Chapter 4 Entering and Contracting Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 4
Entering and Contracting
Multiple Choice Questions
1. The process of entering a client system consists of
a. clarifying the issue, determining the relevant client, and selecting a practitioner
b. agreeing the client has a problem and determining the appropriate action plan
c. walking around and getting a sense of the culture
d. clarifying the issue, mapping political processes, negotiating with the client
e. verifying the presenting problem and determining the client
2. The presenting problem is
a. always the most important problem facing the organization
b. never the “real” problem
c. usually very specific
d. often a symptom of an underlying problem
e. all of the above
3. The burden of responsibility for selecting an OD consultant lies entirely with
a. the client organization
b. the consultant
c. both the client organization and the consultant
d. the manager of the client organization
4. Which answer below best describes the "relevant" client?
a. everyone in the organization
b. individuals who are included in a survey
c. everyone who contributes to the problem
d. generally those who can directly impact change issues
e. none of the above
5. The goal of the contracting process is
a. to help the organization change
b. to make a good decision about how to proceed with the OD process
c. create a positive situation for the OD practitioner
d. makes the organization dependent on the OD practitioner
e. ensure that the client organization wants to change
6. Which of the following is not a step in the contracting process?
a. determining what each party wants from the OD process
b. estimating the time and resources that will be devoted to the OD process
c. determining the change project
d. determining the ground rules for working together
True/False Questions
7. Failure to identify the relevant client can lead to a lack of support for the OD effort.
8. Contracting is typically a very formal, written process when internal OD practitioners
are involved.
9. As OD practitioners enter into contracts, it is important to consider the emotional and
psychological issues of the client.
Essay Questions
10. Describe the process of entering an organizational system from an internal OD
practitioner’s perspective.
11. How would you explain the contracting process to someone who had never heard of
OD? Why is this important?
12. Describe how an organization might select and OD practitioner, noting what criteria
are important to evaluate.