UNIT 2: INTRO TO POPULATION THE STUDENT WILL BE ABLE TO… Discuss population in the context of current terminology UNIT 2 IS ACTUALLY POPULATION & MIGRATION…. Unit 2 is population & migration on the AP Syllabus, but we’ve broken up population & migration into two tests; it’s the only unit we do that. We do it so you have another FRQ & MCT on the 1st 9 weeks. The concepts are kind of sort of separate, but for the most part, they are tied together because it’s about people and the population of an area. Demography: “the study of the characteristics of human population” (Knox & Marston, 2015). SO, WHY DEMOGRAPHY? Demography: “the study of the characteristics of human population” (Knox & Marston, 2015). Even though human could really be started in any unit; population geography is the cornerstone of understanding a lot of the other concepts. Understanding demography can really put other things in perspective; such as why there maybe poverty, cultural issues, or allocation of space, etc. Looking at population distribution and composition is the “where” of geography, or the spatial perspective (Knox & Marston, 2015). ABOUT 7.8 BILLION OF YOUR CLOSET FRIENDS. There’s about 7.8 Billion people in the world right now (the numbers will always vary based on the source). Geography comes into play because it looks at all those people and where they are distributed; they’re not all distributed the same way. Uneven population distribution has various impacts throughout the world, especially from region to region, place to place. Density: a numerical measure of the relationship between the number of people and other unit of interest expressed as a ratio. Such as persons per square kilometer. It’s good to have an idea of where some of the heavier concentrations of population are…not just for this unit, but for all units going forward, it’s one of the strongest sources of information for you to overlay data on… Cartogram…Asia by itself, especially India and China have most of the world’s population. Add up all the squares outside of Asia and you’ll find, that combined, that region has more than the rest of the world. Russia’s so tiny….so is Australia. …not India…totally not India. THAT’S CRUDE…. • You’ll have crude numbers • These are different than other measurements. • Crude density same as arithmetic density: total number of people divided by the total land area • Example: 2 people and 4 square miles, crude density is 2 square miles for every person. • It isn’t always the best because it doesn’t give us the full picture, but gives a remedial idea. • What if there were 2 people and 4 square miles, but 2 of those square miles were swamp? (Why PHYSICOLOGICAL density is good) OTHER CRUDE THINGS… Simplest measure of fertility (fecundity) is crude birth rate (CBR): The total number of live births in a given period (usually one year) for every 1,000 people already living there. Example: CBR= # of live births in one year/mid-year total population X 1,000 CBR = 4 live births/120 people= 0.03 x 1,000 so, CBR is about 33.3 CBR for world in 2011 was 20, usually CBR falls between 8 and 55 Can be very misleading b/c not everyone in the population can have babies…like old people and men. TFR is better…average number of children a women will have during age bearing years of 15-49 (there is math here I can’t do). and I won’t ask you. REPLACEMENT LEVELS When the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is between 2.1 and 3, the population is at the replacement level. Some females die before having children Some females may not have children. Themes we look at in this class are: What does it mean if TFR isn’t at replacement levels? (Japan) What does it mean when TFR is OVER replacement levels? (India) A lot of the articles to read on Friday’s are on these topics. MORBIDITY AND DEATH Morbidity is different from Mortality Female morbidity refers to the rate or incidence of DISEASE, often associated with birth. Female morbidity from birth includes the rate at which a woman becomes harmed while giving birth. Crude Death Rate (CRD): The annual number of deaths per 1,000 people. Infant mortality rate- the number of deaths of infants under one year of age per 1,000 Think of Things Fall Apart: High infant mortality rate NATURAL INCREASE RATE Natural Increase Rate (NIR): the percentage by which a population grows in a year. It is computed by subtracting CDR from CBR, after first converting the two measures from numbers per 1,000 to percentages (numbers per 100). If the CBR is 20, and the CDR is 4 (both per 1,000), then the NIR is 1.5 percent or 15 per 1,000. Natural means it excludes migration. Our Natural Increase Rate keeps getting bigger, why? Health improvements. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcSX4ytEfcE THE LANGUAGE OF OUR PEOPLE: POPULATION PYRAMIDS Population pyramids…wait , I found this video that can talk to you instead of me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLmKfXwWQtE