WELCOME to the Department - Unit Safety Coordinators Seminar (Civil War Edition) Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009 10:00 – 11:45 am. Memorial Union, Room 208 Agenda: 10:00 – 10:05 10:05 – 10:10 10:10 – 10:30 10:30 – 10:50 Welcome Director’s Minute (Steve LeBoeuf) Safety Training Reporting (Dan Harlan) Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Policy (J. Stewart/D. Kermoyan) 10:50 – 10:55 Q & A 5-Minute Break (Non-laboratory attendees are free to leave) 11:00 – 11:20 Laser Safety Overview (Rainier Farmer) 11:20 – 11:40 Laboratory Safety Quick-Reference Guide (Dan Kermoyan) 11:40 – 11:45 Q & A 6/28/2016 ◦ EH&S tracks safety training for 192 different training classes, medical clearances and certifications ◦ Over 14,000 training records for 4726 people ◦ Regulatory requirements – OR OSHA, Radiation Protection Services, Research Office, Granting Agencies, DOT 6/28/2016 •Bloodborne pathogens and lab biosafety •Animal handler safety •Initial isotope training •X-ray orientation •Biological/diagnostic specimen shipping •Respirator training/fit test •Lab hazard awareness •ATVs and golf carts •Lock-out, tag-out •Acknowledgement of Safety Rules, Emergency Procedures and Hazard Communication Training •Personal protective equipment •Lead monitoring •Carcinogen medical exam •Respirator medical exam •Hearing protection – initial audiogram •Hearing protection – follow-up audiogram Other Safety Training •Recreational Sports (CPR/AED, First Aid, etc.) •University Housing and Dining (food prep, safe lifting, etc.) •Other University organizations (Public Safety, Memorial Union, Athletics, etc.) 6/28/2016 Recording training info •EHS Assistant (MIS) •Training logged by OSUID •Training date •Due date (examples of classes that EH&S adds as required courses) •Refresher due date 6/28/2016 Data Entry •Classes given by EH&S staff (class roster) •Online training (web form) •Acknowledgement (paper) form •Direct entry by department (SHS OH) •Requires training and software from EH&S •No direct updates to training records via the web interface 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 Run for the R ES! Jennifer Stewart, Rec Sports Dan Kermoyan, EH&S 6/28/2016 http://www.personalizedwebportal.com/custo mer_CRS/custom.php?password=ura27~kim~8810 6/28/2016 Department Initiated o o o o Comply with Campus Policy Provide staff training Preventative maintenance Document inspections Arnold Dining CH2M Hill Alumni Center Dixon Recreation Hatfield – Pacific Storm vessel Kerr Hall – Career Services Langton Hall ONAMI - MBI OSP vehicle, Public Safety vehicle Market Place West McNary Dining Student Health UHDS Main Office Women’s Building Weatherford (Bing's Café) Valley Library 6/28/2016 o o o o o SB 556: Place of Public Assembly Effective January 1, 2010 50,000 ft2 and 25+ people during business day. At least 1 AED required. Available during normal business hours. Sufficient number of employees trained so that at least 1 trained employee may be reasonably expected to be present during normal business hours. 6/28/2016 Adams Hall (TAPS) Arnold Dining Cascade Hall (printing) CH2M Hill Alumni Center Dixon Recreation Fairbanks Hall (art gallery) Gilfillan Auditorium (Wilkinson) Gill Coliseum Gladys Valley Center Goss Stadium Kelley Engineering Kerr Administration Langton Hall LaSells Stewart Center Market Place West McNary Dining Memorial Union Milam Auditorium OSU Foundation Reser Stadium (club & lodge levels) Tsunami Wave Lab Valley Football Center Valley Library Vet Med Auditorium Weatherford (Bing's Café) Withycombe Hall (theater) 6/28/2016 AED Program Plan AED Program Approval Training and Maintenance Liability Issues Forms/Notification Inventory Inspections 6/28/2016 AED Unit: $1,091.00 Fast Response Kit: $27.00 Alarmed Cabinet: $149.00 Wall Sign: $15.00 6/28/2016 Preventative Maintenance Training 6/28/2016 Meeting with building managers Purchasing equipment Installation Training Inventory/Public Safety UHSC Inspections 6/28/2016 Department of Recreational Sports American Red Cross American Heart Association 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 Open minds. Open doors.TM Laser Safety Overview Rainier Farmer, Laser Safety Officer Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation Monochromatic ◦ One color Directional Coherent ◦ In phase Concentrate energy Retinal burns ◦ In-beam viewing ◦ Specular reflections ◦ Diffuse reflections Cataracts Skin burns Others Lasing medium ◦ Solid state, gas, excimer, semiconductor, dye Output ◦ Continuous ◦ Pulsed—single, repetitive, Q-switched, mode-locked Class 1 ◦ Not capable of producing damage to the eye (unless disassembled) ◦ CD-ROM player Class 2 ◦ Blink reflex ◦ Supermarket point-of-sale scanner Class 3a ◦ Not capable of producing damage unless focused into eye ◦ Laser pointer Class 3R (3B) ◦ Hazard if viewed directly or reflected ◦ Requires greater control Class 4 ◦ Highest hazard level ◦ Direct and reflected exposure can cause both eye and skin injury ◦ Class 4 lasers are also a fire hazard OR-OSHA ◦ No laser standard ◦ General Duty clause ANSI Z-136.1 (2007) ◦ Voluntary standard ◦ Used by OSHA ◦ Subsidiary standards— educational, medical, outdoor Engineering ◦ Interlocks ◦ Barriers, shrouds, beam stops Administrative ◦ Signage ◦ Training ◦ Restrict access PPE-goggles No formal laser safety program (under development) ◦ Laser Safety Committee ◦ Laser Safety Manual Safety Instructions Self-audit Survey Web site: http://oregonstate.edu/ehs/laser Links to survey, self audit forms, Safety Instructions Link to OSHA Technical Manual ◦ Equivalent to ANSI Z-136 standard Link to Laser Institute of America Training Dan Kermoyan, EH&S Any Questions?