• Ever jumped from a diving board? Had a... on a roller coaster? Then you have had the...

• Ever jumped from a diving board? Had a thrilling ride
on a roller coaster? Then you have had the experience
of many astronauts in space. You have experienced
• What is microgravity? It is zero gravity, weightlessness,
or the feeling of falling without the presence of gravity.
• Scientists are dedicating lots of research to
microgravity because we may be able to develop
materials that cannot be made here on earth due to
gravity, but that can be beneficial to our way of life.
These new materials can be used to speed up future
computers, reduce pollution, improve fiber optics, and
enable medical breakthroughs to cure diseases.
Repair of the "Hubble Telescope" in a standard pool at NASA Ames. Movement,
interaction and safety in neutral buoyancy is comparable to some extent to
handling objects in microgravity.
• http://www.spaceflightdesign.org/
• http://www.microgravity.com/introduction.ht