Matakuliah Tahun : D0064 - Sosiologi dan Psikologi Industri : Sep-2009 WORK GROUP & WORK TEAMS Pertemuan 19 - 20 Teams terdapat di dalam pekerjaan yang membutuhkan koordinasi lebih dari satu orang Pabrik, rumah sakit, sekolah, dan toko WORK GROUP: Kumpulan dari 2 orang atau lebih, yang saling berinteraksi satu sama lain untuk mencapai tujuan yang saling berhubungan Kedua karakteristik (Interaksi dan saling berhubungan) membedakan sebuah kelompok dari sekedar sekumpulan orang. WORK TEAM: Sebuah Work Group yang memiliki karakteristik berikut ini: • Kegiatan individu di dalamnya harus saling terkait dan terkoordinasi • Setiap anggota harus memiliki tugas tertentu • Memiliki tujuan bersama Bina Nusantara University 3 KONSEP SEBUAH GROUP 1. PERAN: Tidak semua anggota group memiliki peran / fungsi yang sama. Masingmasing individu memiliki pekerjaan dan kewajiban yang berbeda-beda. Contoh: dalam sebuah team Operasi Bedah Jantung, masing-masing anggota memiliki tugas dan tanggung jawab yang berbeda-beda: perawat, anastesi, dokter bedah jantung, dll FORMAL ROLES: Ditentukan oleh organisasi dan menjadi bagian dari job description (penjabaran tugas kerja) INFORMAL ROLES: Muncul dari interaksi kelompok individu yang berinisiatif untuk mengirimkan kartu ucapan selamat ulang tahun kepada semua anggota, dll Bina Nusantara University 4 KONSEP SEBUAH GROUP 2. NORMA: Peraturan tak tertulis atau perilaku yang diterima oleh anggota kelompok group. Cara berpakaian, cara berbicara, cara bekerja, dan model kerja keras yang dilakukan, dll Norma Work Group lebih memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap para anggotanya dibandingkan dengan Supervisor atau peraturan-peraturan organisasi Karyawan cenderung lebih memilih untuk mengorbankan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan uang tambahan dibandingkan melanggar norma-normal Work-Group-nya. Bina Nusantara University 5 KONSEP SEBUAH GROUP Norma (nilai-nilai) yang berlaku di dalam sebuah Work Group, jika dapat diarahkan dengan tepat, dapat menjadi alat yang efektif untuk meningkatkan produktivitas Goal setting bisa menjadi alat yang efektif untuk membantu groups mengadopsi norma-norma yang konsisten dengan fungsi organisasional yang sehat. (Sundstrom, De Meuse, & Futrell, 1990) Anggota Group harus memiliki komitmen terhadap goal yang telah ditetapkan; Partisipasi anggota dalam proses goal setting dapat menjadi metode yang efektif untuk mendapatkan komitmen individual Bina Nusantara University 6 KONSEP SEBUAH GROUP 3. Group Cohesiveness Kelekatan antar anggota group satu sama lain dan membuat group terus bersatu. Agar group dapat terus solid, seluruh atau sebagian besar anggotanya harus memiliki motif (alasan) yang kuat untuk terus bersatu. Pelanggaran norma-norma yang ada, dapat mengancam kelangsungan group. Bina Nusantara University 7 KONSEP SEBUAH GROUP Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa group yang solid memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik (Keller, 1986, Tziner & Vardi, 1983), tetapi ada juga yang menyatakan bahwa tidak ada hubungannya antara kinerja dengan group yang solid Menurut Greene (1989), goal acceptance berhubungan dengan kinerja kelompok, dan bukan group cohesiveness Group cohesiveness berhubungan dengan kepuasan kerja, karena anggota dari kelompok group yang kohesif, cenderung merasa lebih puas dibandingkan anggota kelompok group yang kurang kohesif. Bina Nusantara University 8 KONSEP SEBUAH GROUP 4. Process Loss All the time and effort expended on activities not directly related to production or task accomplishment are referred to as process loss Process loss can have a lot to do with the inefficiency that sometimes, a certain amount of process loss is necessary and may lead to better future performance by the group Bina Nusantara University 9 KONSEP SEBUAH GROUP 5. Performance in the Presence of Others Performance was better in the presence of others in some studies, but worse in other studies Zajonc (1965) found, that the type of task determined if performance was enhanced or inhibited by the presence of others. The presence of others increases physiological arousal, which has effects on task performance. Performance is improved or facilitated by other-induced arousal when the task is simple or well learned, such as bicycle riding Performance is decreased or inhibited by other-induced arousal when the task is complex or new to the individual, such as solving a complex mathematics problem Bina Nusantara University 10 KONSEP SEBUAH GROUP These results suggest that: For complex tasks, people should be given private space that allows them to keep their arousal levels relatively low For simple tasks, the arousal produced by the presence of others can enhance performance, but other people can also be a distraction in the workplace, leading to poorer performance Bina Nusantara University 11 GROUP DECISION MAKING Group Polarization: The deviation from the group Explanations for Group Polarization: • The members who hold the minority view will be likely to conform to the majority, especially if one member’s choice is far from the choices of the other group member • The individuals who find the others made the same choice that they did are likely to be convinced that theirs was the best choice. Most of the group discussion will be directed to convincing the minority that they should adopt the “correct” majority viewpoint. Bina Nusantara University 12 GROUP DECISION MAKING Groupthink: When groups make decisions that individual members know are poor ones (Janis, 1972) Groupthink is likely to occur in highly cohesive groups with strong leaders when the social pressure to maintain conformity and harmony in the group take precedence over sound decision making. The likelihood of groupthink is increased when decision-making group isolate themselves from outside ideas and influences Suppose that the leader of the group presents a bad idea at a meeting. Each member might initially suspect that the idea is a poor one but is reluctant to be the one to say so. As each individual look around the room and notices that everyone is silent, he or she may begin to doubt his or her initial judgement. After all, if everyone else seems to be going along, perhaps the idea is not so bad. As the group process gets rolling, any criticism is quickly rationalized away, and pressure is put on individual members to conform to the group point of view. Bina Nusantara University 13 GROUP DECISION MAKING Factors leading to groupthink: Group Cohesiveness Pressure for Comformity GROUP THINK Isolation of the Group Bina Nusantara University Strong Leader 14 GROUP DECISION MAKING Janis (1972) offers several suggestions for avoiding groupthink: 1. Group leaders should serve as impartial moderators in group meetings rather than attempting to control the decision alternatives that are recommended 2. Group members at every stage of the decision-making process should critically evaluate decision alternatives and continually seek information that might support or refute the wisdom of a decision Bina Nusantara University 15 TEAM WORK: Level of Analysis Organization (Macro) Team Individual (Micro) Bina Nusantara University 16 TEAM WORK: 5 Principles of Effective Team Provide & Accept FEEDBACK • Konstruktif & Merata Willing & Prepared to BACK UP others • Know WHEN to jump and help View SELF as a GROUP • Success of TEAM more IMPORTANT than Individual INTERDEPENDENT • Rely on one another to CARRY OUT MISSION LEADERSHIP • Leaders DO NOT just instruct; but be ROLE MODELS and INFLUENCE team’s BEHAVIOR Bina Nusantara University 17 TEAM WORK: Interpersonal Processes in Team COMMUNICATION: Frank, Continuous, & Regular CONFLICT • Unavoidable How team DEAL WITH conflict COHESION • Members feel ATTRACTED and WANT TO STAY in it TRUST • Creates an environment where members SPEND LESS TIME WORRYING about others & MORE WILLING to allow others to help them Bina Nusantara University 18 TEAM WORK: PRIETO (1993) 5 Social Skills yang perlu dimiliki oleh setiap teamplayer GAIN THE GROUP ACCEPTANCE INCREASE GROUP SOLIDARITY BE AWARE OF THE GROUP CONSCIOUSNESS SHARE THE GROUP IDENTIFICATION MANAGE OTHERS’ IMPRESSION OF HIM OR HER Bina Nusantara University 19 TEAM WORK: Salas & Cannon-Bowers (1997) TEAM PERFORMANCE COGNITION knowledge BEHAVIORS skills ATTITUDES affect “THINK” “DO” “FEEL” Bina Nusantara University 20