Matakuliah Tahun : J0594-Teori Ekonomi : 2009 LIMITS, ALTERNATIVES, AND CHOICES Pertemuan 1 The Economic Perspective • Scarcity and Choice - Scarce economic resources mean limited goods and Services - Scarcity restrics options and demand choice • Purposeful behavior - Economics assumes that human behavior reflects “rational selfinterst” - Purposeful behavior does not assume that people and institutions are immune from faulty logic and therefore are perfect decisions maker - Rational self-interest is not the same as selfishness Bina Nusantara University 3 The Economic Perspective • Marginal Analysis : Benefits and Cost - The economic perspective focuses largely on marginal analysiscomparison of marginal benefits and marginal costs usually for dicisions making - In making choices rationally, the decision maker must compare those two amounts. - In a wolrd scarcity, the dicisions to obtain the marginal benefit ascociated with some spesific option always includes the marginal cost of forgoing something else Bina Nusantara University 4 Macroeconomics and Microeconomics • Macroeconomics examines either the company as a whole or its basic subdivisions or aggregates, sucs as the government, household, and business sector • Microeconomics is the part of economics concerned with individual unit such a person, a hosehold, a firm, or an industry • Positive economics deals with factual statement (“what is”), normative economics involve value judgments (“what ought to be) Bina Nusantara University 5 Individual’s Economizing Problem • • • • • • • Bina Nusantara University Limited Income Unlimited Wants A Budget Line Attainable and Unattainable Combinations Tradeoffs & Opportunity Costs Choice Income Change 6 Individuals’ Economizing Problem • Because wants exceed incomes, individuals face an economizing problems; they must decide what to buy and what to forgo • A Budget line (budget constrains) shows the various combinations of two goods that a consumer can purchase with a spesific money income • straight line budget constarins imply constant opportunity cost asscociated weith obtaining more of either of the two goods Bina Nusantara University 7 Individuals’ Economizing Problem $120 Budget 12 DVDs $20 10 Bina Nusantara University 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Quantity of DVDs 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Books $10 Income = $120 =6 Pdvd = $20 8 Unattainable 6 Income = $120 = 12 Pb = $10 4 2 0 Attainable 2 4 6 8 10 Quantity of Books 12 14 8 Society’s Economizing Problem • Scarce Resources • Resource Categories – Land – Labor – Capital • Investment – Entrepreneurial Ability • Factors of Production Bina Nusantara University 9 Society’s Economizing Problem • Economists catagories economics resources as land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurial ability • The production possibilities curve illustrates several ideas : a. scarcity of resources b. choice among outputs c. opportunity cost d. the law of increasing opportunity cost • A comparison of marginal benefits and marginal cost is needed to determine the best or optimal output mix on a production possibilities curve Bina Nusantara University 10 Production Possibilities Model Assume : • Full Employment • Fixed Resources • Fixed Technology • Two Goods – Consumer Goods (Exp :Pizzas) – Capital Goods (Exp : Industrial Robots) Bina Nusantara University 11 Production Possibilities Model Production Possibilities Table Production Alternatives Type of Product Pizzas A B C D E 0 1 2 3 4 10 9 7 4 0 (in hundred thousands) Industrial Robots (in thousands) Bina Nusantara University Plot Points to Create Graph… 12 Industrial Robots Production Possibilities Model Bina Nusantara University A’ 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 B’ Unattainable A Economic Growth C’ B C D’ D Now Attainable Attainable E’ E 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pizzas 8 9 13 Production Possibilities Model Industrial Robots Production Possibilities Curve Bina Nusantara University A’ 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 B’ Unattainable A C’ B Law of Increasing Opportunity Cost C D’ Shape of the Curve D Attainable E’ E 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pizzas 8 9 14 Production Possibilities Model Industrial Robots Production Possibilities Curve 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A’ B’ Unattainable C’ U D’ Under or Unemployment 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E’ Bina Nusantara University 15 Pizzas Production Possibilities Model Marginal Benefit & Marginal Cost Optimal Allocation of Resources Bina Nusantara University 15 a c MC MB = MC e 10 5 b d MB 0 1 2 Quantity of Pizza 3 16 Unemployment, Growth, and the Future • Unemployment causes an economy to operate at point inside its production possibilities curve • Increases in resource supplies, improvements in resource quality, and technological advance cause economic growth, which is depicted as an outward shift of the production possibilities curve • An economiy’s present choice of capital and consumer goods helps determine the fiture location of its production possibilities curve • International specialization and trade enable a nation to obtain more goods than its production possibilities curve indicates Bina Nusantara University 17