
Date: Thursday, November 5, 2015
Good Morning Stallions and Staff! Today and every day will be the best days of your life. At Sligo, we expect
the Best! Sligo is the school that highlights learning can be fun. Our Sligo’s 2015-2016 Theme is “Sligo on the
Rise”. Sligo is a school that embraces and appreciate culture diversity. This month we are celebrating Native
American Heritage Month.
I am _________, ________________, ______________ we are your fellow Morning Announcers
Please kindly stand for the pledge of allegiance to our American Flag: P A U S E AND COUNT
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic
For which it stands, One nation Under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all
Thanks! You may now be seated.
This week’s Quotation: “A friend is a gift whose worth cannot be measured except by the heart. Writer
“Do you want to be a part of Sligo’s Dance Team? If so, there will be an informational meeting
today after school in Room 114. Please see Ms. Sommer for details. Both boys and girls are
WSLI is on the air tomorrow morning. There will be an early production at 8:00 a.m.
WSLI Production Team will meet immediately after school in the Communication Center.
The BEST Buck store will be open today, Thursday November 4th for 7th graders and AGAIN
for 6th graders. 8th graders may come to the BEST Buck store next week.
Fitness Fun Day: Ask your family and friends to donate toward your personal goal for the
Fitness Fun Day, before you know it you will be one of the lucky few that gets to go to the
party of the year! What is the party of the Year! It’s the Fitness Fun Day Celebration Party on
December 17 and every student that raises $100 or more gets a ticket. Music, pizza, games,
ice cream, inflatable money machine, raffle off gift cards and more! Our stats are impressive
so keep up the great work! 102 students signed up on Razoo; 7 students have handed in
paper forms; and to date you have raised $2,000 from over 60 donors -- which is fantastic –our
goal is $17,000 so we have a ways to go -- so keep up the good work! If you need more
information on how to register or paper forms – please see the Sligo parents at the Fitness
Fun Day table in the front hall before school on Mondays and Thursdays.
Talent Show acts should report to M-1 on TODAY immediately after school. A full dress
rehearsal/tech run will last until 4:30-4:45. Students must be present to participate in the
talent show. Students will need to arrange for transportation as the rehearsal will be too long
to use the activity busses. See Mr. Colosimo with questions.
There will be a meeting on TODAY for all 7th and 8th grade girls interested in trying out for
Girls Basketball. Please pick up forms from the health room that you will need to turn in. The
meeting will begin at 3:15 by the stage in the GYM.
So, you really want to see Mr. Lear get dunked on? The Sligo MS Staff will be hosting the Glen
Haven Elementary School staff in a basketball game on Friday, November 13. Come see the
Sligo Staff try to avenge last year’s loss to Glen Haven. The game will take place at Sligo and
will start at 6 pm, doors open at 5:30. The cost will be $2 at the door, or they can be
purchased during lunch or from Mr Brewer in the PE Department. There will be food and
drinks for sale coordinated by the PTSA. Come support your teachers at Sligo!
Career Day, Career Day 2015: Sligo is getting ready for Career Day 2015 on Friday, November
ALL 8th grade students, parents and guardians. TOMORROW is the absolute last day to
return your High School Choice forms to Counseling. Please do not forgo the opportunity to
choose a high school that best suits your interests. Additionally, all magnet applications are
also due this coming Friday, November 6th to their respective High Schools; do NOT bring
them to Sligo MS.
Homework Hotline Live is back on the web and TV! Go to Ask H-H-L dot org or MCPS cable TV to get
help from real MCPS teachers. The TV show is from 4:30 to 6 o’clock, and online help is from 4:30 until
9:30. Call 301-279-3234 or go to Ask H-H-L dot org. That’s 301-279-3234 and Ask H-H-L dot org.
Thanks for sharing with us your undivided attention. We appreciate your kindness and respect. Make today and
each day your VERY BEST DAY! Have a most enjoyable DAY week.