TEACHER SCHOOL: Johnston Middle School SUBJECT: Science 8/25/ Gray day 7.1A SW demonstrate safe practices during lab and field investigations as outlined in the TX safety standards. 8/26 Purple day 7.1A SW demonstrate safe practices during lab and field investigations as outlined in the TX safety standards. 8/27 Gray day 7.1A SW demonstrate safe practices during lab and field investigations as outlined in the TX safety standards. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY TEKS/ELPS OBJECTIVES August 24 1st day of school Purple TUESDAY MONDAY STUDENT OBJECTIVES Periods TEACHING, RETEACHING, AND ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES Verify schedules/complete color coded cards Procedures/rules ppt Rules: Time out/ Restroom and tardy Handout syllabus-go over supplies list Circle map of you WEEK OF: MATERIALS Cards DESCRIPTION Nobody talks while the teacher is talking Popsicle sticks White boards Handout syllabus go over assign as HW signature Assign seats Procedures/rules ppt Rules: Time our/Restroom tardy Circle map of you Tour of the class/safety rap Warm-up:name plate card Handout syllabus go over assign as HW signature Assign seats Procedures photostory Rules ppt/game Circle map of you Tour of the classroom/safety rap Cardstock Nobody talks while the teacher is talking Safety contracts Syllabus signed and due Warm-up:Circle map of safety rules Pick up hw passes/staple in rr pass Announce pre-test Ppt safety/ modify circle map and add frame of reference Go over safety contract /assign hw/announce safety test TEACHER SCHOOL: Johnston Middle School SUBJECT: Science FRIDAY 8/28 Purple Shelter in place drill Periods 7.1A SW demonstrate safe practices during lab and field investigations as outlined in the TX safety standards. Warm-up:Circle map of safety rules Pick up hw passes/staple in rr pass Announce pre-test Ppt safety/ modify circle map and add frame of reference Go over safety contract /assign hw/announce safety test WEEK OF: