Revolt Against the Metternich System

Through the use of force, the Quadruple
Alliance successfully suppressed most revolts
during the first third of the 19th century.
Spain: Spanish liberals, supported by Spanish troops,
revolted against their reactionary king, Ferdinand VII, and
compelled him to approve a limited monarchy under a
liberal constitution.
• The revolt collapsed before an invading French army
under Quadruple Alliance orders and the king was
restored to power
Italy: Led by the Carbonari, a secret liberal society, the
Italian people revolted in the Two Sicilies (1820) and in
Piedmont (1821)
• They sought to replace reactionary rule with a liberal
constitutional government
• Austrian armies, acting for the Quadruple Alliance,
invaded and suppressed the revolution
Greece: Revolt against the Ottomans broke out in 1821.
Metternich and his fellow conservatives refused to support
the Greek nationalists, while England, France, and Russia
did. The Greeks gain their independence in 1830.
With Spain involved in the Napoleonic Wars, the
Spanish colonies of Latin America declared
independence and adopted democratic constitutions
and established republican governments
• In 1823 the Quadruple Alliance came to the decision
to reconquer Latin America for Spain
• Britain and the U.S. sharply opposed reconquest
 Both had developed a profitable trade relations
with independent Latin America and did not wish
for a return to Spanish mercantilist policies.
The European Powers abandoned their plans of
reconquest once Britain sided with Latin American
France: In 1824 Charles X succeeded his brother ,
Louis XVIII, and whereas Louis had followed a middle
of the road policy, Charles rejected compromise and
attempted to restore the Old Regime conditions.
• In 1830 the French revolted under liberal leadership
and drove out Charles X
• Enthroned Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans, as a
limited monarch
• Enacted a liberal constitution
• Reduce property qualification for voting to
enfranchise more members of the middle class
• French success in 1830 ignited other European
Belgium: Rebelling against Holland, Belgian
nationalists received support from France under Louis
Philippe and from Britain.
• In 1839 Belgium secured independence
Italy: In a series of uprisings, Italians liberals again
revolted but were suppressed by Austrian troops again
Poland: Polish nationalist rebelled against Russian rule
but it was suppress by the Czar’s army.