Managing The Classroom Pertemuan 12 Matakuliah : E1122 - Psikologi Pendidikan

: E1122 - Psikologi Pendidikan
: 2010
Managing The Classroom
Pertemuan 12
Why Classrooms need to be managed
• Effective classroom management maximizes children
learning opportunities
• The newer view to manage classroom focuses more on
students’ need for nurturing relatioships and
opportunities for self-regulation.
• The new trend in classroom management places more
emphasis on guiding students toward self-discipline and
less onexternally controlling the student.
Bina Nusantara University
Menagement issues in elementary and
secondary school classrooms
• Elementary and secondary school classrooms have
many similar management issues. At all levels of
education, good managers design classrooms for
optimal learning, create positive environments for
learning, establish and maintain rules, get students to
cooperate, effectively deal with problems, and use good
communication strategies.
• in secondary school, discipline problems are frequently
more severe, the students being potentially more unruly
and even dangerous.
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The crowded, complex, and potentially
chaotic classroom
Six characteristics that reflect a clssroom’s complexity and
potential for problem
• Classroom are multidimensional
• Activities accur simultaneously
• Things happen quickly
• Events are often unpredictable
• There is little privacy
• Classroom have histories
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Getting off to the right start
• One key to managing the complexity of the classroom
is to make careful use of the first few days and weeks
of school
• You will want to use this time to (1) communicate your
rules adn procedures to the class and get student
cooperation in following them, (2) get students to
engage effectively in all learning activities.
Emphasizing instruction and positive classroom
Educational psychology emphasizes ways to develop and
maintain a positive classroom environment that supports
learning. This involves using preventive, praoactive
strategies rather than becoming immersed in reactive
disciplinary tactics
Management goals and strategies
Effective classroom management has two main goals:
• Help students spend more time on learning and less
time on non goal direct behavior
• Prevent students from developing problems
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Designing the phisical environment of
the classroom
• Principles of classroom arrangement
• Arrangement style
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Principles of classroom arrangement
There are four basic principles on classroom arrangement
• Reduce congestion in high-traffic areas
• Make sure that you can easlily see all students
• Make often-used teaching materials and student
supplies easily accessible
• Make sure that students can easily observe whole-class
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Arrangement style
• Standard classroom arrangements
– Auditorium style; all students sit facing the teacher
– Face to face style; students sit facing each other
– Off-set style; small number of students sit at tables but do not
sit directly across from one another
– Seminar style; large number of students sit in circular, square,
or U-shaped arrangements
– Cluster style; small number of students work in small, closely
bunched groups.
• Personalizing the classroom
Classroom too often resemble motel rooms-pleasant but
impersonal, revealing nothing about the people who use the space
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Creating a possitive environment
for learning
• General strategies
• Creating, Teaching, and Maintaining Rules and
• Getting Students to Cooperate
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General strategies
• Authoritaive classroom management style
Encourages students to be independent thinkers and
doers but still provides effective monitoring
• Authoritarian classroom management style
Restrictive and punitive, with the focus mainly on
keeping order in the classroom rather than instruction
or learning
• Permissive classroom management style
Allows students considerable autonomy but provides
them with little support for developing learning skills or
managing their behavior
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Creating, Teaching, and Maintaining Rules
and Procedurs
To function smoothly, classroom need clearly defined
rules and procedures. Students need to know specifically
how you want them to behave
• Teaching rules and procedures
Some teachers like to include students in setting rules in
the hope that this will encourage them to take more
responsibility for their own behavior.
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Getting Students to Cooperate
• Develop a possitive relationship with students
• Get students to share and assume responsibility
• Reward appropriate behavior
– Choose effective reinforcers
– Use prompt and shaping effectively
– Use rewards to provide information about mastery, not to
control students’ behavior
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