40 minute writing block (4 days/wk) -Writer’s Workshop Monitor and analyze student data to plan instruction Focus 1: Writing Monitoring Tool Formative and summative assessments Staff Development Teach by trait -evaluate what was done in Writer’s Workshop Model (process) -guided writing -writer’s notebooks gr. 3-5 Writing BCRs & ECRs across the content areas 80 minute block Monitor and analyze student data to plan instruction Running Records 75 –minute block Reteaching/ Acceleration Monitor and analyze student data to plan instruction Formative and summative assessments Focus 2: Reading Interventions and Enrichments Student Discourse Focus 3: Mathematics Use flexible grouping practices Scoring for Proficiency based on state standards Responding to BCRs Cuddle-upand-Read Night Using IMS to monitor student progress Model proficiency in explaining and justifying Math Night Focus 1: Writing Focus 2: Reading Shared responsibility Provide training for staff Using Quality Tools to streamline processes KMES SIP Focus 4: Baldrige & Classroom Learning Systems Ensure students feel safe at school Focus 4: Baldrige & Classroom Learning Systems Data Centers/data chats Focus 6: Data Analysis Focus 5: Grading and Reporting Goals and Action Plans Using PDSA Cycle to help stakeholders improve Rewrite team and school mission statements Disaggregate Grades 1 & 2 pilot of standards based reporting Grades 3-5 prepilot of standards based reporting Providing effective feedback to students Focus 5: Grading & Reporting - Build stamina Scoring for Proficiency based on state standards -Consistency -Feedback -Anchor papers Recess Action Plan Refine discipline policy Revised lunch and recess schedule -How to teach writing -minilessons at staff meetings Issue Bins Focus 8: Climate Focus 8 : Climate Focus 7: Professional Growth/Staff Development Walkthroughs Peer Visits w. Reflection Professional Development Plans Focus 7: Professional Growth/ Staff Development Running Records Vertical LASW Kemp Mill Elementary School 2005-06 Nancy Evans, Principal School-wide Monitoring Tool Formative and summative assessments Drill Down Focus 6: Data Monitoring & Analysis Focus 3: Mathematics Consensus/ Consistency at grade level Roll-out training Common team planning sessions Kemp Mill Elementary School 2005-06 Nancy Evans, Principal Communicating With students & parents Develop process For analyzing Trends & patterns Developing Observing & recording process