Planning, Instruction, and Technology Pertemuan 9 Matakuliah : E1122 - Psikologi Pendidikan

: E1122 - Psikologi Pendidikan
: 2010
Planning, Instruction, and Technology
Pertemuan 9
• Instructional Planning: A systematic, organized
strategy for planning lesson.
• Time Frames and Planning:
– What needs to be done
• Set instrutional goals (what do I expect to accomplish)
• Plan Activities (what do I have to do to reach the goals)
• Set Priorities (which tasks are more important than other)
– The time to do it
• Make time estimates (how much time will each activity take?)
• Creative Schedule (When will we do each activity?)
• Be flexible (How will I handle unexpected occurances?)
Bina Nusantara University
Five Time Spans of Teacher Planning
• Robert Yinger (1980) identified five time spans of
teacher planing; yearly planning, term planning, unit
planning, weekly planning, daily planning
• Teachers attend to four areas when planning; goals,
sources of information, the form of the plan, and criteria
for the effectiveness of the planning
Bina Nusantara University
Teacher-Centered Lesson Planning
and Instruction
• Behavioral Objectives ; statements that communicate
proposed changes in students’s behavior to reach
desired levels of performance.
• Task Analysis: breaking down a complex task that
students are to learn into its component parts
• Instructional Taxonomy ; a classification system
developed by Benjamin Bloom and collegues; consists of
educational objectives in three domain- cognitive,
affective, and psychomotor.
Bina Nusantara University
Bloom’s Taxonomy
• The Cognitive Domain:
– Knowledge, students have the ability to remember
– Comprehension; students understand the information
and can explain it in their own words.
– Application; students use knowledge to solve real-life
– Analysis; students break down complex information into
smaller part and relate information to other information.
– Sinthesis; students combine elements and create new
– Evaluation; students make good judgements and
Bina Nusantara University
Bloom’s Taxonomy
• The Affective Domain;
– Receiving; students become aware of or attend to
something in the environment.
– Responding ; students become motivated to learn and
display a new behavior as a result of an experience.
– Valuing; students become involved in, or committed to,
some experience.
– Oreganizing; students integrate a new value into an
already existing set of values and give it proper priority
– Value Characteizing; students act in accordance with the
value and are firmly committed to it.
Bina Nusantara University
Bloom’s Taxonomy
• The Psychomotor Domain;
– Reflex movements; students respond involuntarily without
conscious thought to a stimulus
– Basic fundamentals; students make basic voluntary
movements that are directed toward a particular purpose.
– Percetual abilities; students use their senses to guide their skill
– Physical abilities; students develop general skills of endurance,
strength, flexibility, and agility
– Skilled movements; students perform complex physical skills
with some degree of proficiency.
– Nondiscussive behaviors; students communicate feeling and
emotions through bodily action.
Bina Nusantara University
Direct Instruction
• A structured, teacher-centered approach that is
characterized by teacher direction and control, high
teacher expectations for students’ progress, maximum
time spent by students on academic tasks, and efforts by
the teacher to keep negative affect to a minimum.
Bina Nusantara University
Teacher-Centered Instructional Strategies
• Orienting; before presenting and explaining new
material, establish a framework for the lesson and orient
students to the new material.
Review the previous day’s activities
Discuss the lesson’s objective
Provide clear, explicit instructions about the work to be done
Give an overview of today’s lesson
• Lecturing, explaining, and Demonstrating
– Presenting information and motivating students
– Introducting a topic
– Summarizing or synthesizing information after a discussion
– Providing alternative points of view
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– Explaining materials
Teacher-Centered Instructional Strategies
• Questioning and Discussing; it is necessary but
challenging to integrate questions and discussion in
teacher-centered instruction
• Mastery Learning; learning one concept or topic
thoroughly before moving on to a mre difficult one.
• Seatwork; the practice of having all or majority of
students work independently at their seats.
• Homework; homework can be valuable tool for
increasing learning, especially in middle and high school.
Bina Nusantara University
Evaluating Teacher-Centered Instruction
• Be an organized planner, create instructional objectives
• Have high expectations for students’ progress
• Use lecturing, explaining, and demonstrating to benefit
certain aspects of students’ learning
• Enggage students in learning by developing good
question-asking skills
• Have students do meaningful seatwork
• Give students meaningful homework to increase their
academic learning time
Bina Nusantara University
Learner-centered lesson planning and
• Learner-centered principles
Learner centered lesson planning and
instruction move the focus away from the
teacher and toward the student
Cognitive and metacognitive factors
Motivational and affective factors
Developmental and social factors
Individual differences
Bina Nusantara University
Learner-centered lesson planning and
• Some learner-centered instructional strategies
– Problem based learning; emphasize real-life problem solving
– Essential questions; question that reflect the heart of the
curriculum, the most important things that students should
explore and learn
– Discovery learning; learning in which students construct an
understanding on their own.
• Evaluating learner-centered instruction
critics of learner-centered instruction argue that it gives
too much attention to the process of learning, and not
enough to academic content.
Bina Nusantara University
Technology and Education
The technology revolution and the internet
Standard for technology-lierate students
Teaching. Learning, and technology
Technology and sociocultural diversity
The future of technology in school
Bina Nusantara University