2004-05 Graduate Survey Results, Spring 2006 Andrew LaManque, Ph.D. De Anza Research De Anza Graduate Survey, 6-5-06 1 Offices Involved •Marketing (Bradley Creamer) •Workforce Education (Margaret Bdzil) •De Anza Research De Anza Graduate Survey, 6-5-06 2 Survey Sample •1,642 individuals that received at least one degree or certificate during 2004-05 •Of the 1,642 -- 1,591 had valid emails on file •166 were bounced back •Of the final sample of 1,425, 316 students responded (22%) •Conducted the first two weeks of May, 2006 De Anza Graduate Survey, 6-5-06 3 Highlights •55% of the respondents indicated that they continued their education at a 4 year college after graduating •28% of respondents indicated that job placement assistance would be a helpful service for students and recent graduates •Only 2% of respondents indicated that they would NOT recommend De Anza College to others De Anza Graduate Survey, 6-5-06 4 Respondents De Anza Graduate Survey, 6-5-06 5 Selected Answers De Anza College 2004-05 Graduate Survey Education Before De Anza Education Level Less than 2 year degree Respondents Number Percent 210 66% 2 year degree or higher 106 34% Total 316 100% De Anza Graduate Survey, 6-5-06 6 Selected Answers De Anza Graduate Survey, 6-5-06 7 Selected Answers De Anza Graduate Survey, 6-5-06 8 Selected Answers De Anza Graduate Survey, 6-5-06 9 Selected Answers De Anza Graduate Survey, 6-5-06 10 Implications •Almost 1/3 of the graduates indicated a preference for job placement assistance to the extend that these services are provided they may need to be better advertised •Only 22% of graduates that transferred indicated UC. 72% of graduates transferring to a UC were White or Asian, compared with 59% for CSU (see full report). targeted “in-reach” efforts might help inform students of opportunities for transfer to UC De Anza Graduate Survey, 6-5-06 11 Questions De Anza Graduate Survey, 6-5-06 12