Linear Progamming: Graphical Methods

Linear Progamming: Graphical Methods
Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problem(s).
Use graphical methods to solve the linear programming problems
Minimize subject to: z = x + 3y
x + y 10
5x+2y 20
-x +2y 0
x 0
y 0
Maximize subject to: z = 4x + 5y
10x - 5y 100
20x+10y 150
-x + y 12
x 0
y 0
Attached file(s):
graphical methods 1.doc View File
graphical methods 2.doc View File
Attachment Content Summary (Note: view attachment at the above link before purchasing. Actual attachment
content may vary slightly from that shown below.)
graphical methods 1.doc
Use graphical methods to solve the linear programming problems
Minimize subject to: z = x + 3y
graphical methods 2.doc
Use graphical methods to solve the linear programming problems
Maximize subject to: z = 4x + 5y
Two linear programming problems are solved using graphical methods.
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Mutasem Sinnokrot, PhD - 4.9/5
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$2.19 CAD (was ~$15.96)
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