Pre-AP Photography Ms. Davis Course Outline In photography, you will learn about the artistic, technical, and critical components of photography. This course will encourage you to explore expressive composition as well as introducing you to the complexities of lighting and of developing your own film. You will learn every aspect of handling a roll of film, from loading into your camera, to exposing it judiciously and artistically, to processing and enlarging the negatives. You will be expected to show maturity and responsibility in your use of the darkroom and care of all supplies and equipment. The darkroom is a place where organization and cleanliness are a must. This class will also be conducted as a forum for discussion about photography, both your own and that of “the masters.” You will learn the history of photography and about its future as the digital world opens up. Many class periods will also be spent in critique, during which you are expected to be courteous and constructive in your comments on the work of your classmates. Goals for Photography: Understand the basic general use of any basic digital camera. Utilize all tools of a specific digital camera to further creative expression. Apply “rules” of composition to create successful original photographs. Identify and analyze the principles and elements of design as used in photography. Understand the basic general use of any basic editing software and specifically Photoshop Utilize all tools of a specific editing program to alter digital media files Use specialized techniques to creatively alter digital media files. Synthesize research on particular photographers to present as a unified lecture. Analyze and criticize different forms of photography from peers and “masters”. Master tools supplied by PowerPoint to present information. Successfully and purposely recreate, in the camera and computer, selected photographs. Demonstrate understanding of some applications of light as a subject and resource for photographs. Supplies (1) Binder in which to store finished printouts and class notes. (1) Notebook in which to take notes on exposure times and settings. You can combine this with your binder if you wish, but you may want something small enough to carry around with your camera instead. Some cameras may provide this information within saved files. (1) Packet of clear page protectors If possible, students may want to provide their own camera. While the school has some cameras for class use, students will not be able to have one camera for year-long personal use unless that student provides his/her own. The cameras we have are Canon Powershot SX260 HS. This or a similar camera is sufficient. Students who want a more professional camera may look into D-SLR options or cameras similar to the Canon EOS Rebel T3. The only digital cameras that will not work are cell phone cameras. Some good photography supply stores in the area are Camera Co-op (801 Durham) or the Houston Camera Exchange (5900 Richmond). Please see me for questions or difficulties. Grading Projects Homework/Classwork Participation Presentations (PowerPoint) Quizzes 40% 25% 15% 10% 10% Rules 1. 2. 3. Be prepared. Bring all necessary supplies and assignments to class. If there is a critique scheduled, and you do not have your assignment, it will be late. I do not accept excuses. Be respectful of your teacher and classmates. Practice appropriate use of computers and equipment. The equipment and programs used for this class are expensive and delicate. I expect students to be responsible and mature in their handling of this equipment, including in use of the internet and computers. Syllabus This will be primarily a project-based class, and you will not have many grades per cycle. Be aware of this and do not skip assignments! This is meant to be a rough outline of the semester only. It is not allinclusive and it is subject to change at any time. Photo Unit 1: Students will take pictures that show o an understanding of the uses of the camera including lighting, aperture and time. (10.1B, 10.2C) o Use of compositional elements (10.2B) o Tested through: Quality of thumbnail sets and shooting log/notes , quiz on photo functions, use of bracketing, attention to composition. correctly identify elements of design used in photographs (10.2B, 10.4A) o photographs of their own and others o Tested through: written descriptions of photographs use accurate descriptions of photographs as part of the critique process (10.2B, 10.3A, 10.4A) o include elements of design o use precise spatial language o identify important details o Tested through: historical presentation, written descriptions of photographs, critique of thumbnails and photo selections set up a digital darkroom system Photo Unit 2 Students will create clear images that show o an understanding of the uses of basic editing functions (10.1B, 10.2C) o manipulation of images such as burning, dodging, and cropping (10.1B, 10.2C) o understanding of the appropriate vocabulary and techniques for editing photos (10.1B, 10.2C) o attention and care of images and prints (10.1B, 10.2C) o use of design elements and principles (10.2B, 10.4A) o Tested through: digital media projects—quality of images or prints, inclusion of thumbnails and logs, quiz on editing terms, attention to composition, comparison of originals to edits explain how compositional elements help create and illustrate design principles (10.2B, 10.4A) o use language of analysis to explain the connection between elements and principles in their own and others’ work o Tested through: quiz on design principles, written analysis of photographs, use of principles in photographs describe and analyze photographs as part of the process of critique (10.2B, 10.4A) o add on skills from previous cycle o appropriate art/analysis vocabulary—provide a list of words (10.1B, 10.3C) o Tested through: career presentation, written descriptions of photographs, critique of digital media projects Photo Unit 3 Students will create and mount polished works of art that o demonstrate understanding of materials (10.1B, 10.2C) o show care of files and prints (10.1B, 10.2C) o meet specifications for a chosen contest (10.1B) o develop purpose/intent of projects (10.2A) o Tested through: digital media projects/contest—use of camera, prints, mounting/matting materials, and matt cutters analyze the use of elements and principles of design to create a specific message or theme in photographs o build on skills from previous semester o state theme clearly and accurately using appropriate vocabulary (10.1B) o connect art to context (time period, author’s background) (10.3B) o Tested through: style analysis presentation, written descriptions of photographs, artist statements, project critiques interpret the intended message of a photograph as part of the process of critique (10.4B) o build on skills from previous semester (connect to elements and principles) o Tested through: style analysis presentation, written critiques, project critiques Photo Unit 4 Students will plan and execute art projects that o demonstrate purpose/intent and problem-solving (10.2A) o use elements and principles of design to convey specific messages or themes (10.2A, 10.2C) o demonstrate care of files and prints (10.2C) o address broad but specific ideas that can be clearly articulated visually and verbally (10.1B, 10.2A-C) o show mastery of technology and skills, including camera and editing tools (10.1B, 10.2C) o are connected through influence to specific artist(s) or movement(s) (10.3A-C) o Tested through: project proposal, thumbnails, digital media project, artist’s statement manipulate principles of design to o communicate clearly and subtly with viewers (10.1B, 10.2A) o visually articulate stylistic influences (10.1B, 10.3A-B) o Tested through: digital media project, project critique (initial proposal and final critique) determine merit of specific photographs and sets of photographs and defend those determinations as part of the process of critique (10.4A-B) o build on skills from previous cycles o based on use of design principles and materials (10.4A) o show awareness of movement, time period, or other context (10.3A-B) o use appropriate vocabulary (10.4A) o Tested through: contest critique, project critiques, other written critiques Roll Subject: ISO: Lighting conditions: Picture Aperture (F/stop) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ F/ Date: Shutter Speed Notes Time Log Please log the time you spend working independently in class. Keep this log in your notebook. Date What I Did (activity or assignment) What I accomplished (What did you finish? What evidence can you present?) For Tomorrow (What is the next step?)