Social Context and Socioemotional Development Pertemuan 6 Matakuliah

: E1122 - Psikologi Pendidikan
: 2010
Social Context and Socioemotional
Pertemuan 6
Social Context of Development
• In Bronfenbrenner’s theory, the social contexts in which
children live are important influences on their
• Three of the context in which children spend much of
their time :
– Family
– Peer
– School
Bina Nusantara University
Social Context of Development; Family
• Parenting style,
– Authoritarian parenting; A restrictive and punitive parenting
style in which there is little verbal exchange between parents
and children; associated with children’s social incompetence
– Authoritative parenting; A positive parenting style that
encourages children to be independent but still places limits and
controls on their action; extensive verbal give-and-take is
allowed; associated with children’s social compentence.
– Neglectful parenting; A parenting style of uninvolvement in
which parents spend little time with their children; associated
with children’s social incompetence.
– Indulgent parenting; A parenting style of involvement but few
limits or restrictions on children’s behavior; linked with children’s
social incompetence
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Social Context of Development; Family
• The changing family in a changing society,
– Children of divorce; the effects of divorce on children are
complex, depending on such factors as the child’s age, the
child’s strengths and weaknesses at the time of the divorce, the
type of custody, socioeconomic status, and postdivorce family
– Maggie is a 10 year-old fifth grader who had been a happy child
and had done well in school, but all of that changed when her
parents recently separated. Her father moved out and Maggie’s
mother became depressed. Maggie began to not show up for
school. Now although she is at school regularly, she has trouble
concentrating on her schoolwork.
– Ethnic and socioeconomic variations in families
Bina Nusantara University
Social Context of Development; Family
• School –Family linkages,
– Family management; research have found that
family management practices are positively related to
students’ grades and self responsibility, and
negatively to school related problem.
– Parental involvement and school-familycommunity connections; in one survey , teacher
listed parental involvement as the number one priority
in improving education
Bina Nusantara University
Social Context of Development; Family
• Out-of-school care,
In addition to actively participating in their children’s
schooling, children benefit when parent arrange and
monitor out of school care.
The increase in single-parent families and families in
which both parents work outside the home has made
out of school child care a more important aspect of
children’s development
Bina Nusantara University
Social Context of Development; Peer
• Peer statuses,
Five types of peer statuses;
– Popular children
– Average children
– Neglected children
– Rejected children
– Controversial children
• Friendship,
The benefit of friendship;
- companionship,
- phisical support,
- ego support,
- intimacy/affection
Bina Nusantara University
Social Context of Development; Peer
• Developmental changes in peer relations
During the elementary school years, children’s peer
groups increasingly consist of same-sex peers
in adolescence, participation in mixed-sex groups
increases. Also in adolescence, many students become
members of crowds, and allegiace to the crowd can
exert a powerful influence over their lives.
group identity with the crowd can override the
adolescent’s personal identity.
Bina Nusantara University
Social Context of Development; School
In school, children spend many years as member of small
society that exert a tremendous influence on their
socioemotional development
• School’s changing social developmental contexts,
social context vary through the early childhood,
elementary school, and adolescent years
• Early childhood education,
– Developmentally appropriate education
– Controversy in early childhood education
– Early childhood education for children from low-income families
Bina Nusantara University
Social Context of Development; School
• The transition to elementary school
As children make teh transition to elementary school,
they interact and develop relationships with new and
significant others.
• The schooling of Adolescents
– The transition to middle or junior high school
– Effective school for young adolescents
– Improving high school
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Socioemotional Development
• The self
• Morel Development
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Socioemotional Development; The self
• Self esteem
Also called self-image and self-worth, the individual’s
overall conception of himself or herself.
• Identity development
Identity statuses
– Identity diffusion
– Identity foreclosure
– Identity moratorium
Ethnic identity
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Socioemotional Development; Moral Development
• Domain of moral development
– Cognitive, behavioral, and emotional
• Piaget’s theory
– Heteronomous morality
– Autonomous morality
• Kohlberg’s theory
– Preconventional reasoning
– Conventional reasoning
– Postconventional reasoning
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Socioemotional Development; Moral Development
• Moral personality
– Moral identity
– Moral character
– Moral exemplars
• Moral education
The hidden curriculum
Character education
Values clarification
Cognitive moral education
• Service learning;
a form of aducation that promotes social responsibility
and service to the community
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