delegation Agreement, but can help support core functions Evaluation Tool: Youth Camps Program February 11, 2011 Version Regulatory Staff O a. Does the Board employ qualified inspection staff as defined in the Delegation Agreement? 1. Inspection b. Are any less qualified staff (as Staff described in the Delegation Agreement) limited to performing inspections that are not mandated by the Delegation Agreement? If the Board has entered into 2. Agreements agreements with other qualified persons to carry out its regular, with Other delegated duties, did the Board obtain Qualified MDH’s written approval before Parties entering into such an agreement? Describe the percentage of staff that have taken ICS classes (minimum of 3. Additional ICS 100 & 200.) Training Describe other training that staff have received (e.g., MNTrac courses completed). a. Does the Board have a written plan that is submitted annually to MDH, to assure adequate program coverage and to address staffing transition in the 4. Staffing event of unexpected staffing changes? Transition b. Has that written plan has worked Plan effectively during staffing transitions within the evaluation period? c. Has the Board notified MDH within 10 business days of staff departures, ORANGE: Essential Program Elements defined in statute and/or rule and in the Delegation Agreement Y Y W W Y W Y YELLOW: Required Program Elements required by the Delegation Agreement 2 WHITE: Value-Added Program Elements - not required by law or the Delegation Agreement, but can help support core functions Evaluation Tool: Youth Camps Program February 11, 2011 Version when staffing is insufficient to perform the obligations of the Delegation Agreement? Source Materials STANDARD 3: Risk-Based Inspection Program 1. Inspection Forms 2. Inspection Frequency 3. Written & Implemented Policies a. Position descriptions for all program staff b. Organizational charts, with RS numbers, if applicable c. Staff standardization documentation d. Written staffing transition plan e. Staff credentials and certifications (e.g., RS/REHS, CPO, CP-FS, CEHT) f. Training records (e.g., MN Train records, if used) Evaluation Criteria Comments Y a. Do the Board’s inspection documents identify health and safety hazards and interventions? Is inspection frequency based on MN Statute (annual inspection) being met? a. Has the Board developed a documented procedure to address corrective action? b. Has the Board developed a documented procedure that requires discussion of options for long-term control of health and safety hazards? c. Has the Board developed a documented procedure that requires follow-up activities on health and safety violations? d. Has the Board developed a documented, implemented procedure on variance requests related to health ORANGE: Essential Program Elements defined in statute and/or rule and in the Delegation Agreement Rating (0-2) O Y W Y Y YELLOW: Required Program Elements required by the Delegation Agreement 3 WHITE: Value-Added Program Elements - not required by law or the Delegation Agreement, but can help support core functions Evaluation Tool: Youth Camps Program February 11, 2011 Version and safety hazards, and interventions? e. Has the Board submitted to MDH any copies of variances granted, within 30 days of issuance? Source Materials STANDARD 4: Uniform Inspection Program 1. Plan Review 2. Licensing & Data Management 3. Inspections & Written Reports Y a. Copies of inspection reports/forms b. List of licensed facilities c. Inspection frequency data for the past three years d. Documented procedures referenced in 3.a-d above e. Other compliance forms or documents f. Copies of variances, as requested Evaluation Criteria Comments Y a. Does the Board conduct and adequately document plan review for each new construction, renovation, or conversion of Youth Camps, including zoning approval if needed? b. Is documentation regarding plan review maintained in each file? c. Is documentation maintained for water and sewer system approval as reviewed by the appropriate authority? a. Are establishments issued licenses as required in MN Statute 144.72? b. Does the Board maintain a current list of establishments (including establishment name and address)? a. Are inspections conducted by qualified inspection staff, as described in the Delegation Agreement? ORANGE: Essential Program Elements defined in statute and/or rule and in the Delegation Agreement Rating (0-2) W W Y Y O YELLOW: Required Program Elements required by the Delegation Agreement 4 WHITE: Value-Added Program Elements - not required by law or the Delegation Agreement, but can help support core functions Evaluation Tool: Youth Camps Program February 11, 2011 Version Y b. Does the Board incorporate education into the inspection process? c. Are written reports complete and accurate, and do they describe compliance activities? d. Are statutes, rules and ordinances interpreted accurately and consistently? Source Materials STANDARD 5: Illness & Injury Investigation & Response 1. Protocol for Investigating Complaints 2. Complaints Y Y a. Files for randomly selected facilities b. List of licensed establishments with assigned risk c. Description of licensing category definitions and descriptions, including for all permanent and temporary establishments d. Relevant ordinances, policies and guidance documents e. Plan review reports, as requested f. Educational or training materials relevant to uniform inspection that the Board wishes reviewed Evaluation Criteria Comments Y Does the Board utilize a procedure to investigate, respond to, and document Youth Camp complaints and injury? a. Does the Board maintain a log or database for all complaints alleging injury, or health and safety hazards? b. Does the Board follow-up on all injury, or health and safety hazard complaints within one business day? c. Are investigation reports filed or linked to the records of the establishment? d. (MDH only) Does MDH refer to its ORANGE: Essential Program Elements defined in statute and/or rule and in the Delegation Agreement Rating (0-2) W W W Y YELLOW: Required Program Elements required by the Delegation Agreement 5 WHITE: Value-Added Program Elements - not required by law or the Delegation Agreement, but can help support core functions Evaluation Tool: Youth Camps Program 3. Program Coverage Source Materials February 11, 2011 Version delegated partners any complaints that MDH receives concerning matters under their jurisdiction? Does the Board have qualified staff available for emergency coverage on a 24-hour a day basis and have they provided an after-hours contact number to MDH? a. Procedures for responding to injury, or health and safety hazard complaints b. Complaint log and relevant materials c. After hours staffing policy and after-hours contact number STANDARD 6: Compliance & Enforcement Evaluation Criteria Compliance & Enforcement a. Does the Board identify and document violations according to statute, rule and ordinance? b. Does the Board address the identified hazards by: (1) following up or using appropriate enforcement tools, including revocation or suspension, and (2) by maintaining adequate documentation throughout the enforcement process? c. Does the Board resolve identified violations within a reasonable time? d. Does the Board maintain records according to its records retention policy? Source Y Comments Rating (0-2) O O Y Y a. Records for randomly selected licensed establishments b. Enforcement policies, procedures and tools ORANGE: Essential Program Elements defined in statute and/or rule and in the Delegation Agreement YELLOW: Required Program Elements required by the Delegation Agreement 6 WHITE: Value-Added Program Elements - not required by law or the Delegation Agreement, but can help support core functions Evaluation Tool: Youth Camps Program February 11, 2011 Version Materials STANDARD 7: Industry & Community Relations Evaluation Criteria Comments Rating (0-2) Y Does the Board participate in workgroups, advisory boards, task forces or committees that work to 1. Work identify, correct, and prevent risk Groups factors and health and safety hazards in licensed establishments? a. Does the Board lead or participate in activities that increase awareness of risk factors, health and safety hazards, and control methods to prevent illness 2. Educational or injury? Outreach b. (MDH only) Has MDH been available to advise its delegated partners regarding issues covered under the Delegation Agreement? Any relevant materials the Board wishes to be reviewed. Source Materials STANDARD 8: Program Resources 1. Inspection Ratio (sufficient staffing) Evaluation Criteria Y Comments Rating (0-2) W a. Describe the current ratio of qualified inspection staff to the number of licensed establishments. b. (MDH only) Does MDH evaluate its delegated partners’ compliance ORANGE: Essential Program Elements defined in statute and/or rule and in the Delegation Agreement W Y YELLOW: Required Program Elements required by the Delegation Agreement 7 WHITE: Value-Added Program Elements - not required by law or the Delegation Agreement, but can help support core functions Evaluation Tool: Youth Camps Program 2. Inspection Equipment 3. Funding 4. Data Sharing 5. Professional Development 6. Staff Safety Source Materials February 11, 2011 Version with the Delegation Agreement to ensure that their programs are adequate to assure compliance by regulated parties to requirements in statutes and rules? Does the Board provide the appropriate inspection equipment to its qualified inspection staff? Describe the source(s) of funding for this program. (Fees, General Fund, etc.) Does the Board maintain all licensing and inspection information in an electronic format and make it available to MDH upon request? Is funding provided for staff training, conference attendance, and other professional development activities? Does the Board provide staff with appropriate safety training and equipment? W Y W W a. Electronic licensing and inspection data b. Staff credentials and certifications (e.g., RS/REHS, CPO, CP-FS, CEHT) c. Organizational charts, with RS numbers, if applicable ORANGE: Essential Program Elements defined in statute and/or rule and in the Delegation Agreement YELLOW: Required Program Elements required by the Delegation Agreement 8 WHITE: Value-Added Program Elements - not required by law or the Delegation Agreement, but can help support core functions